de SeRose, outubro 10, 2013

These days we live in a world of social media and the internet is king! Don’t try to deny it. If you’re reading this post, you know it’s true.  And it’s especially true for us crazies (*coughs* did I say something?) lovers of Asian drama and the world that implies.  Welcome to the international fandom.  If you’re anything like me, you’ve been here for a little while.  So you know that the net is our one-stop shopping place for everything Asian drama related.  We all partake in it in some way – the question is just this: how? 

Sure, you can head over to tumblr or pinterest. We won’t judge you. In fact, we’re probably already there. But for those of you itching to put your knowledge and love of dramas to creative use, I offer you another suggestion:


We are currently accepting applications for ALL writers.  Here’s what we’re looking for.

General Articles:

These can be topical, silly, informative, or whatever! If you have a great idea for an editorial (I’ll even take a good college dissertation ;) or just a Top 10 list of something (preferably with a unique spin), we’ll help you get started and you can see your work up on the big screen! (Or, at least the front page of Mydramalist.) 

Currently Watching:

Nothing’s more exciting that watching dramas as they air, as a community.  If there is a currently airing drama and you want to share your love and excitement, write a CW to persuade the rest of us here why you think we should be watching it too!

*For all General article and Currently Watching inquiries, send a message to SeRose.

Movie Reviews:

For the times when you don’t have 16+ hours to watch a drama, we still have Asian movies.  And we need writers to recommend us something good for the weekend.  Write up a short synopsis of at least 3 movies of your choice, and why you should give each one a shot. 

*For all Movie article inquiries, send a message to rosefae72

Stalker’s Guides:

If you stalk love an actor to death, or if you’ve just seen a particular actor in a ton of movies/dramas, and you want to the world to know who he is and what he’s done, what’s more handy than writing up a guide?

*For all Stalker’s Guides writing inquiries, send a message to Elisabetta

Do you follow the world of Asian drama and keep up to date with what’s happening?  Then you can keep the rest of us informed too!

*For all News writer inquiries, send a message to Skye-N-Rain

Here’s what you’re probably thinking now.  

“But wait? I’m not experienced with Photoshop or HTML.  I can’t make gifs, and what the heck is a macro? How am I supposed to write for MDL?”

You don’t know need to be an expert in any of those things.  All you need is to be confident writing in English, supply your own pictures to accompany your article, and submit your draft to an editor.  

“Am I signing a contract in blood? Will you hold me to deadlines and hunt me down if I fail?”

Nope. No deadlines. Mydramalist is a community supported site, and we love and cherish the people who make this site better and better. That includes you, future writers!  When you have time on a weekend to write, that’s awesome. When you get busy with school or work, we understand. 

“I recently watched {x} and it’s the best thing ever. Can I write a drama review?”

No.  MDL already provides every user the opportunity to write reviews. Therefore unless your review is part of a larger topic or editorial, we will not at this time publish single drama reviews. 

  1. Send SeRose a Private Message (PM) for all General Topics of Currently Watching; Elisabetta for Stalker’s Guides, Skye-N-Rain for News, or rosefae72 for Movie Articles.
  2. Include which type of article you want to write (General, CW, Movie, News) in the “Subject” line.
  3. Summarize your ideas or topic, what currently airing drama you’d like to write about, or which movies (at least three) you’d like to review.  
  4. Hit submit.  ;)

If your topic is approved, then you can get to writing. Hooray! Your contacting editor will give you instructions for how to submit your final drafts.  Remember, we are people too and sometimes have other time commitments, but we’ll work as fast as we can to get your article uploaded and published! 

So what are you waiting for?  Get to writing!  xD