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Abr 6, 2024
8 of 8 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 6.0

a honra e a glória é minha!

que prazer poder ver uma boa história repleta de mistérios, vingança e justiça!
the glory é fascinante, bem executado, contém atuações belíssimas, porém, nessa parte 1, achei um ritmo as vezes excessivamente lento, com muitas informações e explicações redundantes, mas... ainda sim é ótimo!
um dorama bom, mas senti que faltou algo nessa parte 1... não sei dizer exatamente o que, mas senti um certo vazio.
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Jul 29, 2023
8 of 8 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 8.5
Voltar a ver 10
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

Como pode um drama ser tão bom do início ao fim?

Review da parte 1 e da 2: Tem Spoiler pra k7

Existe uma grande chance de que mude a nota final que dei para The Glory, provavelmente para algo bem maior do que 9. Esse é um dos melhores que já assisti em toda a minha vida e eu tenho a honra de dar uma das minhas raras 5 estrelas para ele.

O primeiro episódio é, definitivamente, o mais pesado, já que é o prefácio do que veremos ao longo da história. É doloroso ver as coisas terríveis que Dong-eun passou quando era nova, chegando ao ponto de te deixar ansioso, mesmo que logo na primeira cena saibamos que ela tenha sobrevivido.
Depois disso, o mistério envolvendo cada um dos personagens deixa toda a história cada vez melhor. Você sabe bem que a vingança vai ser bem sucedida, mas você também fica ansioso em descobrir junto da protagonista todos aqueles segredos horriveis envolvendo cada um dos amigos.
Além disso, Yeo-jeong. Acho que nunca tive tanto medo de estar torcendo por um possível vilão. Tudo ao redor desse personagem é misterioso. Quem é ele? O que está procurando? Por quê infernos tem um homem obcecado por ele? O que preocupa tanto sua mãe? São tantas, mas tantas perguntas. E ainda assim, você não consegue deixar de gostar dele, de querer que ele seja realmente o carrasco do enorme plano de vingança.

The Glory é um dos melhores dramas com um dos melhores roteiros que já assisti, e sem dúvidas merece que você também de uma olhada. Tudo faz sentido e tudo é muito bem construído ao longo dos 16 episódios.

Meu deus, que negócio bom…

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Moon Prix
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jun 5, 2023
8 of 8 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.5
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 5.5
Voltar a ver 10

Violência escolar acontece em todo lugar! / School violence happens everywhere!

Depoimentos sobre violência na escola são sempre triste e desotivantes, porque não ha nada mais desnecessario, que deixar desconfotavel outro ser humano, por causa de sua altura, peso, cor, cabelo, raça ou nivel intelectual. Quem nunca passou por perrengues na escola com algum valentão no pé? Este enredo triste apresenta uma vingança surpreendente, cheia de crueldade em uma cena inimaginável. A história narra a vida de uma estudante do ensino médio que sonha em se tornar arquiteta, mas que já enfrenta problemas familiares pesados. Ela sofre com bullying e violência escolar brutal, e acaba abandonando os estudos. Porem como sempre na vida quem faz as maldades esquece e que sofre nunca esquece, num futuro breve ela volta com toda ira e como arquiteta de um plano de vigança terrivel.

A violência escolar no ensino médio na Coreia do Sul é um problema grave que afeta não apenas os estudantes, mas também a sociedade como um todo. O ministerio da Educacao Coreana tem dado atenção nos últimos anos. Segundo relatos, a pressão para obter boas notas e se destacar academicamente pode levar a comportamentos agressivos entre os alunos. Além disso, a falta de apoio emocional e a competição intensa podem contribuir para a violência escolar, as formas mais comuns de violência incluem intimidação, agressão física e verbal, e exclusão social. As causas da violência escolar na Coreia do Sul são complexas e incluem fatores como pressão acadêmica, competição intensa entre os estudantes, discriminação e problemas familiares, é um problema grave que afeta não apenas os estudantes, mas também a sociedade como um todo. As consequências podem ser devastadoras, como o aumento do absenteísmo, queda no desempenho acadêmico e danos psicológicos para os envolvidos. As autoridades escolares têm tomado medidas para combater a violência, incluindo a implementação de programas de prevenção, a criação de políticas de tolerância zero e a promoção de um ambiente escolar saudável e inclusivo. No entanto, ainda há muito a ser feito para resolver o problema e garantir um ambiente educacional seguro e positivo para todos os estudantes.
Isso tudo é real!

