- Português (Brasil)
- Polski
- English
- magyar / magyar nyelv
- Título original: 彼岸島
- Também conhecido como:
- Roteirista: Oishi Tetsuya
- Diretor: Kim Tae Gyun
- Gêneros: Terror, Sobrenatural
Elenco e Créditos
- Ishiguro Hideo Papel Principal
- Watanabe DaiAkira AtsushiPapel Principal
- Yamamoto KojiMiyabiPapel Principal
- Mizukawa AsamiAoyama ReiPapel Principal
- Yuge TomohisaSaitou KenichiPapel Secundário
- Takimoto MioriYukiPapel Secundário

The story for me was okay, it was something different than other stories but that's all. The movie starts actually really nice but as it proceeds it became avarage. The acting was also okay and the enviroment was pretty.
At the end of the movie there are some horrible special effects, the last 15 minutes this movie fell in a grade dreadfull to watch. This special effects where just cheap and ugly.
Overall this movie is okay to kill some time. Don't expect to much from this movie just watch this without thinking.
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