The Moment Since (2020) poster
Sua Avaliação: 0/10
Avaliações: 7.1/10 de 3,797 usuários
# de Fãs: 8,669
Resenhas: 14 usuários
Classificado #9062
Popularidade #2084
Fãs 3,797

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  • Português (Brasil)
  • English
  • magyar / magyar nyelv
  • dansk
  • País: Thailand
  • Tipo: Drama
  • Episódios: 5
  • Exibido: Ago 1, 2020 - Ago 9, 2020
  • Exibido em: Segunda, Quarta, Sexta, Sábado
  • Duração: 15 min.
  • Pontuação: 7.1 (scored by 3,797 usuários)
  • Classificado: #9062
  • Popularidade: #2084
  • Classificação do Conteúdo: 15+ - Teens 15 or older

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The Moment Since (2020) photo
The Moment Since (2020) photo


38 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Ago 13, 2020
5 of 5 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 9.0

why yall mad for

I don't know why all of you stay hating this show. It's literally so simple and cute for people who need a break in between shows that are hectic and all over the place. Sure, the characters were a little show at advancing with their love, but at the end it was still all cute and was worth it in my opinion. I don't know what you guys expected from a 5 episode show where they're all each 15ish minutes. I'm actually really happy the show ended the way it did. The first season was very wholesome so it would have been weird if they included more "adult" situations into this one. I really recommend this and the first season to anyone who needs a little break and who needs a calm show.

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29 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Ago 9, 2020
5 of 5 episódios vistos
Completados 2
No geral 3.5
História 1.0
Acting/Cast 3.0
Musical 3.5
Voltar a ver 1.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

Nothing happened. NOTHING!

I put a spoiler warning on this because MDL would lose their minds otherwise. But I don't really see the point. Let me save you from losing about 4 hours and tell you what happened in season 2 of THE MOMENT SINCE - NOTHING. That's right. Nothing happened.

This ENTIRE season was five episodes of montages with the SAME song over and over and over and over! Why did they waste film and time and money making this 5 episodes? They could have saved themselves a lot of time and money and danger (due to COVID) and made this into a half an hour long movie.

Let's break it down.

I gave it the number of stars I did because of Copter. If it wasn't for him, I'd drop this to a 1.5.

The only thing that made me happy about this is Copter and he was in this entire thing for legit 2 seconds plus a little moment in ep 5 with Boston.

There was no story. Nothing to latch on to. There were two kisses but I could have done without them. And there are those who said this happened because the episodes are short and I call BS on that. One of the BEST BL's I've ever seen is a student short movie on Youtube called ONE LAST ORDER - It's an entire movie done in about 15 minutes and it has everything. Sure, the characters didn't kiss or touch or even hug but the chemistry was LIT, the acting was amazing, the music was on point and the storyline was all the things.

The eps being short is no excuse for this mess.

Let's talk about the kisses. I could have done without them. This entire season was garbage to begin with, the kisses did NOT help. I can watch an entire drama without that sort of thing. Sure, it makes it sexier, but not really necessary to show love. But these two GROWN men (one's a doctor and one's a bartender so they are grown-ass men), still sniffs each other's cheeks then run and are afraid to show any kind of emotional connection to each other for anyone to see.

And don't come at me about being shy and a virgin and blah blah blah - being shy is one thing. Acting like a 12 year old who just felt what its like to hold hands, is unacceptable.

At the end of S2, they still haven't come out and say "we're together." They have a sweet little speech (which in the grand scheme of the entire thing means nothing) and I'm left feeling as if they aren't in a relationship but just hanging out with each other on vacation. After this mess, I'm less salty about the whole highfive-gate crap in 2gether the series.

What in the actual hell is happening to LINE? They were at the FOREFRONT of BL content, now all we get are these water down garbage they're trying to pass off as BL? If they were going to wreck this, they shouldn't have made season two. They were blinded by the success of season one and rushed s2 two which you can't really call a season 2.

This was garbage. Don't waste your time. Want something with plot - and I can't believe I'm saying this because anyone who follows me on here knows how desperately I disliked 2gether for that whole high five crab - go watch 2gether. At least you'll get a story out of this.

This was just a 5 ep long music video that isn't even that good of a music video.


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O Momento
Gen Y
Boys Cooking


  • Drama: The Moment Since
  • País: Tailândia
  • Episódios: 5
  • Exibido: Ago 1, 2020 - Ago 9, 2020
  • Exibido On: Segunda, Quarta, Sexta, Sábado
  • Duração: 15 min.
  • Classificação do Conteúdo: 15+ - 15 anos ou mais


  • Pontuação: 7.1 (avaliado por 3,797 usuários)
  • Classificado: #9062
  • Popularidade: #2084
  • Fãs: 8,669

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