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─ the small city traps the small us. // i will never forget the way back to home.
Fangs of Fortune was one of the dramas I was most excited about this year, especially given the director's reputation for stunning cinematography, costumes, and a dark, atmospheric color palette. With a familiar cast, including several actors I’ve enjoyed watching in previous works by the director, I was optimistic — but also cautious. The director has a tendency to stretch out the story in certain parts and leave major twists for the end, sometimes making the final act feel rushed. While the writing and story delivery weren’t bad, the pacing and flow needed some adjustments. This was, for me, the main flaw that impacted the drama.Some characters and key moments lacked the development needed to fully invest in their emotional growth. While there were several unexpected twists that kept us on our toes, the repetitiveness of certain plot devices ( such as revealing that characters already knew crucial information ) eventually undermined the suspense. At times, it became easy to predict that something was amiss, which reduced the tension.
Another aspect that I struggled with were the emotional scenes. While I have no issue with characters expressing emotion through tears, the excessive focus on making the crying scenes visually "beautiful" sometimes detracted from the raw emotion of the moment, preventing the audience from fully connecting.
That said, the ending was tragically beautiful. Though it was somewhat predictable, the execution still managed to leave a lasting impact.
Despite its flaws, the show had plenty of strengths. One of the highlights was how the main characters were given enough screen time to develop, allowing us to appreciate each of their roles in the story. The evolving family dynamics were particularly compelling, as it wasn’t just about characters trusting each other after one shared experience. Given their complex backgrounds, trust was built gradually, which added depth to their relationships. I also enjoyed the connection of side characters that built the story.
The show also managed to balance intense drama with moments of comedy, which provided some welcome relief. I appreciated how the story used symbolism, mythology, and even indirect biblical references to convey deeper meanings. The characters’ growth — both mental and physical — was portrayed beautifully, and it was refreshing to see a story that focused on the many forms of love, from friendship to family, rather than just romantic love.
Some of the lines were incredibly well-written and delivered, which I really appreciated. The acting, especially the chemistry between the characters, was another standout element.
The OST was one of the best of the year, with songs that perfectly reflected the story’s themes. It’s hard to choose a favorite, as each track was so thoughtfully integrated.
Overall, Fangs of Fortune was an enjoyable watch with a tale-like quality. Despite its flaws, it left an impression, and I can see myself returning to rewatch some of the scenes.
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Visuellement magnifique.....dommage que le reste ne suive pas.
Tout est dans le titre.Ce drama est graphiquement incroyable. Sincèrement, j'ai été bluffé par les couleurs et la réalisation du drama. c'est sublime, la mise en scène est fluide et dynamique. C'était du grand art. Les petites touches de couleur sur ce fond sombre apportaient une touche de grandeur et de poésie rafraîchissante. Et que dire des scènes d'action? J'ai vraiment apprécié cette partie. Je trouve en effet que les dramas chinois sont un peu radins en ce qui concernent l'action et, je dois avouer qu'un peu de baston bien faite, je ne dis pas non. Je trouve donc peu à redire dessus. Fan de RPG depuis toute petite, j'ai été plus que satisfaite ici de l'intrigue démons/humais. j'ai adoré les pouvoirs des démons, les CG étaient superbement réalisés et bluffants. j'ai surtout adoré les pouvoirs du great demon! Sa puissance, du moins durant la première partie, était jouissive et impressionnante. les confrontations Zhu Yan/Li Lun étaient sublimes et magnifiques. Si je devais être honnête, j'ai de loin préféré la relation entre ces deux adversaires que Zhu Yan et Yi Chen ( plus ennuyante selon moi). Et si je devais être encore plus honnête, j'ai eu un coup de coeur pour Li Lun. Oui, oui c'est le méchant de l'histoire, mais son histoire a trouvé un écho en moi, et puis il faut avouer que le personnage est superbe :) et le choix de couleur, bleu nuit et doré, lui va à merveille...
Alors, avec tout cela, pourquoi juste 6,5.
Parce que....
- La relation entre les protagonistes, bien que sympathique n'a pas pu m'émouvoir. Je n'ai vraiment pas réussi à m'investir dans leur histoire, les relations sont banals et ne laisse aucune place à l'imprévu.
