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Jan 12, 2023
13 of 13 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 6.5
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 6.5

Story could’ve been better

I’ll keep this short. The story between Paiyu and Rain could’ve been lest dragged out, could have been better if they mixed Prai and Sky’s stories instead of making it into basically two parts. I know Prai and Sky’s story was more intense, but they would have balanced each other out well in my opinion. I enjoyed Prai and Sky’s story more then Paiyu and Rain I do like that both couples got almost the same amount of screen time (almost) you don’t see that often in multiple couple BLs. It’s definitely worth a watch even though Rain and Paiyu story sometimes left me bored or annoyed because it dragged on for to long.

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Out 23, 2023
13 of 13 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 8.5
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 8.0

I drama tailandesi sono diversi

Bisogna partire da questa premessa: la recitazione è diversa da quella a cui siamo abituati se non abbiamo mai visto un drama thailandese, o ne abbiamo visto pochi.
Anche gli attori sono molto diversi da quelli a cui possiamo esserci abituati guardando drama cinesi o coreani. In realtà le persone sembrano molto più vere, perché questi attori hanno un aspetto più umano, meno plastificato e, soprattutto, sembrano essere dotati di un po' di carne sulle ossa, cosa che molto spesso manca nelle loro controparti di altri paesi.
Alla fine si tratta di una questione di gusti, a me personalmente il cambio è garbato abbastanza.

Ho assegnato un voto abbastanza alto alla recitazione non tanto in linea generale, ma in riferimento soprattutto alle scene amorose. Qui ci portiamo decisamente nel territorio del porno soft e bisogna ammettere che questi ragazzi sanno essere molto convincenti. Onore al merito non solo perché riescono a farci percepire sia la lussuria che il sottostante sentimento amoroso, ma soprattutto perché i quattro attori principali sono dei novellini, praticamente alle prime armi. Guardandone le biografie non credevo ai miei occhi.

Purtroppo, usciti dalla camera da letto, le vicende in sé lasciano a volte un po' a desiderare: c'è una lunga serie di scene, spesso terribilmente cliché, che fanno pensare a situazioni viste e riviste forse fin dagli anni settanta, ovviamente traslate in un contesto etero perché all'epoca il BL praticamente non esisteva.

La prima coppia, Pioggia e Tempesta, si muove nella duplice ambientazione di una università di architettura e di un sottobosco di corse clandestine con la moto, tratteggiato in maniera veramente inverosimile e pedestre. Mi ha irritato particolarmente che dicessero che era un luogo dove si poteva scommettere di tutto, perfino il proprio compagno, per poi lasciare cadere la cosa senza sfruttarla. Non che volessi vedere una situazione del genere, ma se fai un'affermazione così forte uno si aspetta che abbia un seguito, altrimenti si può evitare di farla.

Come spesso accade, e non solo in tema BL, ci sono situazioni di dubbio consenso, all'inizio, ma mai eccessive. Il rapporto si evolve poi in un leggerissimo dom/sub, molto, molto vaniglia, dove Tempesta, più adulto e navigato, si assume un po' l'onere di aiutare Pioggia a crescere e ad assumersi le sue responsabilità.

Passata la boa della metà del drama, l'azione si sposta sulla seconda coppia, Vento e Cielo, la cui vicenda è forse dipanata un po' meglio, prendendo le mosse dal doloroso passato di Cielo, che ne ha passate veramente di brutte e ne patisce le conseguenze psicologiche. Anche qui si passa dalla facoltà di architettura all'ambiente delle corse clandestine, ma Vento è anche un dirigente della società di famiglia, quindi un tipo piuttosto ricco, con un passato da playboy che decide di abbandonare quando si invaghisce di Cielo. Conquistarlo sarà dura ma, ovviamente, tutti i santi finiranno in gloria. Anche qui, l'inizio della relazione ha un vago olezzo di dub-con, con contorno di comportamento da stalker da parte di Vento, poco avvezzo a sentirsi rifiutare e veramente intrigato da questo ragazzo così particolare. Piace che, ben presto, il suo comportamento cambierà da predatore a protettore non appena conoscerà Cielo un po' meglio.

Nel frattempo, l'interazione fra Pioggia e Cielo, i due passivi studenti di architettura, regala scenette gustose: Pioggia è un imbranato incapace di "leggere" le situazioni, Cielo è sfacciato e provetto nel botta e risposta, anche col suo ragazzo. E le sue magliette sono una più gustosa dell'altra.