Violência escolar acontece em todo lugar!

Um dos problemas que vem ganhando destaque e visibilidade na Coreia do Sul é o bullying, principalmente em ambiente escolar. Nos últimos 20 anos, as denúncias de abuso físico e psicológico em instituições de ensino vem crescendo, explicitando uma realidade dolorosa para as diversas vítimas que carregam os traumas e memórias.
O bullying é um problema cada vez mais evidente e preocupante na Coreia do Sul, principalmente em ambientes escolares. Durante as últimas duas décadas, tem havido um aumento nas denúncias de abuso físico e psicológico em instituições de ensino, revelando uma realidade dolorosa para várias vítimas que carregam traumas e lembranças difíceis.
Além das acusações feitas contra figuras públicas, como ídolos do k-pop, atores, atletas e políticos, casos de bullying no cotidiano estão cada vez mais recebendo atenção, sobretudo devido ao grande número de reclamações e denúncias feitas às instituições de ensino e às delegacias locais.
Tendo a discussão viva diante dessa “epidemia nacional de bullying escolar”, a dramaturgia passa retratar com maior fidelidade determinados casos graves. No fim de 2022, o K-Drama A Lição (The Glory), cuja trama gira em torno dos traumas e violência sofrida pela protagonista durante o Ensino Médio, após desistir dos sonhos e da própria vida acadêmica, Moon Dong Eun (Song Hye Kyo) procura vingança contra os bullyings.


Testimonials about violence at school are always sad and discouraging, because there is nothing more unnecessary than making another human being uncomfortable, because of their height, weight, color, hair, race or intellectual level. Who never went through perrengues at school with some bully on their foot? This sad plot features surprising revenge, full of cruelty in an unimaginable scene. The story tells the life of a high school student who dreams of becoming an architect, but who already faces heavy family problems. She suffers from bullying and brutal school violence, and ends up dropping out of school. However, as always in life, those who do evil things forget and those who suffer never forget, in a short future she returns with all her anger and as the architect of a terrible revenge plan.
High school violence in South Korea is a serious problem that affects not only students but society as a whole. The Korean Ministry of Education has given attention in recent years. According to reports, the pressure to get good grades and excel academically can lead to aggressive behavior among students. In addition, lack of emotional support and intense competition can contribute to school violence, the most common forms of violence include bullying, physical and verbal aggression, and social exclusion. The causes of school violence in South Korea are complex and include factors such as academic pressure, intense competition among students, discrimination and family problems, it is a serious problem that affects not only students but also society as a whole. The consequences can be devastating, such as increased absenteeism, a drop in academic performance and psychological damage for those involved. School authorities have taken steps to combat violence, including implementing prevention programs, creating zero-tolerance policies, and promoting a healthy and inclusive school environment. However, much remains to be done to address the issue and ensure a safe and positive educational environment for all students.

This is all real!

School violence happens everywhere!

One of the problems that has been gaining prominence and visibility in South Korea is bullying, especially in the school environment. Over the past 20 years, reports of physical and psychological abuse in educational institutions have been growing, highlighting a painful reality for the various victims who carry traumas and memories.
Bullying is an increasingly evident and worrying problem in South Korea, especially in school settings. During the last two decades, there has been an increase in reports of physical and psychological abuse in educational institutions, revealing a painful reality for many victims who carry trauma and difficult memories.
In addition to the accusations made against public figures, such as K-pop idols, actors, athletes and politicians, cases of bullying in everyday life are increasingly receiving attention, mainly due to the large number of complaints and complaints made to educational institutions and police stations. locations.
With the discussion alive in the face of this “national epidemic of school bullying”, the dramaturgy begins to portray certain serious cases with greater fidelity. At the end of 2022, the K-Drama A Lição (The Glory), whose plot revolves around the traumas and violence suffered by the protagonist during high school, after giving up on her dreams and her own academic life, Moon Dong Eun (Song Hye Kyo ) seeks revenge against the bullies.

