- Português (Brasil)
- Español
- English
- magyar / magyar nyelv
- Título original: 泣くな研修医
- Também conhecido como: Crying Resident
- Diretor: Komatsu Takashi, Toyoshima Keisuke
- Roteirista: Higuchi Takuji
- Gêneros: Drama, Médico
Elenco e Créditos
- Shirahama AlanAmeno RyujiPapel Principal
- Kinami HarukaSato Rei [Doctor]Papel Secundário
- Nomura ShuheiKawamura Sou [Doctor]Papel Secundário
- Emoto TokioTakiya Subaru [Doctor]Papel Secundário
- Tsunematsu YuriNakazono Kurumi [Doctor]Papel Secundário
- Yamaguchi TomomitsuTodo Koji [Radiologist]Papel Secundário

Suka sama ceritanya, bgmnya, ostnya, dan pastinya castnya.
Awalnya drama ini isinya jokes semua, lucu kali. Penderitaan anak-anak yang masih co-ass, jawab pertanyaan keluarga pasien aja ga boleh.
Tapi, seiring perkembangan cerita, drama ini ga cuman nawarin penderitaan anak co-ass yang dijadikan jokes, tapi cerita drama ini jadi lebih kaya, berwawasan dan tentu aja touching. Intinya bagaimana anak-anak intern ini menemukan jati diri.
Nah! Menurutku, Alan maenin peran Ryuuji dg sangat baik. Ekspresif!
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Real Reality Truths
This show really threw me for a loop; after reading the synopsis, I thought I had an idea of what this show would be, but the phrase "do not judge a book by its cover" really do apply here!The reality and relatable issues this story bravely faced were done with talent, respect, genuine care, and raw emotion(s) that are really rare to see from American television. American's prefer dramatics, explosions, drama, romance, blahblahblah... But this story really served its purpose for being entertaining as well as educational, though not in a scholarly way but more so from a humanity and kindness standpoint.
The cases this show followed were gut wrenching, heartbreaking, scary, emotional, raw cases that one wouldn't expect to generally see for a medical drama unless one is watching a dark-brooding-mystery-crime type story, maybe. I've never once thought of dropping a show yet continuing it so quickly... literally, I thought of dropping it by the end of episode one, but when I started episode two this show swallowed me whole and I binged it within one day! Yeah, yeah, I know; only 10 episodes so "binge watching it should be no big deal" lol
The picture/poster for this show, posted here of course, really misled me as well. I thought it would be melodramatic or too cheesy and those types of shows aren't generally for me, I'll watch them, but I tend to like reality thrown in to my shows (ironic, no?) instead of the cheesy "this could never happen in real life" types. Does that make sense? I hope so! Anyways.... This show really gave me a punch to the stomach, without being too over the top, this show really delivered on the emotions and realities of not only being a doctor within this day and age, but really delved deep in to how a resident doctor feels, acts, learns, shows off their knowledge, how they take care of patients, and even how they take care of themselves. If you're looking for a purely medical show, then this may not be for you. This show really took the 10 episodes and ran with it! A show all about humanity, genuine care, and the bettering of oneself from the perspective and difference of every patient!
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