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Elenco e Créditos
- Yang Yi MoYe Xu XuPapel Principal
- Huang Jing ZhouYan Xuan TingPapel Principal

The leads have great chemistry!! I had watched their other drama previously (Chang Xia Wei Yang) but here the chemistry is on another level!
I think all casts did a decent job in acting as well.
Each episode is only 2 or 3 minutes and the story is quite fast paced due to the duration of the episodes, but they could cover almost all of what mattered. (it had the typical jumps of some scenes leading to another in these kind of short dramas, so you'll have to fill in some gaps while watching though it's not hard to guess what went on in between).
It does have cliche but they didn't overdo it.
Don't miss out on this one! It's short and very binge worthy!
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