- La elle commence plutôt bien, avec toute cette pointe d'humour et de sarcasme, elle tombe à plat à la 2eme partie...
- si j'ai adoré Zhu Yan et son ironie mordante, je l'ai détesté durant la 2eme partie, cette ironie qui nous faisait rire n'était plus, cette puissance qui m'en bouchait un coin n'était plus, cette superbe arrogante n'était plus...Bref, une redondance de plus, ce qui a le don de m'énerver, un personnage qui devient une barbe à papa dégoulinante de bon sentiment au contact de son meilleur pote ou de la nana de ses rêves...Un classique. Si c'est bien fait, j'applaudis. Ce qui ne fut pas le cas.....
- Les personnages principaux, mis à part Li Lun, ne sont pas extraordinaires. Ils ne sont pas mauvais mais pas assez bons pour rendre ce drama incontournables.
- Wen Xiao...premier épisode, on la voit se battre avec un petit démon avec agilité et par la suite, elle devient d'une faiblesse physique terrible, limite, elle ne sait absolument rien faire....What the heck???
- Les personnages qui meurent (il en faut bien, hein?) on ne les pleure pas, cela veut tout dire.
- le vilain de l'histoire, on en parle? il est ridicule et est juste méchant. Alors oui, sa femme est morte et son bébé aussi, mais il reste méchant. Il n'y a aucune profondeur chez lui...(Je ne parle pas de Li Lun)
Surtout :
- Ca pleure TOUT LE TEMPS!!!!!! Oh my Gosh! je n'ai jamais JAMAIS vu un drama où TOUS les protagonistes passent leur temps à pleurer. Il n'y a pas un seul épisode où il n'y a pas de larmes qui coulent furtivement!!!! Le réalisateur doit adorer faire pleurer ses acteurs. Cela en devenait ridicule.
- je n'ai rien contre les dialogues profonds et philosophiques....mais pas quand c'est 80% du drama..... Ohlalala, vous avez le temps d'aller faire pipi, de répondre au téléphone, d'aller ouvrir la porte au livreur amazone, en revenant vous retrouverez les protagonistes, les mêmes, dans la même position, discuter ENCORE et ENCORE de la même chose depuis au moins 5 épisodes (avec les larmes aux bords des yeux of course). C'en était à s'en arracher les cheveux..
- le combat de fin...digne des CDZ ou DBZ (pour les vieux de ma générations, vous comprendrez de quel dessin animé je parle). Un combat sans fin qui dure sur 3 épisodes avec le méchant qui revient à la vie et qu'on a un mal fou à tuer, des ralentis pénible sur le sacrifice de l'un, une timeline étrange avec plusieurs combats dans des endroits différents, des flashbacks pour étirer un les épisodes, une chanson redondante ( que j'aimais bien au départ) pour intensifier le sacrifice et la difficulté du combat..Oui, je n'en suis pas fan, je ne vais pas m'en cacher...
C'est donc pour ma part, un beau gâchis. Un potentiel qui a été au final mal réalisé ce qui est un comble pour un drama aussi joli visuellement. Je me suis endormie sur les deux derniers épisodes. Je n'ai même pas envie de regarder l'extra, n'hésitez pas à me le raconter si le coeur vous en dit.
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Questi personaggi li ametere per sempre
Avevo aspettative altissime, ma non mi aspettavo che mi sarebbe piaciuto così tanto. Forse a livello di trama c'è qualche piccolo intoppo, più che altro sbavature di sceneggiatura qua e là, ma i personaggi e il legame tra loro compensano egregiamente. Se è pur vero che i dialoghi sono tanti e molto lunghi, in ogni caso non vengono mai dette cose inutili e tutto serve al fine di rendere questi personaggi una vera e propria famiglia scelta. Gli effetti visivi sono pazzeschi. Ho pianto tutte le mie lacrime e sono felice.Esta resenha foi útil para você?
Najlepsza drama 2024!!!!
Jedyne słowa jakie przychodzą mi namyśl żeby opisać tą drame to ARCYDZIEŁO!!!Dawno już nie oglądałam tak pięknie wykreowanego świata i postaci.
