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Depuis quand suis-je une fan inconditionnelle des soeurs Hong? J'ai l'impression que ces rires et ces moments de plaisir datent seulement d'hier....Il y a 12 ans, je découvrais les dramas coréens, et par là même, les soeurs Hong avec "You're Beautiful". Depuis, je n'ai jamais, au grand jamais, raté un seul de leurs oeuvres, ayant comme beaucoup mes préférences et mes moins aimés. Si je devais dire que "Big" et "Warm and Cosy" font partis des moutons noirs da ma liste, je n'ai pourtant jamais été jusqu'à présent déçue de leurs oeuvres, de leur univers, de leur humour si caustique.... Il y a toujours une première fois à tout, me dira-t-on....Si le thème et le scénario semblent alléchants, tous ces détails tels l'univers, le jeu des acteur, la superficialité de l'écriture des personnages et surtout cette facilité paresseuse scénaristique et de réalisation, dont je ne m'attendais pas de leur part, ont émaillé peu à peu mon intérêt pour ce drama, allant jusqu'à m'obliger à me faire force afin de le que 3 petits épisodes avant de le considérer comme complet, jamais aussi peu d'épisodes ne m'auront paru aussi interminables.
Me voilà à devoir défendre maladroitement les soeurs Hong devant mon ado de 16 ans, qui sans aucune honte a décidé de laisser tomber le drama, et ne cesse de me taquiner « alors, je croyais que les dramas des soeurs Hong étaient une tuerie?? ».
Premier point noir : L’histoire n'est pas mauvaise, bien au contraire, et avait vraiment du potentiel. Nous retrouvons l'univers fétiche des soeurs Hong. Mais il faut le dire, cet univers est bien plus « pauvre » que ce que j’ai pu voir dans « Korean Odyssey » par exemple. Si je devais le comparer à des oeuvres dont la richesse ont su ravir mes pupilles, je pourrais citer « Ever Night » qui reste une référence pour moi. Sinon, sans chercher aussi loin, « Arthdal Chronicles » fait tout aussi bien l’affaire. Ces deux oeuvres sont visuellement magnifiques et foisonnent de personnages aussi variés qu’intéressants. Ce qui est malheureusement loin d’être le cas du dernier né des soeurs Hong. Un univers de mages et d’assassins, pourquoi pas. Mais c’est tout. Rien d’autres. Il est dommage de ne pas avoir su créer de clans divers qui auraient apportés une immense dimension, ne cloisonnant pas ainsi cette histoire aux mages. Il aurait été intéressant de voir des paladins, des maîtres poisons, des arcanes, des prêtes, des moines soldats, bref, un univers plus riche aurait peut-être rendu le drama plus intéressant. Le visuel n’a rien d’extraordinaire et c’est regrettable, mais devenue monnaie courante chez les coréens où la plupart de leur réalisation sont de bonne facture. Ce n’est pas une mauvaise chose, mais il faut alors avouer que les attentes deviennent alors élevés. Ils ont déjà fait tellement mieux, j’ai encore en tête les magnifiques plans de « Mr Sunshine » dont la superbe photographie avait tellement su mettre le tragique du drama en valeur. Si nous prenons par exemple le dernier drama qui a chamboulé toute ma vie, « Love Like The Galaxy », je dirai que les coréens se contentent désormais de leur savoir faire. Ce qui au final leur porte préjudice. Mes yeux brillent encore de la beauté visuel de « Love Like The Galaxy » ou de « Love Between fairy and Devil » Difficile de ne pas tirer la moue face à « Alchemy of Souls »…
Deuxième point noir : Le jeu des acteurs/ l’écriture des personnages….Je ne dirai pas avoir été déçue, pour la simple et bonne raison : je n’ai jamais été impressionnée par Jung So Min, ni par Lee Jae Wook. Jung So Min n’est pas une mauvaise actrice, mais pas une seule fois, je n’ai été émue par ses yeux de chiens abattus, son regard faussement indigné ou énervé….C’est surement une question d’affinité, car j’ai cru comprendre que la communauté lui vouait une admiration sans borne. Ce n’est ni mon cas, ni celui de chéri, ni celui de mon ado. Son jeu nous a paru faux et forcé. Alors je sais que le personnage de Mu deok semble attirer toute la sympathie de la communauté, mais sincèrement, je n’ai pas du tout aimé ce personnage. Une femme sois-disante forte et badass??? Gosh, les soeurs Hong, qu’avez vous écrit? Elle passe le plus clair de son temps à courir après Jang Uk, à faire des tours pendables, histoire de le rendre plus fort, oubliant rapidement l’histoire de son père qui passe à la trappe. Go Ae SIn (Mr Sunshine) , Nian Nian (Love Like the Galaxy) ou Jang Man Wol (Hotel Del Luna) étaient des femmes fortes qui en jetaient! Mais sûrement pas Mu Deok.
