Earth’s acting. It’s not acting. It’s his own experiences
The last scene of the episode is absolutely beautiful and utterly heartbreaking. Earth’s acting, you can’t really say it’s acting. You can see that he’s acting. He’s bringing his experiences from the very depths of his soul. Only someone who has gone through the same thing can really understand and can really display what it’s like. I want to give Earth a huge hug and 110% score. I want him to win all the awards and get all the love from fans, friends, family, and loved ones. Earth we love, you are incredible, thank you for being you and sharing it with us in this scene and in life.
I’m relating to eiw on a personal level my god. Hopefully sand will be relevant and eiw can have more friends but not forgetting about cake and same goes with cake, I hope he can have friends and not forget about Eiw. I’m sleeping. Okay bye!
The acting in this episodewas awesome. I can onlyimagine howhard it was for Earth who is openlygay to playthis role. Buthe handled it perfectly.Every sceneis filled withthe right nuance.