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RESENHA: Good Doctor
Apesar de já ter assistido muitos dramas médicos, parece que minha vontade de começar mais um só aumenta a medida que o tempo passa.Enquanto expectadora sempre tive muito interesse por medicina. Sou mais que suspeita para falar deles já que este é sem duvidas um de meus gêneros favoritos. E vamos falar a verdade: tem coisa melhor do que passar o tempo vendo algo que você sente prazer em assistir?
Quando as ressacas doramáticas teimam em ir embora, quando nenhum drama consegue despertar o meu interesse, quando me sinto tão decepcionada com algum drama ao ponto de ter medo de começar algo novo no dia seguinte, parece que sempre encontro refúgio nos dramas médicos.
Mesmo aqueles que não caminham exatamente como eu gostaria, por ser um tema que gosto dificilmente tenho aquela péssima sensação de tempo perdido. Até hoje só teve um drama médico que efetivamente não gostei: Heart Surgeons, mas isso é assunto pra outro momento.
Nem queira saber quantos dramas médicos estão em minha lista de pretensões futuras, porque nem daria para citá-los aqui. Entretanto, preciso dizer que essa infinidade de dramas para ver, as vezes nos leva a neglicenciar alguns em detrimento de outros só porque a principio nos chamaram mais atenção e Good Doctor é um ótimo exemplo disso.
Me lembro de ter lido a sinopse de Good Doctor desde que entrei nessa vida de dorameira. É engraçado dizer isso mas talvez esse tenha sido o drama médico que mais adiei. Apesar de achar que a história seria interessante, na hora de escolher o meu drama do momento, parece que outros dramas sempre se colocavam no caminho.
Entre tantas escolhas, este drama nunca conseguia roubar a cena a fim de ser escolhido por mim. Suspeito que o pôster sem graça e pouco atrativo tenha sido o maior culpado disso tudo.
Me pergunto se custava tanto assim fazer uma capa melhor para drama, porque isso conseguiu me manter afastada por um longo tempo e só agora em 2021 dei um fim a esse longo ciclo de postergações assistindo Good Doctor.
Estou bem feliz por ter dado uma oportunidade a esse drama. Me envolvi com o enredo desde o primeiro episódio, e sequer passou pela minha cabeça a possibilidade de abandoná-lo em algum momento porque ver o protagonista superando todas as dificuldades que se colocavam em seu caminho para finalmente realizar o seu sonho de ser um cirurgião pediátrico foi uma lição de vida.
Coincidência ou não, tinha acabado de falar que raramente vejo o autismo ser retratado em dramas naquela resenha de It's Okay to not be okay e logo depois disso comecei assistir justamente mais um drama com um personagem assim: olha ele aqui em Good Doctor.
E diga-se de passagem, que interpretação incrível Joo Won nos entregou aqui: os gestos, os trejeitos, a forma de diferente de falar, de andar, de agir, tudo isso contribuiu para que acreditássemos que Park Shi On realmente se tratava de um personagem autista.
Nem sei por onde começar a falar de Park Shi On, o menino gênio em corpo de adulto que teve que sobreviver a uma enxurrada de criticas de uma sociedade que se recusava a reconhecê-lo mesmo depois de se capacitar o suficiente para exercer a medicina.
Ele teve uma infância muito difícil, perdeu seu irmão muito cedo em um acidente, sempre foi maltratado pelo pai e acabou sendo abandonado pela mãe. O único apoio que recebeu foi de Choi Woo Suk, o médico que acreditou em seu potencial e lhe ajudou a cursar medicina.
Posteriormente foi chamado por ele para trabalhar em um dos melhores Hospitais Universitários da Coreia, mas lamentavelmente enfrenta oposição de todos os lados. Por causa de suas circunstâncias é visto unicamente como um erro, o ponto fraco que colocará fim na carreira do diretor do hospital.