Lee Jae Wook que j’avais découvert dans « Extraordinary You » n’est pas mauvais et a fait des progrès, mais je dois avouer que je n’ai pas réussi non plus à accrocher à son personnage…. Jang Uk aurait pu être intéressant mais son apprentissage ne m’a pas paru une seule fois crédible. Il n’y a pas assez d’emphase sur ses échecs, ses réflexions. Tout va trop vite et lors de ses progressions, et de ses victoires, nous restons de marbre. Dans « Side Story Of Fox Volant », les progressions de Hu Fei sont passionnantes et limite transcendantes, comme lorsque Miao Renfeng le guide lors de son combat contre Tian Gui Nong. J’avoue pourtant que Jang Uk a été un personnage agréable à suivre, taquin et charmeur à souhait. Malheureusement, son côté guerrier et mage n’ont pas été à la hauteur.
Le pire furent les « vilains » de l’histoire. Come on, Jo Jae Yoon, en vilain, je n’y ai pas cru une seule minute. C’est un rôle qui lui va mal. A la limite du risible, ce personnage n’est ni haïssable (rappelez vous des 3 vilains de « Vincenzo », horribles et méprisables à souhait!), ni féroce. Il ne nous fait ni peur, ni craindre une seule minute pour la vie des protagonistes (même lorsqu'ils furent pris au piège). Les antagonistes secondaires ne sont guère mieux, comme la reine, qui pourrait gagner la palme des méchantes inutiles et grotesques….
Je regrette par contre que des acteurs comme Park Jin que j’adore ou Im Chul Soo (inoubliable dans « Vincenzo »!!!) aient pu participer à cela. Bien que. Je l’avoue. Le rôle de Im Chul Soo a été le seul que j’ai aimé et qui m’aura fait rire plus d’une fois. Ah, il y’en a bien un autre qui a volé la vedette à Lee Jae Wook. Non, non pas Seo Yul. Le prince Go Won. Je l'aurai bien vu en protagoniste.
3ème point noir : La romance. Oui, il faut l’écrire. Ce drama se focalise beaucoup autour de la romance, difficile de ne pas devoir le juger. Je suis une mordue de romance et je fond facilement devant les pires clichés du monde. Mais alors ici, rien. Même pas un frémissement. Ce n’est certes pas la pire des romances. Elle reste tout de même bien fade et ennuyante. Il y a 0 alchimie entre nos protagonistes, 0 tension, 0 sensualité, 0 « kawai » attitude, 0 complicité. Bref, rien. Pour moi en tout cas.
Leur histoire prend d’ailleurs une place trop importante. Il aurait été judicieux d’apporter une touche de romance comme dans « Ever Night » qui possède aussi un peu cette relation particulière de maitre-serviteur. Mais si dans « Ever Night » la romance est astucieusement dosée (alors qu’elle est au final au coeur du drama ), ici, elle couvre bien 90% de la série, ne laissant que peu de place à l’intrigue, à l’action. Et je ne parle que de la romance principale, car il y a les autres romances (tout aussi ennuyante, voire pire).
4ème point noir : L’action. Heu….je ne dirai pas que c’est mauvais. Mais ce n’est pas de l’action, si je devais vous donner mon opinion. L’action pour moi c’est « Kenshin » (Impossible d’avoir pu passer à côté de cette saga, n’est ce pas?). C’est « Ip Man » ( la rapidité et la précision des gestes de Donnie Yuen sont quasi incomparables). C’est « Ever Night » (ne passez pas à côté des combats de l’épéiste expert, de la magnifique technique "Arc+pentacle" de Ning Qe, ou encore l’épique combat de la 3ème soeur!!!!)… ou le récent « Side Story of Fox Volant » (si vous voulez voir une héroïne se battre comme un as, virevoltant avec virtuose et botter le popotin des hommes avec classe! et surtout, surtout le duel incroyable et magique entre Miao Renfeng et Hu Fei, inoubliable!)….
