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Superou todas as minhas expectativas
Essa série não é apenas mais uma, pode acreditar. Ela é uma experiência única, onde você vai navegar por diversos sentimentos diferentes, entrar na história e se apaixonar por cada personagem.
Iniciemos pelo roteiro, que obviamente não é perfeito, mas o Studio Wabi Sabia sabe como trazer nossas emoções à tona através de belas histórias. A história mostra (minha opinião é um pouco impopular) um Eiw totalmente dependente emocionalmente de Cake. A interação entre eles, me passa a impressão de que o amor romântico sempre existiu, eles apenas demoraram a entender isso, pois já que cresceram com esse sentimento, o tinham como algo natural. Por causa disso, penso que, de forma não intencional, Cake fazia com que Eiw fosse dependente dele para tudo, até mesmo coisas triviais como pegar um ônibus ou voltar pra casa sozinho. O único momento em que eles se separavam era dentro da escola, pois Cake chamava muita atenção com seu rosto belíssimo e seu jeito cativante, e Eiw não queria olhos voltados para si, o menino não tinha confiança nenhuma, e achava que a presença dele poderia "manchar" a imagem de Cake, que absurdo!
Já Cake, posso ver nele traços tóxicos. Por tudo já dito no parágrafo acima, e por sua reação quando percebeu que Eiw não era mais dependente dele, tinha amigos e conseguia viver sozinho. O ciúme não é um termo que por si só explique o comportamento dele, a palavra certa, diante do exposto, realmente é toxidade.
Enfim, Eiw percebeu primeiro os sentimentos... A cena dele vendo Love of Siam já me arrancou lágrimas diversas vezes. Cake percebeu depois... Ou será que não? Que amigos dormem daquela forma? Quem prefere estar com o amigo do que com a namorada? Quem zela e cuida do outro mais do que a si mesmo?
Apesar de tudo, quando ambos entenderam a si próprios, o relacionamento fluiu de forma leve e linda!
Algumas histórias paralelas são contadas, no fim elas se interligam de alguma forma com nosso casal, mas gostaria de frisar algumas. O fato de Hom se apaixonar por um garoto mais jovem, e a série explicitar o preconceito a esse respeito, o fato da série falar sobre o tabagismo e suas consequências de forma séria (só achei que poderiam ter iniciado esse tópico mais cedo para poderem falar mais), a romantização familiar, isso é algo que detesto, quando a mãe de Eiw morreu e levantaram a questão de perdoar o pai pq ele ainda era o pai, oras usasse qualquer outra desculpa, mas sangue não isenta ninguém de falhas, nem tampouco é motivo para perdão, principalmente em se tratando de algo tão grave. Todas as emoções são transmitidas de forma muito real, é possível sentir a dor, a alegria, a mágoa, a esperança, cada emoção é magicamente transmitida para nós.
Outra coisa que amei, foi a interação entre as familias sobre a homossexualidade dos meninos, não houve estranhamento, cara feia, problematização, nem tampouco dos amigos.
Todos os detalhes são bem casados, tanto a história, como a atuação e os aspectos técnicos. A filmografia é maravilhosa, no início, dá um ar de antiguidade às cenas, que realmente se passam alguns anos antes, depois a imagem se moderniza, juntamente com a idade dos meninos. Existe uma riqueza de detalhes que remetem ao passado na primeira fase, os computadores antigos, os detalhes nas casas e nos transportes, tudo muito bem feito. A ost é delicada e também ajuda a contar a história. O elenco tem uma química surreal, como se cada papel tivesse sido escrito pra quem o interpretou. Sobre a química de Santa e Earth, creio que é um assunto indiscutível!
Impossível não amar essa série, está no topo das minhas preferidas... Não deixe de ver essa obra de arte.
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My Only 12% foi uma experiência emocionante. A série conseguiu me tocar de uma maneira única, principalmente por abordar temas como amizade, amor e o medo das mudanças que a vida traz.Os personagens são extremamente cativantes. O Cake conquista desde o primeiro instante com sua personalidade extrovertida, cheia de vida e uma energia contagiante que ilumina qualquer ambiente. Por outro lado, o Seeiw encanta pela delicadeza e profundidade emocional. Ele é mais reservado e tímido, carrega uma doçura imensa e, embora seja cheio de inseguranças, apresenta um grande crescimento ao longo da série, enfrentando seus medos e aprendendo a se valorizar. Os dois têm uma química incrível, e a forma como se olham, as pequenas demonstrações de afeto e os gestos de cuidado criam uma atmosfera que torna a relação deles ainda mais envolvente.