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0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jan 23, 2023
8 of 8 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 8.5
Voltar a ver 10

Recomendo muito

The glory definitivamente não é um drama pra qualquer um, justamente por abordar temas muito sensíveis e de uma maneira bem gráfica, então se você não gosta desse tipo de coisa não assista.

Eu realmente fico feliz de abordarem bullying em dramas porque isso é um problema gigantesco na Coreia, na Ásia em geral, então abordar esses temas trás uma visão diferente para certas pessoas.
A atuação de TODOS os atores são muito boas, uma das que eu mais gostei foi a da atriz que faz a Yeojin, eu ficava com raiva dela mesmo não dizendo ou fazendo nada. Eu demorei um pouco para terminar o primeiro episódio, por conta da violência, mas depois disso a série me prendeu completamente e eu ficava ansiosa pra terminar e ir para o próximo episódio.

The glory é uma série muito boa e muito bem feita.
é isso ^3^

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unterwegsimkoreanischenD Flower Award1
135 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Dez 30, 2022
8 of 8 episódios vistos
Completados 1
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 9.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

Gripping, intense, a success all round

"The Glory" comes with a drum roll at the turn of the year 2022/23. With a high-end production team in every instance, "The Glory" cleverly intertwines the burning subject of bullying with the long-running topic ´revenge campaign´. The result is gripping, intense, a success all round. (However, one major criticism: Netflix cuts the story in half with a long break in between.)

In 2022, for the sad issue of bullying, streaming services cleared the stage several times with their own productions (e.g. "Weak Hero Class 1" and "Revenge of Others"). All of these stories are unbelievable in their brutality and cruelty - teenagers against teenagers! No mercy. Without pity. Without scruples. Without any feeling of guilt. For once, I don't want to blame the streaming providers for the shown cruelty, on the contrary. Maybe the topic is in better hands with them because they have no problem with such radical scenes (compared to TV stations). Isn´t it simply scandalous that such unbelievable violent abuse - and may it be only half as drastic - is part of everyday life in (i.e. South Korean) schools and among young people? Even more scandalous: parents and teachers tolerate it or actively support it and even act up themselves.

"The Glory" swings back and forth between past and present and thus draws a complex picture of the individual characters. Back then the perpetrators, they are becoming victims today. Back then the victim, she finally wants to get out of her role and also make life hell for her abusers. The painful past provides the moral framework, allowing the audience to nod off the plans for vigilantism. Eventually, the protagonist also gains helpers on her way.

Sad enough, in "The Glory" no one is truly happy with their life except for the perpetrator's (still) innocent little daughter.
The bullies of that time live bored and/or stoned and still trapped in their bullying role. Still tangled up in their clique from back then in uneasy ties. None of them found ´true´ friends. Trust and love are words without substance in their life, which rather appears as a shiny variation of Hell disguised with silk and glamourous accessories.
The victim of that time, on the other hand, has found meaning, direction and grounding in her life, no matter how sad the circumstances. Coincidentally, she even made trustworthy friends. Since she has experienced firsthand what hell is like, she can at least distinguish it, as other experiences of brief moments of happiness are also indicated in between. This experience (how happiness actually feels compared to suffering) puts her ahead of her opponents, who aren't even aware that they're living in a hell of emotional emptiness. They only suspect it when Moon-Dong-eun threatens to shake their house of cards and they have to face the illusions of their self-satisfied lives.