Cela me désole d’avoir à autant dénigrer ce drama. Non que j’en avais envie. J’ai beaucoup hésité avant de venir l'écrire.
Les soeur Hong ont fait partie des scénaristes qui m’ont gagné à la cause des Kdramas 12 ans auparavant. Elles m’ont fait rêver. Rire. Je suis tombée amoureuse. Encore et encore. L’OST de « You’re the Beautiful » tourne encore en boucle chez moi.
Jang Man Wol (Hotel Del Luna) fait encore partie de mes personnages préférées!
Non, vraiment, cela me fend le coeur d’avoir autant détesté ce drama.
Et tout ce que je souhaite, c’est que la saison 2 me réconcilie avec leur oeuvre. Alors je croise les doigts.
(Je n'ai même pas le courage de regarder la saison 2...)
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I officially got into k-dramas because of fantasy dramas. It has since always been my favourite genre, although I haven't finished any good one in a while now. I keep starting so many in hopes of finding a good fantasy that keeps me glued but just end up putting them on hold soon after. But this. JUST WOW!!! The story, the actors, the chemistry, the visuals, the aesthetics, the set, the music!!! I am just so obsessed with everything in Alchemy of Souls.I did not start it immediately cos I was in a drama slump (again, I keep getting into slumps and my currently watching lists is reaching astronomical heights) and I think this actually helped me enjoy it even more. Binging it was so much fun, I haven’t stayed up this late clicking next episode in a long time.
I loved how it was historical but somehow modern as well. The language was a bit more graspable, the interactions were flowing and so were the overall dialogues. Like it was not your usual historical drama, and that was not just because it was a fantasy as well. The two usually distinct genres really fused together. The humour and comedy were also never really out of place, even in the most serious of scenes I never felt annoyed by the little silly moments (do we want to talk about Uk and the crown prince’s exchanging stares, they are always so effortlessly cute and funny. Also Park Jin with Kim Doju and Master Lee, what a love triangle. Park Jin and Jin Mu fighting over honey biscuits had me rolling on the bed). Like, I promise, you are not going to get bored one moment haha. But again that’s me but give it a chance.
The actors were amazing in delivering their characters. Usually with ensemble casts you have big expectations but not all the time your hopes are fulfilled. Our main leads were a group of talented actors, new and established, and I can say that I am so happy for them and how hard they worked. Seeing their hard work being paid by a second season within the end of the year just proves how much the story and their acting wowed the audiences. I am so proud of Lee Jae Wook btw. He has come so far since Extraordinary You and I’ve been watching and waiting for him from almost three year now. I prayed for a role like this for him so bad!!! I’m so glad this worked out for him. Can’t imagine a better Jang Uk. (Also are we ready for badass Jang Uk? The teaser better make him justice in season 2)
The individual stories of each character and how they were presented was really catching. After 20 episodes I know why they are the way they are and why they have been key in the story building process. Jang Uk, Seo Yul and Park Dang Gu have my heart!! Even the crown prince to be completely honest. The women of this drama woah!! Strong, elegant and resolute. Like I enjoyed this drama so much that I don’t actually hate any character. Like okay, maybe I dislike a few for obvious reasons, but the comedy made up for that. Also where can I find these honey biscuits? Like they were the main character.
The only little downside was Nak Su. It was a bit disappointing how she transformed into Mu Deok by the end. Like yes, she did not have powers anymore but somehow she just became more gullible. It’s like they were two different people. Like Nak Su’s soul was in her but it was Mu Deok who was controlling it which was one my theories as well. And with the Jin Bu Yeon twist they did to some extent make sense into that aspect. This is why I am excited for Go Yoon Jung being back as she added the essence and life into the original Nak Su. I am happy with how Nak Su/Mu Deok/Bu Yeon fused in Jung So Min but I crave more of that badass Go Yoon Jung Nak Su.
A lot of people consider this an overrated drama, and I can admit myself that until a few days ago I could have thought so too. When the final episodes aired I was at around episode 13 and thought that yes, I am loving it so far but is it actually going to live up to all the love I am currently feeling? And you know what, it did. I feel like the last 10 episodes really did it for me. Honestly you could not really stop at any point. Like at at around Hal dramas i start feeling bored because of the usual politics and power plays but not this time. While in the first half we were slowly flowing and building the momentum, the second half really showed so many important and necessary developments. Some dramas play their cards too early on, and it leaves boring episodes by the end where unnecessary subplots are added and are mostly just filler episodes. In here, although there were so many characters, there were subplots but they were somehow expected and everyone was waiting for those secrets to be out and put the final puzzle together. Like for a 20 episodes drama which was averagely more than an hour long they really managed to wow me.