Diciamoci la verità schietta: il drama non è particolarmente meritevole dal punto di vista dell'ambientazione, i luoghi e le situazioni sono appena tratteggiati, molte cose vengono lasciate in sospeso, dichiarate senza essere spiegate, e probabilmente ho aggiunto un mezzo punto alla mia valutazione solo perché è uno dei primi BL thailandesi che guardo e sono ancora titillata dalla novità. Aggiungiamoci che la gestione del suono spesso è carente, non so se anche in originale o solo nella copia che ho visionato io, e a volte parte a palla della musica non si capisce per quale motivo.

Eppure, a voler ben guardare, pur nella solo apparente superficialità della storia, si possono trovare riferimenti validi. La scuola, anche se poco delineata, è un luogo dove, se manchi una scadenza, anche di poco, patisci delle conseguenze. Ci sono azioni o inazioni a cui non puoi rimediare solo chiedendo scusa: devi assumertene la responsabilità. Passato l'inizio delle interazioni fra i ragazzi, in odor di burrasca, le relazioni si sviluppano in maniera reciprocamente molto rispettosa. E così via. E' proprio il caso di dire che, sotto la commedia, c'è un substrato di moralità non indifferente. Certo, volendo affrontare la visione senza preconcetti bigotti.

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Fev 9, 2024
13 of 13 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 5.5
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 7.5

Promossa, limitatamente a quello che può e che vuole offrire

Difficile dare un giudizio obiettivo a questa serie...prima serie BL thai, prima thai in generale. La recitazione rispetto ai drama coreani è molto diversa, meno artefatta, più diretta. Oltre alla love story non c'è altro, questo deve essere chiaro. Non c'è un background, una trama vera e propria. Non aspettiamoci nulla in quel senso, dunque. Ma se ci poniamo come unico obiettivo la dinamica che evolve tra i protagonisti, mi sento di promuoverla. I personaggi principali sono quattro, ma per me contano solo i primi due, sui quali si concentra la prima parte della serie. E, tra i due, non ho potuto non apprezzare Phayu, mentre invece Rain l'ho a malapena tollerato (non so se a infastidirmi sia stato di più l'attore o il personaggio interpretato).
Arrivando dai drama coreani - anche BL - il cambio è d'impatto: la classificazione +18 a questa serie ci sta tutta.
Cosa ho apprezzato: il fatto che questi giovani attori siano alla serie d'esordio: per essere una prima prova, tutti promossi (si, anche Rain). In particolare l'attore che interpreta Phayu ha saputo calarsi bene nel personaggio interpretato, dando prova di una buona capacità di recitazione. Ho apprezzato tantissimo la colonna sonora, e sono rimasta davvero basita quando ho scoperto che le voci appartengono proprio ai due protagonisti (non solo attori, quindi, ma anche cantanti...chapeau!).
Cosa non ho apprezzato: scoprire che la storia tra Phayu e Rain termina sostanzialmente col settimo episodio, e scoprirlo quando dall'ottavo vedi che la scena si sposta tutta sugli altri due personaggi...beh, lascia un po' l'amaro in bocca. Sceneggiatura e riprese potrebbero fare un saltino di qualità, in alcuni momenti c'è un'aria proprio un po' spartana, da ripresa amatoriale. Anche l'audio che in certi passaggi si silenzia del tutto, suoni compresi, fa capire che c'è ancora molta strada da fare per pensare di poter competere con altre realtà sul mercato.

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0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Mar 1, 2024
13 of 13 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 8.5
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 9.0
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I never knew it'll be this beautiful when Storm meet Rain

I felt like I should have stopped it after EP : 8 after completing the whole drama coz I was waiting for Payu and Rain to pop up in the end but in vain. Their story was more natural and I just loved their chemistry esp Boss just slayed in the first half , I loved it. I don't why they separated both the story into two half , they could have done it in a simultaneous manner coz for me it was so good at the beginning and it was a total slump after that. It is like watching two dramas in the name of one

My rating is 8.5 and that's totally for Payu and rain....

Except for Fort's acting and his charm (he has done his job perfectly) nothing was good in the second half. Sky's acting could have improved and the story was a total mess, but many liked it, i respect their choice but for me , the bossy Payu and cute Ran's story was awesome and i enjoyed every lil things during their time together.

How can Boss deliver the emotions to the point woah, I'm in awe seriosly and I got goosebumps in many of the scene, i loved his character the most. He's damn handsome . Perfect just Perfect
Anyway i'm gonna rewatch the first half again..