Urzekla mnie gra aktorska głównych bochaterów czt tżę pobocznych postaci
Chemia między Neo Hou a Chen Du Ling byla wrecz namacalna, kibicowałam im od samego poczatku ąż do końca!
Serdecznie polecam "Fangs of Fortune" każdemu kto lubi fantastykę,świat mitologi, prztygody,tajemnice,odrobine komedi i tragedi oraz niepowtarzalna kistorię o miłosci i poświęceniu 💗
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salah satu drama terbagus di tahun ini. sebagian orang mungkin gak suka karna drama ini sad ending, tapi secara garis besar drama ini MANTAP banget asli. visual para pemainnya ga usah di ragukan lagi, akting juga pada bagus semua. cinematography dan ostnya semuanya bagus bagus, sangat memanjakan mata dan telinga. meskipun suka semua, secara khusus mau kasih apresiasi besar untuk Xu Zhen Xuan as Ying Lei, karna sebagus itu aktingnya 😭😭😭 cocok sekali dengan karakter doi yang kocak nan lucu ❤️Esta resenha foi útil para você?
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Hermoso OST!!
Me gustaron muchas cosas de esta serie, como su vestuario y los detalles en ellos, desde los peinados hasta los accesorios en cada personaje, se sentían como que, con cada caracterización del vestuario en cada personaje estaba la intencionalidad de dejar una impronta de su personificación o características que lo hacía único a cada uno.La escenografía de la Oficina de caza de Demonios un sueño, con mucho surrealismo. Como la ciudad bajo agua, en la fuente, quizás un detalle no muy relevante aunque se uso en varias escenas, pero realmente se tomaron el tiempo para contemplar la idea.
La actuación de los actores con esa dinámica de complicidad, sarcasmo y humor, elementos que creo, fueron realmente necesarios y útiles para que aliviaran la carga emocional de los distintos arcos de la historia, aunque no me gusto escuchar gritar a Bai Jiu jaja entiendo la intención...
Para mi un gran puntazo de esta serie fue la parte del sonido, es decir el OST, que iba al pie de la trama acompañándola para complementarla. Inclusive las partes de humor tenia su sonido característico indicando que se estaba de puertas a una broma. Creo no haber escuchado un OST similar desde la serie Evernight. Como suena instrumentalmente el OST de Fangs Of Fortune, realmente es una caricia al alma, que probablemente volveré a escuchar en algún otro momento.
Ahora en cuanto a la historia explicare el porque del 8.5, porque si bien me entretuvo por un montón de cosas el viaje de la serie, aun así siento que hubo ciertas cositas con inconsistencia que me dejaban un poquito desorientada o preguntándome que paso acá?:
- Como por ejemplo cortes abruptos de escena o pocos sutiles de un capitulo a otro, o que al menos yo percibí como si faltara una parte, quizás por una cuestión de tiempos muy probablemente. También recuerdo notar un actor de reparto secundario que aparece en el capitulo 1 y 2 y pareciera ser asistente del padre de Wen Xiao o de Wen Xiao, que luego no se lo ve mas en toda la serie....
- Otra cosa fue un poco, como construyeron en el guion al personaje de Wen Xiao porque se la ve bastante hábil cuando arranca la serie en el capitulo 1 en cuanto artes marciales, pero luego eso no se ve mas en el resto de la serie. Pues se va a todo lo contrario, aunque esta clara que su habilidad era la empatía y la voluntad ademas de un titulo que poco le servia, pero es que no entiendo porque si le dan esa introducción al personaje en el capitulo 1 luego hacen esto otro mmm..... cuando pasan estas cosas me pregunto porque?? Había necesidad de eso???....
- Algo que me pareció que estaba descarrilándose eran los últimos capítulos (con eso del doctor loco y las mutaciones).... el paso de poderes de unos a otros.... Algo raro que tenia esta serie que me causa hasta un poco de humor, es que todo tenia otra vuelta, los personajes cuando llegaban a una encrucijada siempre preguntaban hay otra manera? y siempre la había aunque el medio justificara o no el fin... Me gusta porque es distinto, pero que tenga sentido, para que se mantenga el argumento.