I loved how between the last two episodes there were moments of calm before the ending. We knew it was going to one hell of a ending. Explosive. And that teaser at the end!! Are you kidding me!? How am I supposed to wait until December? Thank God I am going back to uni otherwise the wait would have killed me. I think I’ll just rewatch it (which from me is a big statement, because I never rewatch dramas)
I know that some people might feel disappointed by what will happen or not with Jung So Min but I am sure the writers have something good in store for us. The original Nak Su impressed me so much with her strong personality so I am very excited about Go Yoon Jung returning as Nak Su. It’s going to be just 10 episodes and from the teaser I am expecting a rather fast paced plot, which is honestly required at this point of the story. I hope Seo Yul finds his happiness, he was truly the scene stealer for me.
Rather than a review this was more like a rant to myself. I do understand the reasons many people might not like this but personally for me their points are exactly why I enjoyed this. I am just happy many people, just like me, loved and enjoyed the characters’ journey and the story. That is all that matters at the end. We are all different and have opinions but at the end of the day what matters is if the drama made you feel something.
Thanks for reading this messy train of thoughts!! Season 2!! DECEMBER COME FASTER!!
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A rare and FANTASTIC drama
Wow. AOS is truly, truly the most spectacular production I've seen in a while, especially from a rather dry K-Drama scene on the action romance side of things.First off, I just want to applaud the Hong Sisters for crafting yet another masterpiece-- Hotel Del Luna was a huge disappointment to me writing, acting, and directing-wise, and I just feel like they made all the right moves with Alchemy of Souls. Not to stir up a fanwar, but Alchemy of Souls turned out to be the Hong Sisters' high-profile magnum opus that I thought HDL was supposed to be. And I couldn't be happier that it was a sageuk-style HIGH FANTASY! I have not seen this level of tight-pacing, enticing plot lines, affectionate characters, and balanced humor in a LONG TIME. And to top it all off, there's wonderfully appropriate acting levels here, as well as glorious CGI and art direction. I haven't seen a project so committed to a sense of epic grandeur since Moon Lovers (and say what you will about ML's plot, but the production was breathtaking).
Next, I would like to talk about how satisfied I am with the casting and acting. Not every single performer was a standout, but GOD I love Jung Somin. Truly, it's a relief they casted a veteran actress who's able to hold all the bubbling and conflicting emotions of Mudeok, Naksu, and Buyeong altogether. She has considerable depth, range, and truly immerses herself into her character in a way that is hard to find amongst seas of wannabe-starlets. The other standout performance I would like to name is Hwang Min-Hyun, who genuinely surprised me. Perhaps the character of Yul was so perfectly-written for him, or else he's talent that no one had recognized before. I had my doubts about yet another it-boy idol actor, but his calm tenderness and quiet strength are so delicately delivered. And man-- what GOT me was that teary-eyed stare he always held at Mudeok. His pitiful looks of longing were insane, I'd think he was actually hopelessly lost in a first love if I didn't know any better. 10/10 for him.
Now for my favorite part -- the creative decisions. I won't be reviewing the plot, because it's honestly a scaffolding that holds up everything else that makes this production great. First off, the lore is incredibly refreshing, as they've decided to go full high fantasy rather than historical fantasy, but still reserved some sageuk-style embellishments for the sake of genre stability -- very Tolkien style with an Asian twist. Going full fantasy allows them to write their own tales, to make their own rules and conventions-- even if they are inspired by Confucian civilization and existing superstition.
The next thing I would like to praise is actually how skilled the writing and execution is format-wise. What bumped it from a 9 to a 9.5 was solely the fact that they very cleanly wrapped up a lot in Part One, but set up SO much for Part Two, with the brave decision to have two separate female leads (especially in a romance!). I think what the Hong Sisters did SO right this time was, rather than center the story around lovers, to center the story around HEROES that are in love. The romance is there, but its not what everything hinges on. And before Uk and Mudeok are lovers, they share bonds of so many different dimensions: master and student, master and maid, savior and executioner. It's a fondness that is deeper that attraction -- it's respect, affection, survival.