A atuação de Earth e Santa é um dos pontos mais fortes desse BL. É impressionante como eles mergulham em seus papéis, transmitindo as complexidades emocionais de seus personagens. Na minha opinião, o Earth é um dos maiores talentos da Tailândia, pois consegue entregar uma atuação tão genuína e envolvente que é impossível não se emocionar com cada cena.
Se eu tivesse que apontar algo, talvez o ritmo de alguns episódios seja um pouco devagar, mas, no geral, isso não atrapalhou minha experiência. É uma série que te faz pensar sobre as relações que você tem e sobre o que está disposto a fazer por quem você ama. Enfim, My Only 12% foi uma jornada linda e cheia de sentimento. Me fez sorrir, me fez chorar e, mais do que isso, me fez lembrar que o amor, mesmo com todas as incertezas, sempre vale a pena. Recomendo demais!
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Simples, Convincente e
Earth Katsamonnat Namwirote (Seeiw) tem se tornado um dos atores que mais admiro nos BLs Tailandeses. Ele consegue fazer a gente embarcar na sua doçura, sentir os seus dramas interiores e de repete colamos no personagem. A história carrega a gente para tantos lugares diferentes, com profundidade e sensibilidade, a riqueza da amizade, quando ela se torna algo mais, a confusão de sentimentos e o dilema em relação a isso, a descoberta de si, o medo de desapontar as pessoas próximas, a tentativa de preservar a amizade cultivada abstendo-se de revelar o que sente, ao mesmo tempo o temor de perder a oportunidade de não se posicionar, o cuidado como ato de amor, a escuta profunda e de alma que cada um tem sobre o outro ao se aconselharem. A história é contada num ritmo agradável, sem pressa, mas sem lentidão também. Santa Pongsapan Oudompoch (Cake) fez uma excelente atuação também, o casal convence bastante e novamente os amigos e irmãos que circundam os protagonistas exercem papéis fundamentais no BL. A simplicidade convida o expectador a sentir a história como sua, sem espetáculos ou "milagres". A história assim carrega mensagens que são um bálsamo para quem passou ou passa por esse momento de descobertas! Um outro benefício dos BLs que tenho experienciado e percebido em outras pessoas que comentam o mesmo, é como eles vem tratando ou curando o adolescente interior que teve tais vivencias interrompidas ou negadas.Esta resenha foi útil para você?
a mais linda história de amor
quando eu decidi assistir a esse BL, confesso que foi 100% por causa do casal sou extremamente apaixonada pela química entre earth e santa e sei que onde tem dedo deles, dificilmente irei me decepcionar e assim foi.
my only 12% é uma experiência.
é delicadamente bem escrita, bem dirigida e bem cuidada em todos os sentidos.
o peso dos sentimentos vem como um todo, seja os bons quanto os ruins.
o roteiro soube equilibrar nossas emoções de forma que a jornada fosse leve e emocionante, com díalogos bem estruturados, densos e cenas tocantes.
uma linguagem de expressão que pra bom entendor, bastava.
a química do casal cake e eiw pôde ser sentida à léguas de distância e a forma como o amor foi naturalmente construído e inevitavelmente descoberto foi de nos prender na cadeira e ansiar pelo próximo episódio.
pra mim, foi a mais bela história de amor, sem a necessidade de recorrer a trágicos acontecimentos ou intrigas mirabolantes.
felizmente a história se seguiu sem usar de ganchos clichês para aumentar a tensão.
não era necessário.
foi lindo de ver eiw se apaixonando primeiro, enquanto cake se apaixonou mais intensamente.
a energia dos casal secudário que apesar do pouco tempo de tela entregou muito, foi bem gostosa de assistir.
as atuações foram além do meu esperado.
eu simplesmente sentirei tanta saudade assim como senti satisfação ao assistir esse BL.
recomendo 100%.
