"Himawari" is a comedy that focuses on the main character, Akiko. Akiko and her father, Kenichi No.1, work for the same company. Akiko's love interest is Kenichi No.2. (Source: NHK) Editar Tradução
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- Título original: ひまわりっ 〜宮崎レジェンド2〜
- Também conhecido como: Himawari: Kenichi Rejendo 2
- Gêneros: Comédia, Romance, Família
Elenco e Créditos
- Taira YunaHayashi AkikoPapel Principal
- Takahashi KatsunoriHayashi Kenichi / Kenichi No. 1Papel Principal
- Inoue YukiKorogi Kenichi / Kenichi No. 2Papel Principal
- Oshima MaiEbihara KurumiPapel Secundário
- Sato Mayumi[Deputy director Saruwatari]Papel Secundário
- Asaka YuiHayashi NorikoPapel Secundário
Good Enough
Japanese Drama " Himawari: Miyazaki Legend 2 " is the second season of the comedy-drama about a daughter and her overprotective- too much of a meddling, father who also works at the same office as her. This season takes things right after where the first season left them, showing us more about the main lead's love adventures, as well as some cute stories of the side characters. The father character didn't have enough screen time though.The overall story was interesting and funny and, as it is a short drama with really short episodes, the development isn't great but the drama manages to be entertaining and give a nice progress to the story. The new character that was added to the mix did her job as to provide some twists to the story as well.
So overall, eight out of ten.
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