de kkdrama, abril 9, 2019

Before you start reading!!

I want you all to know that I mean no offence in this. It's just for fun. Enjoy.

When we (my friends and I) talk about dramas or favourite actors and I say:

Me: " I'm into Asian-Dramas actually! "

Here is some of their annoying answers or comments about it: (btw I don't really care what they say, Asian-Drama is life) :


It pisses me off when one of my friends says that, thinking that China, Japan and South Korea are the same country (which is completely silly). They have different traditions, different looks and each one has its own language. For me, it sounds like you're saying "Geography and History are the same subject".

I won't even bother answering this!!


I've seen Asian, Mexican, Indian, Tunisian, American, ... series/dramas and as long as the plot is interesting and the cast is good, the language doesn't matter. As for reading subtitles, it became a habit of mine to do so.

Test your eyesight then !! Racist :(

Almost all of my friends have difficulties telling the difference between Asian celebs. They even make fun of my favourite actor (Lee Joon Gi) saying things like: 'Can he even see clearly with those small eyes?' 'Is he Chinese?' 'Doesn't he look familiar, I think I've seen him in Boys Over Flowers?' and when I say 'No, he didn't star in that drama,' they would reply with 'They all look the same anyway!

Oppa is cute no matter what ;)

Many were making fun of "BTS" 's English on "The Ellen Show" saying things like all Asian people can't speak English correctly and they have a weird accent maybe except for those who were born in USA. Quite the contrary, I find it so cute, at least they were making an effort to say those few words they learnt. 


How I see Asian actors +++


How my friends see Asian actors

Yeah, my friends think that every Asian guy is a girly nerd who wears make-up and beyond male fashion while I personally think that Asian beauty standards are just unique and fashion is a way of self-expression. If you think this isn't trendy or beautiful than take a look at how this runway looks:

Sometimes, I don't bother answering my friends because my face tells everything 

Well, I try to convince them that they are being racist and that nothing they said was actually true, but if they still don't get it then 

And they will probably end up like this