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Se vc tá vendo esse comentário e ainda não assistiu por favor assista, vc não vai ser arrepender
Eu to escrevendo essa review em prantos, acabei agr o episódio 14 e nao tenho palavras pra expressar. Ver o crescimento da relação dos dois desde o começo foi tao lindo, eu chorei com eles,sorri com eles,ri com eles e senti raiva com eles. My only 12% vai ter para sempre um espaço muito especial no meu coração. Cake e Eiw eu vou sentir sdds. Earth e Santa fizeram um ótimo trabalho e espero poder vê-los juntos em mais trabalhosEsta resenha foi útil para você?
The best level of pining one can imagine.
I’m willing to call it a perfect binge watch material. It’s easy to digest, has amazing chemistry and loveable characters. There is not much unnecessary drama and over the top events. It’s not a groundbreaking story, but it’s a nice and believable youth romance.Not gonna like Cake was the main reason I loved it so much - both with how the character was written and how Santa portrayed him. Funny, charming, entertaining, loyal, but at the same time caring and mature. I am surprised how understanding he was, when his initial introduction was a chaos impersonation. Santa’s acting too, I could see the hearts in his eyes even before he was aware of them. Damn, this boy makes your heart flutter like crazy.
Then we have Seeiw - THE cinnamon roll. Even though more proper and organized, I would say he was acting more his teenage age compared to Cake - especially with more challenging and emotional moments. Which was nice to see - teens acting their age. I do believe his crying got a bit frustrating a few times, but I blame the writer. Sadly Earth’s delivery in that aspect was also not that good, at least in some scenes. Sometimes I watched his scenes and was not sure if he was crying or laughing…
For everyone who enjoys mutual pining - this is THE show for you. The feels were amazing. It’s so obvious to everyone they like each other, but these two teens were painfully blind to it. And I loved every second of it.
Production value was high, especially for the BL. I did not have many issues with directing. The pacing got a bit fast by the end. Not to mention, in my opinion the last two episodes should not even exist - the whole last minute plot addition was unnecessary and did not fit the show.
One of the side couples also made me question reality. I don’t have issues with age gaps, but there are some lines that should not be crossed, and I have a weird feeling that if the genders were swapped, more people would complain.
Overall, I enjoyed it a lot. I appreciated a lot how it was more grounded in reality and not the typical “everyone is gay and the only homophobic people are jealous exes” and no one is afraid of coming out, or even worse - no one is really gay, they just love this one specific person of the same gender.
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I'm scared to write this review. For sure, I'll receive a lot of backlash again for saying bad things about it, but I CANT just keep silent.First, let's discuss the good things. The outline of the basic plot is good on paper; it's the love story of a couple who have been each other's first loves. In all fairness, the first few episodes were a little slow but engaging. It also feels like they have enough of a budget, as the series looked decent enough. I also appreciate the subtle changes in technology that show the difference in timeline. And yes, the main lead's hairstyle changed after the time jump! Also, let's give props to the actors because they did a good job. Of course, Earth did all the heavy lifting, but we must also acknowledge that Santa did a good job for someone so young and not as veteran as Earth.
Now, for the not-so-good parts. First, and this is totally my own opinion, I hate seeing gay characters who are portrayed as softer and more delicate than marshmallow. It felt like a backward progression for our quest for acceptance when on the other side of the world, a lot of female characters are being portrayed as EQUAL to their male counterparts. In this day and age, portraying gay men as crybabies and scaredy cats is simply unacceptable.
And then there is the endless crying, especially in the last two episodes. Why, for crying out loud, do they make Earth cry this much? I didn't even know why it was necessary to kill Seeiw's mother just so we could have a last episode that was almost entirely Earth crying. It is not entertaining. It is so boring and unnecessary that whenever he cries, fast forwarding becomes a necessity. In fact, no matter how hard I tried, I was only 12% awake in the last 2 episodes. There are other ways to show how good an actor can be aside from shedding tears. It was a series finale, and the episode could have been used to further the storylines of our characters.