Para mi es una de las mejores series que vi en el 2024, ojala mucha gente disfrute viéndola, ya que fuera de algunas pequeñas cosas que se pueden compensar con otras, es una serie muy completa tanto en sonido, como actores, vestuario, escenografía, etc.
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Lo que más me gusta
A mí está serie me encanta desde sus actores hasta la música , el vestuario es espectacular y ni hablar del acento de cada uno de ellos la voz de neo Hou ming-hao es espectacularmente sexi 🥰😍de verdad hermosa serie y no me cansaría de ver aquel que quiera ver es super entretenida y los prota son hermosos yo estoy amandola. Y queriendo ver más y másEsta resenha foi útil para você?
Amazingly beautiful and very well directed
I waited a long long time for this drama to be out. OMG WOW! It was definitely worth the wait!Everyone has played their roles very well and the little details in the acting and story was very well designed. All the intricate details were amazing. This drama is definitely different from the spoiled princess dramas out there and all the palace power struggles....all same story line. This drama is definitely different and it's a good different.
Neo Huo has played his role extremely well and the chemistry between all of them are in synchrony which makes puts the drama in a different class of its own.
Very well played 👍
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Great concept, poorly executed
This genre of dramas is one my favourites and I was super excited to watch Fangs of Fortune after seeing the trailer for but unfortunately this show just did not live up to what I had thought it was going to be. The first few episodes were great, meeting the characters, and getting into their first case - great right up my alley! But it all started going down hill for me from ep 5.The storyline! It felt as though there were too many side stories that kept competing for the main story line where they just felt like a distraction / filler for the show. None of the stories meshed well together nor did they feel like they had any conclusion. It got boring for me and I started tuning out cos of all the side stories and distraction made me lose interest in what they were trying to achieve. Some of the episodes were drawn out by so much dialogue and flashbacks it felt really unnecessary. I found myself at times saying 'OK I get it can we move on from this now' so I had to skip alot of the scenes of talking.
The romance of the leads felt forced and was unecessary. I really enjoyed the friendship of the whole group and wish the writers had just left it as a friendship rather than throwing in a romantic relationship with the leads it wasnt needed.
I thoroughly enjoyed the visuals, costumes, acting, the comedy (the comedy was awesome), and the premise of demons I just felt the storyline let this down for me and the potential just decreased. A bit disappointing but thats OK will hopefully see more from these actors in future as they were great!
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Crappie and illogical storyline
I'm giving this drama 7 star 🌟First of all let me highlight what I love about this drama.
1) The OST: I'm in awe with the amazing OST which left me mesmerizing, I can say that this drama has the best OST this 2024
2)The Visuals: I love the visual effects of this drama which makes each an every character extremely beautiful and gave them a wonderful visual on the screen. I applaud it for that. And all the characters did a great job.
Here are my dislike and dissatisfaction of this drama.
1) The ml: I feel like the way the ml who was portrayed of being the most powerful celestial creature in this show was overly over hyped.
Reason being because i couldn't feel the aura of a supreme being in him in the screen.
His fight potential as a powerful demon was totally inferior compared to other characters in the show. Like I was rooting to see him unleash that powerful force as he was portrayed to be but was disappointed. Some may come and justify it with many backstory reasons but that doesn't change the fact. We just didn't feel his majestic power in the screen.
Secondly, the ml efforts to cracks jokes when things are getting serious Offs me, like that will just make me lose my appetite of watching for a while or just fast-forward such ridiculous parts.
Thirdly, the ml who is obviously a demon lord being portrayed as a benevolent like Devine-God isn't my cup of tea,
like I'm not into such type of a demon character unless he was portrayed as a devine God.
I only accept a gray demon character and not some sort of God-like character who will be a sacrificial lamb to save the world.
Even if he wants to do so is fine but his character should always maintain gray vibe and not always act all time Holy like a Catholic priest hahaha.
2) The storyline: I think the storyline fails to differentiate the difference between mortal and immortal being. Like I will just get confused when a lowly humans can easily subdue demons who has a supernatural power.
This drama Over hyped humans abilities and limitations against a celestial being.