And boy oh boy, I am PUMPED for the upped stakes of Part Two, especially with the return of Naksu via Go Yoon Jung. I'm counting on Jung Somin staying on to play her part as Jin Buyeon, because it would be a complete disappointment to see AOS without her incredible performance.
In terms of why I didn't give it a 10, I reserve that for my absolute favorite dramas that move me deeply (make me laugh and cry), so that's usually for more slice of life ones and so forth...but this drama makes me VERY optimistic for the future of Korean cinematic fantasy, all wrapped up in the Hong Sisters' satisfying writing. Yes, it can get a little predictable and some plot points seem a little too convenient, but that's what a fun story is all about! And honestly, the grim suspense and "realistic" tragedy that dominates television these days that was once a refreshing defiance against happy endings has become a tired and trite convention that just feels like a carrot on a stick these days. I'll gladly take happy endings (hopefully!!!)
Also, I think a whole star of my rating needs to be devoted to (1) the ambiguously lovable crown prince who is a fantastically confounding character and (2) the classical version of Oh My Girl's Nonstop-- it's gave Korean Bridgerton, and I mean that in the best possible way...
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Got more than I bargained for
This K-drama took me by surprise, as I didn;t think i would be so invested with it, but it turns out really good.Such a well-made drama with mind-blowing plot development and intriguing elements. If more of such dramas are made in Korea in future,
◽ The characters’ personalities and the chemistry between them. The variety of amazing interactions we’ve got depending on who was on screen was perfect.
The production quality. This show is simply beautiful. I have no complaints about CGI either, which is a surprise, since I always complain about some details related to it.
◽ The acting from the majority (but not the whole) cast.
I feel like the drama overall failed its female characters. They failed at setting it up in an interesting way and failed to show how connected it is to everything happening. Which is sad, because from the few scenes we have seen with Jin Bu Yeon, she seemed like an extremely strong, brave and worth watching character.
Overall : It was a nice paced out drama, not sure if I could do a rewatch of it, but we will see
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Bu yeon
For me AOS the best kdrama 2022!!I really love the CGI..the visual unbelievable! The storyline,the cast even the support role really gave 💯.hope for part 2 bu yeon will back to her family.and jang UK and naksu will together😭king also I hope he will not listen to him .his friendship with jang UK really fun.For those haven't watch it,I really recommend this drama..
I hope for part 2 they will be more interesting thing and maybe writer can make for season 3😂hopefully. This AOS will give fans such unbelievable vibe.
And now I felt sad cause part 1 was end..after this I will rewatch AOS!
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Absolute perfection! If this drama isn't worthy of 10 stars, I don't what is. Brillant writing, acting, but most of all casting. I don't think people give enough credit to those who cast dramas because without the OFF THE CHARTS chemistry between Lee Jae-Wook and Jung So-Min, as well as the unbelievably great supporting cast, this drama might have been good, but it would not be the masterpiece that it is. Hwang Min-Hyun reminds me so much of V from BTS which was an unexpected bonus.They also nailed the right number of episodes. There was never a dull moment nor any episodes that felt like fillers. Every one of the 20 episodes "counted" and transitioned beautifully into the next. The ending was SPECTACULAR! I was screaming! The ending IS NOT a cliffhanger, but rather an intermission before the next act. Alchemy of Souls is a flawless blend of drama, fantasy, romance, and comedy. It is the best drama I've seen since Empress Ki, and more recently, Word of Honor (so underrated). I cannot wait for Season 2!!!
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Was initially interested in this one because of Lee Jae Wook (way to redeem him from Dodosolsollalasol!), and totally won with the fact that he was alongside the very amazing Jung So Min (and can we talk about how elegant she moves with her sword????)!!!The show was actually lighter than I expected and the story was well-balanced — comedy, romance, and plot —, save for the last few episodes which sort of felt like there were a lot of filler moments that didn't really add much to the main storyline. My only negative comment about this though is probably how in the first few episodes, characters would often think out loud and converse about very sensitive topics with people nearby, but it got better eventually (or I probably got used to it by that point).
Characters were complicated and I love them for it, and the storyline overall was just so fresh and unique. Hilariously, I walked into this one completely blind and ignorant to the story and I literally watched it for the actors, but it was well worth it. I'm so excited for the next season! Apparently Jung So Min won't be there but I'm actually quite excited to see the original Nak Su played by Go Yoon Jung. The ending trailer just had me so hyped and ready and I CANNOT WAIT!!