Other readers will kill me for saying this, but as strong as the start is, this felt like a cheap imitation of Love of Siam and I Told Sunset About You; unfortunately, this show can't hold a candle against those classics.
I'm sorry, as much as I adore Earth and Santa, I just cannot rewatch this show. I'm giving it a 7.5 for the effort.
EDIT: To be fair, I thought I couldnt rewatch it but i have and have increased my rating a bit. Thanks for people pointing out that I was also a bit homophobic with my review, I promise Ill be better in the future!
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This Has Quickly Turned Into A Must-See Show
I love what has been put together in this series all the way through, and it has become an easy rewatch project for anytime.These episodes have slowly built up to some incredible moments and great acting.
What first lured me to this show was Earth. . . that's all the reason I needed right there.
Then I saw that they had New behind the camera - another plus.
Then some of my favorite actors on board, namely Prem and Pineare among them.
They all made 'Until We Meet Again' required reading for all of us, so I can't wait to see what is coming up further in this story.
The acting from everyone is great, and it's all done convincingly, enough where I easily forget that Earth is actually several years older than Santa, and it all works well.
The characters are already developed very well, too, and I'm already very affected by the strong emotions coming out of these relationships (Yes, Earth. . . that would definitely be you. . .you do this too well).
I know that New is fully aware of how great an actor he has with Earth in front of the camera, so I am always aware that there are always a few hand-picked scenes for him where the direction is, "OK, Earth, your character is in agony right now. . . I want to see real tears".
"Earth. . .pretend that your heart is breaking and that your soul is leaving your body...."
And then he delivers spectacularly.
Ouch. . .I knew these scenes were coming but I was still not prepared for the meltdown I saw in Episode 4, or Episode 7.
We've all experienced this in our real lives at one point, and you can feel it all here in waves.
Add to that being 14 or 15 and separated from one of your best friends.
I think New also knows that Earth has the gift of doing a lot of his scenes carried only by his expressions and his eyes, so most of what you will see and experience in all of these episodes will happen with hardly any dialogue from him for some very powerful scenes.
To be continued. . .
If you're just starting to watch the series, enjoy.
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I just finished watching this drama and I can finally say that everything was PERFECT.This story goes far beyond a simple love story.
Here we talk about love, friendship, loyalty, respect, the courage to not giving up and knowing how to wait!
The relationship between Eiw and Cake is BEYOND! Beyond everything and everyone!
- About Eiw, I loved the way he was able to wait, he never gave up despite being convinced that there was no chance and that it was just friendship between them. I liked his way of being sweet and understanding.
- About Cake, I really liked the fact that he always put Eiw first and foremost,."His half" (as he defined him even before he felt in love). I loved the way he reacted when he realized he was in love of his best friend. He didn't fight against his feelings, on the contrary he accepted them and took what he wanted! And do we want to talk about his jealousy? Stupendous!
Then we want to talk about hugs in this drama? Too sweet!!!!!!!!!
Their characters are amazing, I enjoyed seeing their evolution from the first to the last episode. I loved the fact that despite the time, the choices and their different lives, they still found a way not to go away, but to always be together.
Also I would really like to underline the skill of the cast, the genuineness and spontaneity with which each of them has interpreted their characters. I have to say that Earth and Santa were really good, great acting and they were super suited to their roles. I think a story like this deserved to be played by two gorgeous actors like them and, moreover, this love story needed THE CHEMISTRY that they have showed.
Just everything was perfect, from the set design, to the story, the songs, the actors and characters.
*SPOILER* The only thing I would have changed is the choice to have Eiw's mother die in the last two episodes and thus give this series a beautiful, but at the same time bitter ending.
But anyway, despite that, I loved this bl and think it is a MASTERPIECE.
I could only give 10 and, believe me, I am hardly satisfied and I rarely give such high votes, but this drama really deserves it!
I absolutely recommend you to watch it.
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Awesome series,worth watching,actors did great job
This needs to be recognised,actors earth and santha did a amazing job ,the storyline is good and i suggest everyone to watch this, light weight, feel good series.i would give 10/10 for such an amazing series,i would re-watch again once i complete this ,earth is my all time favourite actor,his acting took this drama to another level ,it really needs a huge recognition.i have watched 8 episodes so far can't wait for further episodes,i really goona miss this series once i complete,you can watch this series in you tube is such an cute actor❤️.. didn't expect this drama would make me fall in love with thisEsta resenha foi útil para você?