E enquanto essa disputa interna pelos cobiçados cargos de diretor e presidente do Hospital se mantêm acirrada, Park Shi On continua a ser alvo de ataques dos chefes de cada departamento médico, do professor que lidera os residentes em cirurgia pediátrica, dos colegas de trabalho e até mesmo dos pais das crianças que estão ali para serem tratadas.
Mas as vezes a vida é como aquela frase de Henry Ford: "Há mais pessoas que desistem do que pessoas que fracassam".
E mesmo com todas limitações sociais que o autismo lhe imponha, mesmo com toda resistência que enfrentou, Shi On nunca desistiu de seu sonho de se tornar o cirurgião pediátrico que prometeu que seria à seu irmão mais velho.
Agora me fala se esse ser não merecia ganhar o meu reconhecimento? É evidente que sim, e fiquei muito feliz ao ver que não foi só o coração do público que ele ganhou. A medida que vemos esse personagem crescer e amadurecer também percebemos que seu jeito inocente e suas atitudes em prol dos pacientes acaba provocando mudanças nas pessoas ao seu redor.
Até mesmo o orgulhoso professor Kim Do Han, o cético vice diretor Kang Hyeon Tae e o indiferente chefe de departamento Go Choong Man, acabam reconhecendo seu potencial para se tornar o que diz o próprio nome desse drama: Um Bom Doutor.
Sobre os pais dele só tenho uma coisa a dizer: o comportamento agressivo de seu pai é ridículo e sua mentalidade a respeito do autismo do filho é lamentável. Dá pra acreditar na passividade da mãe dele?
Os traumas que esses dois deixaram no próprio filho só agravaram sua situação. É triste pensar que isso poderia ser facilmente evitado se o fizessem se sentir amado e apoiado desde sua infância.
Gostei de ter fugido um pouco do padrão médico que geralmente aparece nos dramas: emergência, cardiologia, clinica e cirurgia geral. Foi bem interessante ver o foco na área da pediatria. Os casos médicos foram interessantes e as cenas das crianças trouxeram a leveza que precisávamos para aliviar o clima tenso de certos momentos.
Finalizo dizendo, que as dificuldades que o protagonista enfrenta eram tantas que nem esperei por um romance, mas ele acabou aparecendo mesmo assim. Os episódios finais do drama, resolveram focar no desenvolvimento do relacionamento dele com a dra. Cha Yoon Su. E ela era uma personagem tão legal e gentil com ele que gostei de ver o entrosamento dos dois.
E ai tá esperando o que pra assistir GOOD DOCTOR? Corre lá e assiste depois volte aqui para me dizer o que achou.
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Joo Won is a great actor. His portrayal of genius, autistic Park Shi On is really well done. I don't think that is an easy part for anyone. I have seen almost all of Moon Chae Won's dramas and I find her acting to be believable. She didn't fail to be believable as Dr. Cha. I was really ticked at her at some points in this drama and I think that is due to her great acting abilities. The other actors were also good in this including Joo Sang Wook and Kim Young Kang. I adore Ko Chang Seok as an actor. He is really good in all the dramas that I have seen him in. It was cute to see a cameo of Park Ki Woong in the last episode. Joo Won and he must be really good friends. Too cute.
The music is good and appropriate.
I might rewatch this in the future.
If you like an underdog story, then you can't beat this drama. I highly recommend it to everyone.
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Despite billing itself as a medical drama which features a savant surgeon, Good Doctor evolved into quite a different animal. While it does feature bloody surgeries and a hospital atmosphere, this drama yearns to be an inspiring slice-of-life. Most patients serve as episodic cases and often provide the backdrop for the hospital staff to interact. Though the medical side was handled relatively well, it often felt gimmicky. Developments between the hospital staff seemed much more important to the writers. To their credit, character interaction is where this drama excels. The exchanges may elicit wide ranges of emotions from viewers, anything between sorrow and anger to warmth and joy.
