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- Título original: My Story The Series
- Também conhecido como:
- Diretor: Xion Lim
- Roteirista: JP Lopez
- Gêneros: Comédia, Romance
Elenco e Créditos
- Miko GallardoSkyPapel Principal
- Teejay MarquezWinPapel Principal
- Ameer SanchezMiss BeckyPapel Secundário
- Gio EmpreseJelaiPapel Secundário
- Hiro ShimojiFifthPapel Secundário
- Adrian DionisioDrakePapel Secundário

Side Couple dominating the whole series.
To be honest, this show lacks in everything. The only thing that keep this on trend is because of the side couple, Zeke and Fifth.There were times that i almost skip the whole scenes for the main lead due to the slow progress of their story and it took so much time to see the chemistry of their connection and acting (or maybe there is nothing at all).
The story is somehow good but the acting is not really smooth. We cannot deny that the side couple really dominate the whole series than the main lead. Also the adventure of the lost dog, Chuk-chuk, literaly more interesting than the main lead. 😂
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This was a crazy ride because, while I'll admit to having a soft spot for some of the recurring characters from My Day (and, of course, My Day brought us some much needed entertainment during the quarantine period), this was quite messy in many ways. Here are my pros and cons:PROS
TRANS CHARACTER STORYLINE. I do appreciate that they gave Ms. Becky a love interest and an actual storyline, as opposed to treating trans characters as simply an embarrassing attempt at comic relief.
ZEKE/FIFTH. Well, what's not to like? Two attractive young guys that had no problems showing off their hot bodies and getting into some steamy scenes. Can someone hand me a fan, please? And their acting was quite acceptable as well.
THEME SONG. I liked it in My Day, and I continued to like it here. Catchy tune, and fun.
WIN. Teejay is handsome and I think he tried his best, with what he was given as a script, and to play off of.
CHUKCHUK. Don't get me wrong, I love dogs. But when they started that "Chukchuk is missing" crap (AGAIN!), I was ready to punch a baby in the face.
SKY/WIN. It felt VERY forced. I realize that Miko Gallardo is one of the producers, and he was steaming hot in My Day. But he seemed very uncomfortable here. It's obvious that he's put on some real weight since My Day (where he was in underwear model shape). No, I'm not fat shaming. I only mention it because he seemed very awkward in the shirtless scenes. Teejay tried really hard, but there was just no chemistry and they had little screen time as a couple, and the proposal at the end seemed... weird.
DAD DYING. Unnecessary drama, at least from what I could see. Although... it did give Miko (Sky) a chance to show off some tearful acting chops we may have not known that he had.
MS. BECKY. I know... I said I appreciated her love interest storyline, and I do (especially with a younger, sexy guy... go Becky!).
But... she's an aging adult, and her reaction to Marco's having had an ex-girlfriend was REALLY high school. Most adults would take the high road and have an adult conversation with their lover to find out what was up. Silly. And, while she claimed to be so worried about Chukchuk, it became clear she would have had that mutt euthanized in a second for a photo op. (Why did she still have Ace's beloved dog to begin with?)
JELAI. Okay, he's portrayed as the aging and not particularly attractive, over-the-top effeminate comic character. That isn't my biggest complaint. It's that they turned him into a pervy creep, asking his students Zeke and Fifth who was the bottom. That's the last thing the LGBTQ+ community needs. Barf.
PRIM'S EX. Whatever happened to him? We dealt with Mr. Jealous for several episodes, and then he was just... gone. Hello?
PRIM/SKY THING. I have no idea why they introduced that. Not that women don't fall for gay men... it happens. But the whole premise came off as unnecessary filler.
I didn't hate it, but I can't call it a success, either. My Day got a 7.0 from me... I'm giving My Story a 6.0, and that's mainly because Zeke/Fifth provided enough hotness to keep my rating from being pulled several points lower.
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