The story isn´t completely told yet - after 8 episodes. We will see, how things actually turn out for Moon Dong-eun, as she is indeed messing with someone, who is not willing to give in, whatsoever...

---------- EDIT after finishing the SECOND SEASON: -------------------
Well. Second season is definitely on the revenge-side. Some may say revenge is sweet. In any case it is drastic. And "the Glory" made sure, the mean-spirited deserved it... Among them is so much violence and exorbitant abuse. Almost too much to bear at times. A bit overdone maybe with unnecessary Netflix ruction here and there. Nevertheless suspenseful. Certainly with a coherent ending.

Actually, the screenwriter is herself mother of a high school student...)

SIDE NOTE: ---- Fiction and reality are not that far apart ---

Some might say that the bullying brutality in "The Glory" - such as the curling wand scene - was exaggerated.
In fact, in South Korea in 2006, there was just such a case.

At a middle school in Cheongju, a student was bullied for money by three classmates. For not delivering, she was beaten with a baseball bat, tormented with a barrette, kicked, hit with fists, and burned on her arms with a hot curling wand. The burns didn't even have time to heal because the girls checked the temperature of the curling iron on the victim's arms again and again every few days. On the contrary, healing blisters were specifically removed by the bullies with their fingernails. The brutal beating also resulted in an injury to the tailbone, which resulted in a six-week hospital stay.

In fact, in this actual case in Cheongju, the perpetrators were apparently officially punished after the victim, despite threats, reported the perpetrators by name. And not only the perpetrators, but also the school administration and teachers were apparently sort of admonished. (However, with that the police report ends. We do not know how the victim, the perpetrators and the school dealt with each other afterwards).

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61 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Dez 30, 2022
8 of 8 episódios vistos
Completados 4
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 10

For revenge I sold my soul to the Demon

Song Hye Kyo is back. And she brought a wrath and Lucifer with her this time along. I personally hated her last drama 'Now we are breaking up'. But this time she has compensated for that miserable drama and made me fall in love with her again.
As one can guess from the synopsis, that this drama revolves around Song Hye Kyo's character's revenge towards those that made her life more miserable than hell. After waiting 18 years for the perfect timing to take her revenge. Nothing can budge her from her goal Im Ji Yeon (and others). She will use every card for her advantage.
Song Hye Kyo just stole the show here. One could feel the pain she felt and the anger that was hiding behind that beautiful face of her's.
A special shoutout to Jung Ji So and Shin Ye Eun's acting. Man they were too good in their display of emotions. And ofcourse Im Ji Yeon and other cast were just pinpoint perfect in there portrayal of their character.
The storyline and the production were also great. Loved each and every second of the show. And it kept me tied to my seat. I binge watched the drama in a sitting. This season had me waiting for the second season already.

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55 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jan 3, 2023
8 of 8 episódios vistos
Completados 17
No geral 8.5
História 8.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musical 9.5
Voltar a ver 4.0

I don’t need a prince to save me, I need an executioner to join the hunt.

Delicious, compelling, manic, obsessive, infuriating and sensual- this drama gives you all the thrill and more. This is Song Hye Ko like you’ve never seen her before.

Yes, her robotic frozen in time acting is still there but this time it suits the role. Gone is the fluffy Mary Sue rom com female lead she always plays and in its place is a revenge driven, blood thirsty anti-heroine who’s taking no prisoners. I think she did a pretty solid job here- equal parts graceful with just enough madness to make her the right kinda crazy.

Throughout the drama, she has this internal monologue going on where she talks so very affectionately with her worst enemy as if it were a dear friend. Her voice is a mix between poetry and a pretty song if they contained thinly veiled promises of retribution and vengeance.

The acting over all is pretty smooth aside from Lee Do Hyun who is just one of those trendy actors that are cast cause of their looks/hype and nothing more. He is a glorified support role so his lack of talent stings less.

The antagonists are an absolute delight to watch. They are gorgeous on the outside and plain rot on the inside and the actors have done a great job showcasing that.