Good acting, but there's no point - just Earth crying-porn.
This is a little like a dish that has only the best ingredients, but then is overcooked and not quite what you were hoping for.The plot is really repetitive, with Eiw being hurt and crying, and Santa cute-bullying him into not being angry with him (to be fair, that would totally work on me). Anyway, it goes around in circles for 9 episodes, and as we see in the Synopsis, we know it's building up to Cake leaving for a few years.
Eiw is the uke-est uke that ever uke'ed. He has no agency, is incapable of anything - there's even a scene where he has to run in PE class, and he literally only gets in three paces before the effort makes him collapse in a coma and he has to be hospitalized. He is wholly dependent on Cake in every conceivable way. Cake has a girlfriend, and this is endlessly painful to Eiw and so we watch him cry almost non-stop for the first 9 episodes.
So when Cake leaves, we're hoping to see Eiw blossom, become independent, and then when Cake returns, it's Cake who has to fit himself into Eiw's new life.
But nope, they just pick up right where they left off. There's no girfriend to make Cake cry, so instead, something randomly tragic happens, and the entirety of the last two episodes involves Eiw crying.
There is no point to this series. It's not about coping with loss, it's not about love, it's not about individual growth or coming of age. It's just Earth crying porn. The only purpose of anything is to make Earth cry. A man in his mid 20s, cast an adolescent who whine-cries for fourteen episodes.
And it's strictly G-rated, even when they're college grads. It's definitely a BL, but a very bromancy one - nearly chaste. They hug a lot, but that about it. A few sniff-kisses and one peck on the lips.
The acting is good, especially Santa, who is extremely talented and first-rate leading-man hunk material. And Earth has definitely mastered wailing and crying.
This is a qualiy production, but at the end of it I just don't understand what the point of it was, and I doubt I'll remember any of it in a month. Except for a scene where a doctor says something so outrageous that I burst out laughing. Even if you think this is the best series ever made, you'll know exactly what I'm talking about. There's also the most horrendously-timed move made on a girl that I've ever seen. Another LOL moment.
Story: Meh. I'll give it a 4.5. It was pointless, but coherent, and kept all the characters consistent. Maybe too consisent.
Acting: 8.5 - quite good all around. Santa is the clear standout, but Prem Warat surprised me with his depth - he's so much more substantial here than he is as a stereotypical uke.
Music: I don't remember any of it, so not bad or outstanding.
Rewatch value: none. I would never rewatch this, and Santa doesn' really show us any of his hot body, so there's no shower scene to play on an endless loop.
Overall: 6.5. OK, but dull, repetitive, and forgettable. I don't think I would recommend binging it, or its repetitiveness will really stand out. If you're an Earth fan, you may like it. If you hate Earth, you'll definitely like it because he's suffering and crying for the entirety of the series.
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Disappointing Ending
First of all, Earth, Santa, and Prem were amazing and they deserve 500000/10 stars.But I am left feeling so disappointed with the ending. The last two episodes were like torture. I never read the novel, but the series until ep 11 never indicated that the entire plot would cease being about Cake and Eiw's relationship (which is what I cared about, what I was expecting), and end up being entirely about Eiw's relationship with his parents.
There was no relationship development, there really was no character development (except Eiw became less shy??). They pretended there was a happy ending, but it touched on nothing. The last two episodes are entirely Eiw and his family sobbing uncontrollably and Cake hovering in the corner sometimes, awkwardly.
I guess the esteanged and dying parent storyline (besides coming from out of nowhere at the end of the season) hit too close to home for me and that’s why I'm grumpy. But like... Eiw spent an hour explaining why he hates his dad who abandoned them because he never stopped smoking. Really? Youre not at all mad that he abandoned you and your family for years, missed out on hugely important events? You're just mad... that he smoked?
The ending seemed to suddenly become an anti smoking commercial and an egregious melodrama, with almost no romance whatsoever. So... if you, like I did, thought you were about to watch a romance, you might as well stop watching after the one makeout scene.
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