Secondary the parallel world in this drama sucks, I was expecting the Wilderness to be a distinct realm of demons which is different from human realm and also a place where living human can't go while still alive.
Overall, this drama fails to separate the difference between men and immortal being by giving a mare mortal the ability to subdue and precide over immortal being which is totally ridiculous and illogical to me.
I know I should accept the plot as it is but such an illogical stories are meant to entertain kids and insult Adult IQ and I'm not passive about that.
In this drama, human and demon were just mixed that you will now wonder which is immortal being lol.
I know this is xianxia genre drama but the drama direction was obviously defining Xuanhuan genre which is why everything was contradicted.
In most xianxia genre, only human who was possessed by celestial power can come in contact or challenge demon. And most type of demon in xianxia are human who are possessed by demon. Or some sort demonic Godly weapons and sword.
Unlike in Xuanhuan that portrays direct demon or god.
This whole theory was why this drama fail woefully in this aspect.
Chinese dramas in category of "Wuxia, xianxia or Xuanhuan" revolves around chinese culture and traditions and if any Director or writers who change this definition to something scientifical theories and logic with morden norms, then is no longer a Chinese drama but a Western style drama.
That's my take I hope that helps.
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Worth a watch
*Cinematography*:Spectacular rich, sombre set design. This is the thing I loved most about GJM's works, whatever other criticisms I have for his directing. If you're kind of not into the light airy colours lots of period dramas use and loved the dark tones of My Journey to You's aesthetic, then this is for you. Colours aside, GJM seems to really know what kind of shots and scenes he's going for. Nothing is tonally out of place. Everything could be a wallpaper. I'm not kidding when I say this drama is worth a watch based on cinematography alone.
*Music*: absolutely amazing, almost every song is playlist-worthy. Liu yuning's been deployed once again and producing masterpieces as usual.
Well right off the bat the casting is amazing. You won't EVER catch an actor slipping in their acting, not even when they're the background of a shot. If they act off, it's because their character is up to something. That's how good they are.
As for the actual writing, it's too early to judge them on character arcs yet. What I'll say is that these characters are written as organic human beings with understandable motivations. So no awkward dialogue, caricatures, etc. On the other hand, the 'elite team' that the main cast is supposed to be feature some people who just. can't. fight. So you need to stretch your imagination a bit there. The good of this is that the show generally lets every character be useful, even if you're sometimes left to wonder if they should be running around fighting demons at all.
Thematically, the show does a great job giving it's antagonists understandable philosophical perspectives that conflict with the heroes'. However, it does 'cop-out' too many times by giving them convenient resolutions instead of letting the clash of ideas run its course. So while the heroes have been challenges ideologically pretty much every arc, they've not changed much. Another thing is, while the show is very good at show not telling for establishing personalities, lore, backstories, you name it, it kind of drops the ball on thematic content and prefers to deliver them through long, rambling monologues copiously inserted between climactic fight scenes.
Some very minor points: this show delivers it's lore in bits and pieces (no intro infodump here). This can be fun or confusing depending on how you see it. Next, I really like how demon characters get demon names. Like not titles but mythological names. It isn't something I see often and suits them way more than 'The ___ king of demons'.
Also, even though the plot is technically 'investigations' of demon crimes, it's not really a crime solving show so don't go into it with that expectation. It has the crime show aesthetic of morbid atmosphere and corpses and running into creepy places, but it delivers them to the bad guy's lair without much piecing together clues because that's not what this show is about. Most twists (and there are plenty) are delivered via dialogue, not figured out by the main 'detectives'.
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One Of The Best If 2024
I am all in with this drama. I see some people are disappointed because it has humor and wanted it to be dark the entire show. You HAVE to have the relief from the darkness to enjoy it when you are traveling through it. Genius director and script writer(s). Episode 9 had me so enthralled that I got irritated at my dog for wanting to go outside to relieve herself. Thankfully I can push pause and miss nothing. The title is misleading because I thought this was about vampires and almost didn't watch it. I can't rave about this drama too much. The guest actors are so great to watch. The leads and 2nd leads including the young boy, make this drama worth your time. I have laughed, I have cried and I want more episodes than just 2 per day. Don't miss this one.Esta resenha foi útil para você?