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Sept 2, 2022Whoa, this is such an amazing drama. As someone who struggles to finish historical dramas, Alchemy of Soul just hits different. This season is so good that I cannot wait for the next season in December. I have so many theories right now on what possibly might happen and I having high hopes for what the Hong sisters will bring in terms of writing the script for season 2. I think other reviewers here have already mentioned what I wanna say but I just really wanna emphasize my love for Yul. I think Yul is such an amazing character, I feel like all the things that he did for Mu-deok/Naksu was just amazing. I think Yul is an under appreciated character within the viewers. As for Uk and Naksu (because yk 👀 ), I love their chemistry and now that we are switching from Somin to Young-jung is really hyping me up for season 2.
I cant waitttt, so for those who are reading this, go WATCH ALCHEMY OF SOUL ON NETFLIX RIGHT NOW 😤
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If you’re also a fan of romance anime and loved Yona of the Dawn (*cough* like me), then you’ll most likely LOVE Alchemy of Souls. There’s action, romance, fantasy, and comedy along with heartfelt and heartwrenching moments and such a good looking cast all combined into one! It’s the best of ALL worlds!Let me start off with the CGI/Special Effects. I’ve watched many different kinds of kdramas, and there were some where the CGI/Special Effects were so bad that I kind of just had to ignore it or accept it simply for the sake of the plot. This kdrama was nothing like that at all, and it is probably the best you will ever see in a kdrama to date.
The story itself is a ROLLERCOASTER and I loved every minute of it! There was never a dull moment in this drama, but it definitely requires you to pay attention or you might miss important details to the story. The cast did an amazing job at portraying their characters and the plot as well and it was easy to develop an emotional connection to them. I will not give any spoilers but all I can say is because of this cast and the production, it is 1000000% worth your time to watch it.
I rated the music a 9/10 which I feel like isn’t too important. For me the soundtrack didn’t stand out too much and it wasn’t as memorable as the OST for something like Crash Landing on You or 2521 (at least to me), but this kind of detail is so miniscule compared to what Alchemy of Souls offers.
Overall, this has become one of my favorite dramas of all time and it’s definitely going to be hard to top this.
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A fresh overview for K-dramas
This drama is absolutely a roller coaster ride. The story itself is refreshing to the K-dramas audience. I'm talking specifically about K-drama audience. I haven't watched that many C-drama fantasies. But I have a feeling there would be much more similar C- drama titles.I absolutely love this drama. Combining all 20 episodes it was a good drama and I'm looking forward for part 2 in December.
This drama is special for so many reasons.
1. A very high quality production
2. A good casting selection with best acting
3. A heart grabbing fantasy story line
4. Some lovely OSTs (one of my fav OSTs ever)
5. One of the best comedy plots ever. Yes this drama is not all about fantasy and action.
6. Some of the best action scenes for a fantasy drama
The cons of the drama
1. Not enough action scenes for this type of drama.
2. Drama has a lot of comedic elements for a fantasy action drama. (some people may not enjoy it)
3. Filler scenes can get annoying for some people. (Binge watching might help)
4. The storyline can have little plot holes (but hopefully will be answered in part 2).
5. The complex storyline can be too much for some people.
6. The wait for season 2 (yes you have to absolutely watch it)
Similar dramas
This drama seems like the COMBINATION of following dramas (from what I have watched)
1. Mr. Queen (Yes, this drama includes a lot of comedy. But not to the point of Mr. Queen / Soul shifting is involved just like Mr. Queen).
2. Hotel del Luna (After all this was a Hong sister's work. Definitely have some parallels).
3. Bulgasal (ML and FLs love /hate fate is KIND OF similar).
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The Acting & OST
I feel like this show is underrated, in my personal opinion I think this is one of the best kdramas in 2022. This whole show keeps you wanting for more, the acting is amazing, the OST IS BEAUTIFUL AND AMAZING, I fell in love with the music that was in this show, the actors are very talented and the chemistry was there. It also contain some humor which I also adored. If you're still debating if you want to watch this Kdrama, I 100% recommend. It hard to understand in beginning but by episode 2 or 3 you will understand! Overall the production was amazing and I would definitely rewatch the show again 😁p.s. I'm not a big fan of historical dramas but this drama just hits different 🤌 All the actors are also good looking !
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