The bullying is visceral and the heroine’s revenge is 100% believable. You want every single one of these muffuckers to pay with their lives.

The best thing is that the drama doesn’t shy away from gore, sex and profanity which gives it the maturity and darkness that it needs to be convincing, all the while balancing it with a blooming sismance that warms the soul.

Beautifully shot, with incredible OST and an excellent take on your typical revenge story, “The Glory” is equal parts compelling and binge able.

Oh and we have a hot daddy in the house as well. I have one solid ship and I’ll sink with it if I have to. ⛴⛴⛴

Overall, it’s definitely Jeana approved.
I am biting my gorgeous fake nails for season 2~

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57 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jan 6, 2023
8 of 8 episódios vistos
Completados 6
No geral 6.5
História 6.5
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musical 6.5
Voltar a ver 5.0

Good idea, boring execution

To be honest, I was bored. So the question I’m asking myself is, why?

Well, this is a thriller, but there were precious little thrills for most of it. I did think that the idea behind the plot was good—triggering self-destruct mechanisms, light the fuse and then step back. It offers great opportunities for building tension but I don’t think that the overall production capitalised on the potential.

The pace was a constant plod. It needed some speed variations, some light and shade, some better twists and turns and a great deal more tension. This is really a problem across the board from the writer, through the director to the editing suite. The only thing that had any zing was the cinematography, which was beautifully realised.

The characters, including the protagonist, were universally unlikeable. Song Hye Kyo had a stone-face throughout and I was not impressed by her performance. The main problem for me was that the characters were not presented in any depth and for the most part had one mode of operation. For a plot built on the premise of self-destruction, the characters have to be much more carefully realised. Also, with so many antagonists, their inter-relationships did not have enough time to develop to the point where I was engaged. Maybe if Lee Sa Ra and even Son Myeong Oh were omitted that would have made room for more character breadth and detailed interactions.

As it was, I was totally unmoved by any of them and fairly disinterested in what happened to them. The most interesting character for me was Ha Do Young, played by Jung Sung Il, who brought more subtlety to the realisation of his part than any of the others. So when you’ve got nothing much going on in the plot and you don’t feel any interest or attachment to any of the characters, what is there to keep your attention?

One thing that always hacks me off is when the psychology is wrong and it is here. Dong Eun can be triggered into horrendous flashbacks which completely cripple her, but shows no hesitation in confronting and challenging her torturers face to face in isolated places without a tremor or a drop sweat breaking out. This type of dichotomy is simply not credible. Her character relies on words for her safety, but it is emotions that provoke damage and they are much quicker off the mark. So her interactions with the emotion driven antagonists are undermined. It is even more unbelievable because no explanation is offered regarding any of the psychological processes that turned her from fearful victim to controlled aggressor.

What my rating means: 6+ Some aspects of it were OK but it had serious flaws. It will pass the time but you can find something better.

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41 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jan 5, 2023
8 of 8 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 6.0
História 7.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 6.0

A season that gives you `nothing`

Watch if you want an extremely slow-burn drama about revenge. There's almost no back story on how she plans her revenge but rather more about how the relationship of the characters develops.

My mistake was watching the entirety of season 1 and expecting it to at least progress halfway before season 2. The first few episodes were good and provided sufficient backstory within a timely manner which didn't feel rushed. However, the show slowed down halfway and focused on the dynamics of the characters within adulthood. The seething felt a bit dragged as the vengeful emotions were already portrayed early in the drama so it was a letdown that there was not much progress with her revenge plot this season. There are many plot holes that arrived early in the season and are still to be filled in season 2.

I might drop it in season 2 if the first few episodes do not progress the plot. Do not watch if you're looking for a thriller.

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19 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Dez 30, 2022
8 of 8 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musical 6.0
Voltar a ver 8.0

Glorious Revenge served Cold

This caught my attention when I found out the screen writer of Mr. Sunshine was also the writer for this Drama. After seeing a few other dramas with themes of bullying and revenge, it can be an emotionally turbulent ride for the viewer due to the intensity of those topics. For those with power and/or wealth who think they can get away with it without any consequences, this show tries to turn the tables with the poor and powerless drawing on their inner strength and hatred to execute their war path towards retribution.

