May é uma jovem de 26 anos que retorna para a Coreia pela primeira vez após ter sido adotada aos 3 anos nos Estados Unidos. Ela tem dois propósitos nesta viagem: descobrir por que seus pais biológicos a abandonaram e descobrir como surgiu uma cicatriz que ela tem no ombro em forma de lagarto. Em busca de seu passado, ela se depara com Eun Sul, um motorista de táxi que tem uma rara doença cardíaca, e por causa disso ele pode morrer a qualquer momento. Eles se conheceram após ela ajudá-lo quando ele estava tendo um ataque do coração. Após esse primeiro encontro, Eun Sul sente vontade de ajudar May, como sua última boa ação em vida. Com a ajuda de Eun Sul, a viagem para encontrar as respostas continua. Tudo o que May pode se lembrar de sua infância é uma vaga lembrança de ver "um coelho vermelho" e uma cicatriz contorcendo em seu ombro... será que ela poderá encontrar as respostas que está procurando? (Fonte: Filmow; editado por MyDramaList) Editar Tradução
- Português (Brasil)
- 中文(简体)
- Français
- Español
- Título original: 토끼와 리저드
- Também conhecido como: Rabbit and Lizard , Tokkiwa Rijeodeu , Maybe
- Gêneros: Romance, Drama, Melodrama
Elenco e Créditos
- Jang HyukEun SeolPapel Principal
- Sung Yoo Ri Papel Principal
- Kim Dong JooBok JaPapel Secundário
- Lee Seung Yeon[Young May's mother]Papel Secundário
- Kang Soo Young[Motel owner]Papel Secundário
- Ahn Seo HyunMay [Young]Convidado

If you like artsy, slow paced movies that are open ended, this may be a good fit for you. I also recommend this movie for any Jang Hyuk fan.

I watched the movie without any high expectations because the rating is fair to good. But still, I had hopes that it would have a something about it that I could really appreciate. Unfortunately, it still wasn't all that great
Story - It was okay. I mean, the movie was shot beautifully and in a slow way. I really like that kind of movie. But there were too many weird things about it that even I, who tend to like the odd in a movies, didn't really get. My main gripe is with the female lead. Not the actress, just the character. She grated on my nerves through the whole thing. I mean, I have never been in her kind of situation, but all she did was whine and cry and treat everybody like dirt. Her poor pathetic life. I couldn't see enough justification for this type of attitude at all. I just felt she had a horrid personality. I enjoyed the main male characters side of the story.
Acting/Cast - I thought the cast was good. The main guy from Windstruck is the main guy in this. He played his part really well. And really the main girl did her part well too. She was completely believable, hateful person and all.
Music - Some good stuff. Nothing memorable. Slow and sad, to go along with the movie I guess.
Rewatch Value - I will never watch this movie again, but if you like it, I don't see why you wouldn't.
Overall - It really is very rare that I find a movie that doesn't have much to it that I can appreciate. And I think I could forgive a lot of the annoyances and appreciate the movie more if it wasn't for the main female character. My annoyance with her overpowered a lot of the movie. And maybe I was just in a mood while watching it, but ugh.