Both are based heavily around school bullying and its consequences. If you liked 'Anyone Anywhere' definitely watch 'The Glory' because It's so so so good especially as it focuses more on revenge so it will give you a lot of peace too lol.
Recomendado por plumkin234
Both about schoool bullying. Both also depict victims, perpetrators, and bystanders. Kang Na Eon was on both shows.
Recomendado por hj di
Both are about school bullying but have different stories. Both were deeply engrossing and are realistic stories.
Recomendado por Pin_xyzrst
Both movies are sad stories about similar topics and showcase a high school setting. Beautifully shot and moving with great acting.
Recomendado por Pin_xyzrst
Middle School Student A deals with the harsh competition among students while Anyone Anywhere focuses more on the issue of bullying and the relationship between the bystanders, perpetrators and the victim. But both are short series and tackles similar topics such as school bullying and su*cide.
Recomendado por gkalsdmlrhc
Just seeing the title of Anyone Anywhere (The Hangul title is ???? ??? which means We Were There) already reminded me of Everyone is There. While they have a different direction from each other, both have similar themes and deal with a victim of school bullying committing su*cide. EIT focuses more on the victim’s point of view while AA is more about the bystanders and their actions.
Recomendado por gkalsdmlrhc
Drama Special Season 14: We Were There (2023) poster



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