The FL comes from a dysfunctional family with a mother who doesn't give a crap about her and sells her out in the end. She carries scars physically and emotionally from the intense sociopathic bullying she deals with from a group of emotionally stunted kids with the kingpin being a pretty rich girl who knows she will remain untouchable no matter how far she goes with the bullying. The FL carefully over the years plots out her revenge and dedicates her life to it while the bully kingpin rich girl continues to thrive in her superficial life with her weathercaster job and bagging a rich guy as her husband.

This is a dark adult drama (Netflix style), as a warning there are some adult scenes (no full on nudity). Its quite bleak at times, the FL as a teen has no where to turn with almost everyone turning their back on her. The FL suffers from bouts of PTSD and lasting psychological damage in adulthood. The actresses and actors do an amazing job playing their parts. The FL is a popular actress, this is my first time seeing her in a KDrama; she does a really good job with her role as a smart somber scarred individual who simmers in her hatred against her bullies. The ML is a talented underrated actor, so far he carries all his parts pretty well in the dramas I've seen.

It's a very good psychological revenge drama with good pacing, looking forward to S2.

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14 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jan 8, 2023
8 of 8 episódios vistos
Completados 1
No geral 5.5
História 5.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 6.0
Voltar a ver 2.0

Okay to watch if you have free time; not a lot happens, but hey...something to watch!

I watched "The Glory" for Song Hye Kyo and Lee Dong Hyun. After reading other reviews, I agree that LDH's character seems a bit misplaced in this drama, though I enjoy seeing him and think he did the best he could with his role.

With the whole revenge for bullying premise, there are unsurprisingly a lot of triggering violent scenes. This is not something I particularly enjoy seeing, and we are gifted with a cycle of violent memories throughout the eight episodes. The story itself is pretty sad as the victim (who continues to suffer in the present day) devotes her whole life and being to getting revenge.

While it was interesting to see the relationships between all the characters develop in the present day, not a whole lot happens and nothing is resolved. Of course, there's a second season, but even in the first season there should be some sort of catalyzing action. I watched and thought to myself, "Oh man, is it just going to end here after nothing really happened?" The "cliffhanger" was weak and I'm not sure if I can even call it that.

I do want to give an honorable mention to Lee Moo Saeng. That man knows how to act. I gave Thirty-Nine a poor rating, but I feel he had a standout performance there. And even here in his few minutes of screen time, he impresses in a totally different way.

I most likely will watch the second season but this drama is far from a masterpiece.

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19 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jan 7, 2023
8 of 8 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 4.0
História 4.0
Acting/Cast 5.0
Musical 4.0
Voltar a ver 3.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

Nothing new....

The high school bullying trope is definitely not new. The difference would probably be the extent of the bullying.

Coming on the heels of Revenge of Others, I wasn't sure if I wanted to watch The Glory. But since this was one of the anticipated dramas last Dec., I decided to give it a go (secretly hoping to see different facial expressions from SHK)

In this drama, SHK's one dimensional expression worked in her favor. It matched the personality of the character she was portraying. Wonder if she can do better in rom-coms????

I also wanted to see more of Lee Do Hyun since I last watched him in Sweet Home. Was a bit disappointed in his character though. Yes, he had a crush on SHK, but to go all out and offer to aid her in extracting revenge was a bit far fetched

Surprisingly, the only character I am looking forward to in part 2 is Jung Sung Il. He has a classical face like a matinee idol :) and I love his deep voice. It would be more believable if he and SHK's character end up together rather than Lee Do Hyun.

Overall, wouldn't say that this is soooooo Good. Just so-so for me. All episodes should have been released at once because what is the use of splitting it in the first place? Are the producers just gauging SHK's saleability after all the criticisms on her bland expression?

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A Lição (2022) poster



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