Certain things did not work as intended. Hospital politics feature in most medical dramas, but they were boring and unnecessary in Good Doctor. A particular romantic red herring exists (as they always do), taking up a large chunk of episodes. When things are finally sorted, the "proper" progression initially feels jagged and too quick -- despite the pairing itself being very nice and even desirable. This phenomenon of sudden forward motion occurs also with the lead character, as he moves from extended developmental purgatory to huge successive change. Even these issues are somewhat forgivable though, due to the power and likability of the actors.
As you might have garnered, Good Doctor features an earnestly talented cast. Joo Won shines at the top as gentle-hearted savant Park Shi On. Everything about his performance, from the way he held his body to his speech, spoke of good research and execution. Prickly Kim Do Han is something of an internet sensation, lovingly dubbed Doctor Wook ("anger") by Korean netizens. Joo Sang Wook brings natural charisma to this role, believably building a man colored by both by hardness and secret warmth. Though she was handed a character with little back story, something about Moon Chae Won just clicks. Her Cha Yoon Seo might dole out less impact, but she serves her purpose well. All three have wonderful chemistry, in any combination. Of the supporting cast, nearly everyone involved with the hospital politic aspect of the plot felt wasted. This is especially true of Kim Min Seo, Na Young Hee, Chun Ho Jin (who always seemed thunderstruck).
Many musical tracks were great, especially instrumental pieces. Various themes adopt an ethereal quality and a nonsense language reminiscent of Yuki Kaijura; these are masterful. Unfortunately, traditional vocal pieces are far more numerous than expected. This led to many forgettable ballads; during a particular episode, they actually stuffed every single into the action -- and topped the final scene off with an entirely new song! Despite this slight overcrowding, most were at least decent. Standouts include "I Am In Love" (2BiC), "How Come You Don't Know?" (Kim Jong Kook), and late game offering "Love Medicine" (Joo Won).
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The cast and the acting was awesome, especially Joo Won he will leave you speechless.
The story and the events were just going as they should, it was realistic.
I liked it because it is full of good feelings, it will make you smile and it will make you smile, it'll give you goosebumps.
Some people won't enjoy the medical part of the Drama, but i think even that part was great.
That's why i rated it 9 overall. Hope you'll enjoy it XD !
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Good Doctor The story line of this drama is quite peculiar – the fact that an autistic person could adapt fully and work in a hospital nonetheless is quite impressive because in reality it is unheard of.
The pilot episode had given me the impression that it was going to be a very promising drama, then by the end of the whole series I proved myself right. Although like any drama, Good Doctor has it high and low points along with loop holes. Due to the unbelievable premise, I say the writer was very much imaginative although farfetched for having such a plot. An autistic person basically has a lot of limitation but given the patience and perseverance to the people surrounding the person with a disability, it could be managed. Setting those thoughts aside, I love this drama because of the story and characters. It was like watching the movie Forrest Gump only in a clinical setting.
The main character Park Shi-on (acted by Joo Won) was such a lovable character. During the first few episodes, he may be an annoying autistic man who knows everything but after awhile his character grows on to you even his mannerisms become endearing… or maybe it’s just me because I find him really cute and funny? Anyyyywaaay… not to get side tracked, Cha Yeon-so (acted by Moon Chae-Won) is a woman with a strong personality. She has this tough exterior but deep inside she has a really fluffy heart which has a soft spot for our main lead.
I am not going to elaborate on that or else I might post unwanted spoilers. As for the supporting cast, they are essential in the series because they provide the substantial element of acceptance depending on the character's relationship with Shi-on.
Music wise their is nothing really memorable about it except that it adds to the drama.
Good Doctor may not be in my rewatchable list but it is very much in my recommended one. You don't have to be a medical literate to appreciate this drama because there are notes which would explain the terms & procedures. Over all it is a wonderful drama and it has exceeded my expectations.
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Story itself is very touching. It made me think about troubles which appear when you're different and how hard is to accept someone who is not like you. It is very easy to say but so hard to do. To try to understand another person and not to blame, not to hate. And characters in this drama have come such a long way, every one of them and it was so amazig watching their change. And I'm not sure that I' m strong enough like Do Han or Yoon Suh. And this is why this drama is so special. It makes me think, it makes me emrace the world as it is and to see beauty in it. Furthermore there were a lot of touching supporting roles.