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7 dias atrás
13 of 13 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 8.5
Voltar a ver 9.0

Two for the price of one

When this show came on my radar, I was just excited for the racing component. Granted, that ended up really not being a heavy part of the storyline, it was still an enjoyable element.

Each of the couples have episodes dedicated to them, and to be perfectly honest, I struggled at first with Rain. He struck me as an annoying younger brother. For a lot of it I felt an urge to smack my forehead, but he started to grow on me after a few episodes, so I was glad I stuck it out. There were components until the last portion of their story where I also really appreciated that the "drama" felt like authentic things (related to education, for example) as opposed to something over-the-top. Of course, we ended up getting something like that, but I almost pretend that part didn't exist and just had the wholesome story. Well, wholesome to an extent. The praise kink was next level for Rain/Payu. Whew.

Sky made the show for me. I thoroughly enjoyed his banter and armor. There is always a character with some layers of trauma, and while it again felt over-the-top because this is a drama, I appreciated that they didn't just shove it entirely to the side. Could it have been handled better? Sure, but compared to how I've seen things handled in dramas, it was not bad. Prapai was a wonderful partner and the way he provided reassurance was, imho, very healthy and loving.

The intimacy in the series was top notch. Each couple felt believable in their connections with each other (simple intimacy and otherwise).

I think my biggest gripe is how it ended. It felt incredibly rushed and like an oreo where they forgot the stuffing. I'm hoping the special episode makes up for the rush job, but regardless it was a lot of fun.

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Mai 28, 2023
13 of 13 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 10
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I have rewatched this for 3 times a day

So I have been rewatching this three times a day, BossNeoul and FortPeat's acting is soo good. I like it so much. They did have bad things and good things happens in the storyline and I enjoy watching it repeatly, it doesn't get bored!
They're only 13 episodes. the cast is handsome and cute, their OST is very nice ( you can listen to it)
If you like to watch BL dramas that was about school and work you can watch this. You will like it very much.
Other than that, you can also realise that the cast are also very close in real life so you can still ship them eventhough not in the series :).

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Ago 2, 2023
13 of 13 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Musical 9.5
Voltar a ver 10

amazing BL drama

This is by far my favourite BL series I have watched. While watching this I went through a turmoil of emotions, I felt like I was on a rollercoaster but it was definitely worth it. I loved the character development on all 4 of the main leads. To top it off both couples had 6 episodes for themselves which made it more enjoyable; seeing that I was able to see the growth of their relationships beginning to end without being confused or lost. I loved this so much that I could honestly re-watch this series right now even though I just finished it about 10 minutes ago or so. I'm shocked at how many bad reviews there are on this series. some saying that they felt that the intimacy was fake or off but I feel the opposite; I felt like they were truly in love, whether it be with actions or words. Many have said that they would compare this to KINNPORSCHE which I could see where they got this idea from however this is a "calmer" version of it. I would say if you are hesitant on watching this because of a few bad reviews, just watch it. Everyones opinion will be different so just create your own after you watch it.

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Jul 4, 2023
13 of 13 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 8.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 10
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

we know y'all here for the sex and the blazing hot kisses

Came in with zero expectations but left with one of the couples being my favourite BL couple ever.
Hopped in on this drama not knowing anything, i was intrigued by Phayu cause he looked straight out of a Manga and the opening scene really caught me so i kept watching!

ngl, i deadass was about to drop the drama on the Payu-Rain segment segment cause i was getting impatient and it was soooo much cringe. Noeul-Boss I love you but sorry Rain-Payu didn't do it for me. I didnt know the drama is awkwardly divided into 2 sub-dramas so i kept impatiently waiting and wondering why is the other couple who is also in the poster not even interacting or showing any development so i was losing my mind.

Only when EP 8 started i got the hang of it that the other couple Prapai-Sky have a whole segment to them! It is one of the most naturally beautiful portrayals of Romance i've ever seen and one of my favourite tropes too. Prapai being a charming flirt and sky being in denial of his feelings, the steamy kisses and the whole intimacy portrayal made me feel legit butterflies watching this. Yes the plot was a little too much but their chemistry was off the charts and god-fucking amazing i felt the sexual tension 100/10, and these two legit won my heart. Honestly ive not liked a single BL since i watched this because this is what i was craving for- a mature, un-cringe, sexy plot with insane chemistry and FortPeat nailed it

The soundtrack for this series is god-fucking-amazing. My Strongest Love by Boss-Noeul is my favourite OST ever!

