Ogino Sayaka é uma pessoa honesta e sincera, que trabalha como editora em uma revista de moda feminina, onde obteve sucesso. Ela é casada com Ogino Kazuma há seis anos, ele trabalha em uma agência de publicidade. Parece ser o parceiro ideal, é gentil, entende o trabalho de Sayaka e até mesmo faz sua parte nas tarefas domésticas. A única preocupação de Sayaka é a relutância dele em constituir uma família. No entanto, a vida de Sayaka sofre algumas reviravoltas inesperadas. Enquanto procurava um local para realizar uma sessão de fotos ela reencontra Akiyama Keiichi, sua paixão da época de colégio. Agora ele está casado e é o Chef do seu próprio restaurante. De repente, Sayaka se vê traída por todos próximos a ela, exceto por Akiyama. Como no passado, ele fornece a cura emocional necessária para Sayaka. Eles conseguiram reacender o que tinham antes, ou as forças malévolas estão determinadas a mantê-los separados? (Fonte: Céu Asiático) Editar Tradução
- Português (Brasil)
- Burmese
- English
- Română
- Título original: ギルティ~この恋は罪ですか?~
- Também conhecido como: Guilty-Is this love a sin? ~ , Giruti: Kono Koi wa Tsumidesu ka? , Culpados , Culpado: Esse Amor é um Pecado? , Guilty: Esse Amor é um Pecado? , Culpada , Guilty: Kono Koi wa Tsumi Desuka
- Roteirista: Izumisawa Yoko, Miura Kisa, Obayashi Rieko
- Diretor: Kawahara Yo, Noda Kenta
- Gêneros: Thriller, Romance, Drama
Elenco e Créditos
- Shinkawa YuaOgino SayakaPapel Principal
- Machida KeitaAkiyama KeiichiPapel Principal
- Koike TeppeiOgino Kazuma [Sayaka's husband]Papel Secundário
- Nakamura YurikaOikawa Rui [Sayaka's friend]Papel Secundário
- Kamio FujuTerashima Mutsuki [Sayaka's colleague]Papel Secundário
- Kakei MiwakoNishimura Wakana [Sayaka's bestfriend]Papel Secundário

♥ ギルティ~この恋は罪ですか? ♥
This drama is about sayaka who is a honest, and sincere person. She enjoys her job as an editor at a women's fashion magazine where she has found success. Kazuma, her partner of six years, works at an advertising agency. He is an ideal partner who is kind, understands Sayaka's work, and even does his share of the household chores! She is married to Kazu but she doesn;t seem happy, one day she finds out he is having an affair with her best friend Rui.Rui is the sister of Sayaka's biggest love from when she was young, she never forgot about Akiyama and she wants to get back with him. This drama was one of the best in 2020 so powerful and the characters have played so well!
Sayaka is so pretty and this character suits her so well, Akiyama is very handsome for Japanese standards and he makes a great couple with Sayaka ♥♥♥

intriguing drama about learning to forgive and accept yourself
I want to keep this review spoiler-free, but I will just start by saying the plot is bad, so don't pick this up if you want perfect story writing. This is a drama that is about adult individuals that each have their own problems and troubled past, but throughout the drama they are learning to forgive themselves and move forward from it. Even though a lot of the plot revolves about romance, it is not really the main focus of this drama. The relationships between the different people is quite complex and confusing, but the casting is great. Each played their role as good as it gets (even if this meant i hated some of the characters). The main OST is amazing.Overall, I would still recommend this drama if you love dramas that are more about "heavier" topics with character development. Despite quite some "wtf" moments, i still binged watched this.