As for acting. It was INCREDIBLE! First of all Park Shi On. I don't have words to describe how good he was. He was just perfect. He played so well that there wasn't even a thought that he is normal human being like all of us. It seemed that he was a special caring soul. I'm just so grateful that he was serious about this role. But other actors were also magnificent. All of them wew such a great team. I loved the complexity of characters, their richness.
Although this drama may seem a little boring and slow. But because of the fact that it shows human relationships and human nature it is right. It is a very good example how to make a very good drama. Watch it. I'm sure you won't regret it, because you can find something that you'll like. Such good doctors in a such good drama.
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If I had to describe the drama in a single word, it would be 'sincere'. Its sincerity is more apparent than any other Korean drama I have seen so far, and this is what makes it unique in my opinion. There is nothing forced, nothing fake, nothing that makes you want to punch the wall because there is no point or reason for it. You watch 'Good Doctor', and you don't feel like you're sitting behind a screen, but you are there with all the characters, in the hospital ward or the operating room, breathing the same air as them. It is hard to express the emotions that this drama brought out in me, but there was laughter and tears, a lot of pain and even more happiness.
I was aware that Joo Won is a fantastic actor by all the works I have seen, but this time he simply left me speechless. I had the pleasure to get to know some autistic people in my life, and the way he acts is simply phenomenal. His posture, his gestures, mimics, speech, even his GLANCE, Joo Won brought Park Shi On to life in a way that I hadn't thought possible. Even just for experiencing that, it would be worth a watch.
But if you don't, you'd me missing out on so much more: The medical aspect is really important in this drama, and they did a fantastic job. Now, I have never studied medicine, but all the surgeries looked SO real, that I was seriously wondering sometimes if they were just operating on props (I know they did, but... man!). However, what makes this different from other medical dramas, is the fact that Shi On has to deal with a lot of obstacles and prejudice, and he approaches things differently because of his (dis)ability. Secondly, it is a pediatrician ward, so we get to see a lot of heartwearming and heartbreaking scenes with kids. I was skeptical, thinking actors that young would surely ruin the drama. Boy, was I proven wrong. The kids had some of the most authentic and touching acting I have ever seen. Some of the veteran actors in this industry could learn a thing or two of them. However, the adult main and supporting actors in this drama equally brought out the worth of this drama. Cha Yoon Suh and Kim Do Han are clearly needed for Shi On to become the person and doctor he dreams of.
I see, this review is getting quite long, so I'll just get to the point: This drama is one of a kind and it should definitely not be missed. It is funny, touching, sincere and teaches valuable life lessons. There are no all-evil villains, but the reasoning of each of them becomes apparent. It teaches lessons about friendship, family and love. The only reason why I give this a 9 out of 10, is because near the end of the drama, I was lacking the little spark that was there during the beginning. I am not sure what it is, but there was a tiny little something missing, maybe about the romance, maybe about something else. But even so, it is one of the best I have seen and I hope it will get more recognition. 9/10
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Let me start with the acting in this series is Super Good.The main actor (park shi on) played his role brilliant which is i think one of the hardest things to act like person with Autism i really wanna compliment on that besides that the other actors where also really good in this series.
In this series there where allot of good moments but also allot of bad ones,I found myself being mad at some of the (Bad Guys) inside the series.The story evolves around a person with autism with special abilities which only people with that sickness can have and turn them into something beautifull.This drama is certainly one which will leave you with some tears on some moments and that's all because you will love park shi on so much that you kinda start to like him allot.It was a real big pleasure to see things going forward each episodes and seeing him getting passed his Traumas he encountered in his child-hood stage.I really don't have much to stay on the story besides the fact that there could have been some more hardcore operations and ecxitement in the operating part,however that's certainly a small minus.Music in the background was simply amazing and fitting.
