de Heenim382, agosto 5, 2015

So I had an idea to make a project.
A video project to be specific - One where fans of a k-drama could answer a couple of questions on video. I chose to do Who Are You School 2015 (because I was currently watching it and very much liking it!) so soon enough I began searching for participants. After contacting around 200 people and only receiving one or two replies, I was ready to give up. Yet here we are now, with only 4 participants and yet there are enough of us to make for a good 7 minutes of discussion!

You see, what I like about making video projects is the realization that a lot of the time; no matter the topic, people think alike. Even this time, when it came down to a mere K-drama, the opinions were quite similar; We all seemed to enjoy the drama and could agree that the acting was wonderful and that the drama would not have been any better with any other cast. Did you, oh person who might be reading this right now, enjoy the cast just like we did? Or did you wish to see another actor or actress in any of the roles?

I did consider another actor for the main guy but I'm not sure that would have made much of a difference! It seems the character was written to well, like I said in the video, 'do a lil swimming and a lil sitting around'.

We also spent a minute or two pondering on what we would have done in Eun Bi's situation. Go on pretending to be Eun byul or go back to our actual lives? On a more important note; What if our Participant Sam woke up one morning as a girl?

What I did miss in this video project was a couple (or at least one) Han Yi-Ahn supporter! I bet there's at least one person reading this (or watching the video) who is now contemplating where to send hate mail for such a horribly biased discussion. Alas, I tried but it seems I only got in touch with Gong Tae Kwang fans. Maybe the population of Gong Tae Kwang town was just that much bigger. Second Male Lead Syndrome, anyone?

As much as we did agree on many things, our final rating differed as well as our opinions about the ending of the drama.

I am now going to leave you with the questions related to the project, just in case you felt left out and wish to reply in text form below. Some questions were not in the video as they were either not answered or simply cut for time and space (video time and video space I mean, not as science fiction-y as I made it sound).


♥ Why did you decide to watch this drama?

♥ Favorite and least favorite character? (why were they your fave/least fave?)

♥ What did you like the most about this drama? (for example; storyline, characters, specific scenes or anything else that stood out to you)

♥ Did you fall for the 2nd male lead syndrome?

♥ Any plot twists that shocked/surprised or just annoyed you?

♥ Imagine you're Eun Bi - a girl who has lost her memory and ended up living the life of her twin sister. You then regain your memory and realize who you are; Would you go back to being Eun Bi or would you continue pretending to be Eun Byeol? Explain your choice.

♥ Did you find it interesting from beginning to end or did you ever consider dropping it? (if so, why - was it too slowly paced? too many annoying scenes?)

♥ Any thoughts about the cast? (for example: right choice of actors or not? Did they act well? Would you have wished to see any other actor for a specific role?)

♥ Ending, dissappointing or not? (Spoilers are okay)

♥ Were there any questions left unanswered?

♥ What would you rate this drama (from 0-10)? (feel free to tell us why you have chosen such a rating)

Thank you to TamaraTami , Lily13 & Sam Times

- Heenim382

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