Also PLEASE WATCH THE SPECIAL EP ITS DEADASS A WHOLE-ASS FANFIC BROUGHT TO LIFE. Long story short, its plain damn delicious i couldnt have asked for a better outro

I'll recommend this drama to people but id say watch the Prapai-Sky Segment before Payu-Rain.

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Nov 14, 2023
13 of 13 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 8.5
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 6.0
Voltar a ver 7.5
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

Relatively Angst Free Love Story

**Brief Synopsis**
B (Student): Rain and Sky
T (Owner): Payu and Pai

- Beginning (Story 1 Episode 1-7): Payu and Rain. B is a student and when his car breaks down in the rain, he meets T who is an autoshop owner. T is older and likes to tease B, annoying the latter to no end. Deciding to get revenge, B tells T that he was going to make him fall in love with him within the month.

- Middle (Story 1 Episode 1-7): In order to make him fall in love, B starts spending more and more time with T and realizes that he has many good qualities.

- End (Story 1 Episode 1-7): At the end, B realizes that he had fallen for T and confesses. The story ends with them happily dating.

**My Opinion**

- The actors playing B and T. Their chemistry was amazing and their interactions were cute and sweet. They also do a great job in portraying the affection between the characters.
- I really like the foreplay/flirting. B's reactions are very cute as well, trying to not to show just how attracted he really is.
- The characters are very likeable despite each having their own flaws.
- The writing is okay. The story flows well despite the plot being very weak as all the attention is put on the development of their relationship.
- I really like the intimate scenes as they are the realest I have seen in BL as of yet. The actors did a great job portraying the lust and affection in the air.
- I really like the enemies to lovers trope. Sure this plot falls in to the usual formula for such TV shows and is very predictable, it is still very nice to watch.
- I like how B at the end of the show is more confident both in life and in sex.
- I like how fast the pace is, meaning it has little time for useless and cliche conflict. There aren't relationship breaking angst. It is quite fluffy overall.

- Acting is okay most of the time but sometimes it can get a little bit exagerated, such as times when the characters speaks to themselves, which can seem a little unatural. In addition, reactions can get a little fake as well.
- Plot as a whole is ok but there aren’t any plot twists or memorable moments.

An OK watch but probably won’t be revisiting as a whole but will be revisiting specific scenes.
**Brief Synopsis**

- Beginning (Story 2 Episode 8-13): Sky and Prapai. B is the previous story's B's friend and roommate. He is extremely defensive regarding relationships because he has severe emotional trauma from a past abusive boyfriend. T is an executive at a big company and meets B at the racetrack. B trespassed and T finds him, telling him if he wants to leave, he'll have to sleep with him. How non con this part is is uncertain because I feel T would have let him go if he refused passionately as the offer looked more like flirting then a threat. No matter the reason, B seems a little upset after sleeping with him but doesn't look traumatized at all. T on the other hand really likes B and would like to extend their relationship, something B is not willing to do.

- Middle (Story 2 Episode 8-13): T starts pursuing B by sending him gifts, flowers, appearing in his vicinity and trying to get B to spend time with him. As they spend more time together, B's attitude changes. He starts smiling more genuinly around T and is genuinly grateful and touched when T takes leave from work to take care of him while he was sick. Their relationship develops rather smoothly despite B's insecurities until T brings B to a party and B realizes just how different he is actually from T's other friends and freaks out. It is revealed that B's ex boyfriend also forced him to do things he wasn't comfortable with and when he resisted, the guy found him boring, called him names and dumped him. Even if by that time, B was in love with T, he's afraid T will dump him after he gets bored so decides to dump him first. T doesn't give up and goes to B's apartment looking for answers. He sees B's diary confessing love for him. B comes back and T confronts him. B confesses just what had been going on in his head and apologizes. T forgives him.

- End (Story 2 Episode 8-13): At the end, they reconcile and spend some very happy times together. In my opinion, the story could have ended here because episode 13 doesn't add much except to make B experience his trauma again. B is found and assaulted by his ex. He is saved of course, but is once again reminded of his trauma. T stays with him and consoles him. The story ends with them being sappy and in love.