Conclusion: A Really good-feeling drama with a nice ending,A romance which you wont easily forget and some tear-drops along the way.
Am very happy i seen this drama and its a recommendation ^^
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The first two episodes of this drama really grabbed my attention. Just the pilot episode itself was emotional, exciting, and funny without feeling forceful at all. The most rewarding aspect of this drama is the character development and interactions; it was very convincing despite the major changes in most characters. However, with that said, I felt there were moments of fillers. Also, despite being a medical drama, I would say this focused more on their relationships/personal situations, such that even for surgeries, it was more about whether to do the surgery or not (or that's how I felt about it)
The acting and cast were excellent. Everyone did a good job. Particularly, Park Shi On (played by Joo Won) did an awesome job in portraying the role of an autistic; I think he'll be highly recognized for it. Doctor Cha (played by Moon Chae Won) Also did a good job. Moon Chae Won is actually one of my favorite Korean actresses, but I was a little afraid based on the teaser trailer that she'll play a passive character. However, I was wrong and really enjoyed her character here as well. Their chemistry was also impressively convincing.
I'm not much of a music expert, so I don't really have much input. All I would say is that it felt suitable, but not great enough for me to want to listen to the ost on its own.
Re-watch Value
It's definitely re-watchable. I rated 8 because I cannot ignore the fact that I would skip a good amount of parts. Although many dramas do have moments of filler as well, I still feel that I have to include that to the equation.
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Good, moving drama. Watch if 1) You're looking for a show that will inspire you and make you think, 2) You like medical dramas. Don't watch if 1) You don't like dramas that make you cry, 2) You need the male lead to be strong and manly, like the typical Kdrama protagonist.
Good doctor is not the drama that will make you flutter. The main protagonist is not a heroic rebel or a pretentious chaebol, the other characters are not always likeable, the love scenes remain very PG-rated and the comedy is not omnipresent. Instead, it's a drama that will make you cry. A lot. It's not a show to watch to be entertained, but to think, to challenge your prejudices and rigid thoughts. The portrayal of an autistic individual is quite well-done, and the problems he encounters in order to live the life he wants are realistic. The love story may seem surreal and difficult to believe for some, but reflects a very honorable opinion, that unique individuals also have the right to be loved, and not strictly by similar people. The characters grow throughout the story and the ending is very satisfying. I believe the show could have done without all the drama surrounding the administration of the hospital and some aspects of the story were quite long while others, more important or interesting, were too rushed, but the main components of the story were carefully thought through, so it's alright.
Many actors did an amazing job in this drama, several of which were child actors, but even if it wasn't the case, for Joo Won alone, this would still earn a 10. I cannot say that he had much chemistry with Moon Chaewon because there wasn't much 'passion' between their characters, but the couple was cute and visually compatible, and he played his role so perfectly, I think if I hadn't known him before, I would have thought that he was an autistic actor.
The songs of the OST had funny lyrics and didn't get to me, but boy were the instrumental tracks awsome, a perfect match for the mood of the show. I recommend googling them. I know I did, and still listen to them when I'm down and unmotivated.
Rewatched, but only to confirm that it was a nice show and that it had made me cry buckets. I might rewatch it again, but it's not on the top of my list because of its tear-gas quality.
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My issue with the show is how the story basically plodded along. I could see from the outset what kind of story was aiming to tell and the tone it wanted to set. But because it was written to be heartwarming and lesson-teaching, there was little drama, and the story didn't have strong peaks and valleys. It became predictable and boring at times.
Some relationships were not properly developed, so the way the relationships played out or were resolved by the end of the show were not very convincing to me.
Joo Won is naturally the star of the show, since he plays an unconventional character in the Korean drama world. At times I was moved by his character, at others, I was frustrated. I particularly enjoyed Joo Sang Wook's character, Professor Kim. It's my first time watching Joo Sang Wook in a major role, and I think he put in a good performance. I can understand why he has previously been always cast in the CEO role.
At times, the music was quite jarring.
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