**My Opinion**

- The actors playing B and T. Their chemistry was amazing and their interactions were cute and sweet. They also do a great job in portraying the affection between the characters.
- I really like the foreplay/flirting. I like seeing B's change over time. I also like seeing T becoming more mature in order to take care of B.
- The characters are very likeable despite each having their own flaws.
- The writing is okay. The story flows well despite the plot being very weak as all the attention is put on the development of their relationship.
- I really like the intimate scenes as they are the realest I have seen in BL as of yet. The actors did a great job portraying the lust and affection in the air.
- I like how fast the pace is, meaning it has little time for useless and cliche conflict. There aren't relationship breaking angst. It is quite fluffy overall (other then the angst when B breaks up with T but I feel this is necessary to force B to confront his trauma, overcome it so he can be happy with T).
- I like the concept (霸道总裁爱上我) and although it is cliche and predictable, I liked how T pursues B. The scenes where T consoles B in his time of need are very heartwarming and make you understand just how much T actually cares of B.
- I really like how the actors look together. They are very good looking.

- Acting is okay most of the time but sometimes it can get a little bit exagerated, such as times when the characters speaks to themselves, which can seem a little unatural. In addition, reactions can get a little fake as well.
- Plot as a whole is ok but there aren’t any plot twists or memorable moments. The plot mainly revolves around their relationship so if you are looking for more, the plot is really weak.
- I really didn't like the 13th episode. I feel it wasn't needed and doesn't serve other purpose then adding a rather triggering scene. I pretend that the show ends in episode 12 after they have reconciled.

An OK watch but probably won’t be revisiting as a whole but will be revisiting specific scenes.

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Mar 15, 2023
13 of 13 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.5
História 8.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 10

Just wholesome (and spicy) fluff

This was my first Thai BL show, and I'm absolutely glad for it. The plot itself had a few small setbacks for me, but nothing major, and to be honest it made the show feel a little less realistic but not in a negative way - for me the slight overdramatics in certain parts made it all the more wonderful to watch. The actors were absolutely amazing, especially considering that for most of them this was their first big break. I can keep rewatching it over and over again, and I only wish that we had even more content from this universe.
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Jul 22, 2023
13 of 13 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 9.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

Mame Anti-fans Need To Skip This

If you're a fan of TharnType or Love by Chance and enjoy bashing Mame as a fictional writer, honestly, please get some help because it just seems hypocritical. And if you're an anti-fan of Mame, then simply don't watch any of her series. No one is forcing you to watch any her work. Stop treating her as if she’s a criminal who commits these acts. She’s not the first fictional write of this type of literature nor will she be the last. Get over your savior complex.

This series is a blend of gay drama and BL, telling two intertwined stories. Payu and Prapai are friends who share a passion for motorcycle drag racing, while Rain and Sky are architecture students at the same school. Payu becomes Rain's senior mentor, and Prapai saves Sky from a troubling incident involving illegal drag racing. What makes this a BL is that Rain was initially interested in Ple, a female classmate before falling for Payu.

The first part focuses on the BL between Payu and Rain. Payu, a successful architect, falls for Rain during a student orientation meet. After a chance encounter in the rain, Payu sets out to pursue Rain. The storyline follows their courtship and how Rain eventually falls for Payu.

In the second part, the focus is on Prapai, who falls hard for Sky, a person with post-traumatic issues from a toxic relationship. This part is a gut-wrenching gay drama that shows how Prapai helps Sky overcome his trauma and learn to love again.

Some viewers didn't like the series split into two parts, but personally, I like it for that reason. It is based on two novels, and each part provides enough scenes to connect the two stories without overshadowing each other. This avoids the issue that many BL fans complain about, where side couples don't get enough attention compared to the main couple.

There were some complaints about making the series into two, but I disagree. The storytelling was just right without dragging it with unnecessary fillers, and the special episode was a nice bonus.

Overall, this series is worth watching because the intimate scenes are not gratuitous, and it presents a more realistic approach to sex BL than a couple who still act like virgins after being in a long term relationship.

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0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jan 8, 2024
13 of 13 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musical 5.5
Voltar a ver 8.0


Trovo che la storia sia ricca di emozioni, passione e intrighi.

Inoltre le performance degli attori sono davvero degne di nota anche se potevano fare di meglio.

Inoltre, la colonna sonora è coinvolgente e riesce a creare l'atmosfera perfetta per ogni scena.

Se siete interessati alle storie d'amore coinvolgenti e appassionanti, "Love in the Air" potrebbe essere la serie perfetta per voi!


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Love in the Air (2022) poster



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