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Mar 6, 2013
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No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 10
Have you heard about Goldbach's conjecture? then found out it here! I hate numbers myself but life goes on, we need to finished studies! lol!

This is not about just numbers, it is about how a meek and intelligent person can do crazy stuff and sacrifice everything, do everything for someone he loves. As the Proverbs say, heart is the most deceitful of all!

Now you can watch how a genius can plot in hiding a murder, irony of all, his best buddy is a detective! this is very exciting movie, guys, this is so thrilling! dont worry this is not bloody violent movie, it focuses more on emotions and intelligence. It is somewhat you are doing your own Holmes investigation, thinking, what is actually happened!

I only get the picture at the end! and it gives me goosebumps and at the same time I cried!

Now watch it and see what i mean! rewatch? YES!!!!

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13 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Ago 29, 2013
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 10
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 8.0
This is a mindfuck movie.

And I love mindfucks!! And this movie fucked mine up pretty good. This movie will keep you on your toes, you might make your own conclusions up and you'll feel excited watching this movie!!

The acting is really good, I was in the movie. The music fitted every scene en the story? The story is really good, it's mind breaking and somehow sad.

I loved the ending where it all comes together. Some movies pull it off to fast and doesn't let it end properly. But after watching this movie you'll have no questions left anymore.

Good movie, great mindfuck and worth watching!

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The Butterfly
2 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jun 21, 2024
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 7.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 7.5
Voltar a ver 7.0

"Even if you solve this problem, no one will be happy"

Perfect Number was an entertaining thriller where the genius was neither a serial killer nor a super cop. Just a lonely mathematician whose lifetime obsession with solving *Goldbach’s Conjecture* had left him despondent. Female director Bang Eun Jin, helmed this 2012 film, one of her half a dozen directorial efforts.

Kim Suk Go spends most of his waking moments thinking about math, until Baek Hwa Sun and her niece Yoon Ah move in next door. The beautiful and kindly Sun brings light into his dreary world. One night Hwa Sun’s ex-husband attacks her and Yoon Ah in their apartment. Suk Go can hear the violence but doesn’t intervene until silence returns. He volunteers to help Hwa Sun with the “cockroach” she killed. In a matter of moments, he perfects an alibi for the two, so that they will not end up going to jail. Hwa Sun and Yoon Ah follow his every order which might work until an unexpected variable enters the picture in the form of Detective Jo Min Bum, a tenacious cop, who also knows how smart Suk Go is.

If there was a true villain in this film it was Kim Chul Min, the abusive, rapist, pedophile, possessive, ex-husband. His violent assault changed the lives of all the main characters. I’d also call the women’s predicament an indictment on a criminal system that would punish them for defending themselves as they fought for their lives. Suk Go and the women walked outside the lines, but would never have been in that position without Chul Min’s brutal abuse instigating their actions.

Jo Min Bum was a sympathetic cop. He was doing his job and doing it well, which of course threatened the three people trying to avoid punishment. They were also sympathetic. Hwa Sun was willing to turn herself in but needed to protect her niece. Suk Go wasn’t just thinking with his head, he was thinking with his heart. All of which made the central conflict—“Even if you solve this problem, no one will be happy.”

Perfect Number wasn’t perfect as there were lapses in logic. I figured out most of the twists ahead of the big reveal, but it was still enjoyable watching Suk Go lead Min Bum on a merry chase in order to protect Hwa Sun. In the end, the two friends and adversaries would discover that the answer to “Making a problem no one can solve or solving that problem, which is harder?” was both.

20 June 2024

*Goldbach’s Conjecture*
“Every integer that can be written as the sum of two primes can also be written as the sum of as many primes as one wishes, until either all terms are two (if the integer is even) or one term is three and all other terms are two (if the integer is odd).”

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0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jan 17, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musical 7.5
Voltar a ver 7.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers
Haha... after so long I ended up rewatching this old thing, but this time a bit more properly than before. For someone familiar with the Tantei Galileo series, it's hard to not watch this movie and see how the Korean adaptation would adapt the novel compared to the Japanese liveaction version.

Well, to sum it simply... this Korean version followed more closely to the novel compared to the Japanese movie. In term of the overall plot at least. But of course, this movie do still have some parts that are changed. To describe it in one line, this movie is what would've happened in Devotion if Yukawa Manabu hadn't existed and instead of him, it was Kusanagi who had been close friends with Ishigami and being the sole person who had to break the trick created by the 'suspect x'.

Got to say that it was an interesting take on the novel, tho there was one con to this. That we didn't have the confrontation between two geniuses, math vs physics, and instead we get the basic detective plot trying to break an alibi trick created by a person who made use of blind spots in logic. Still it was interesting seeing this movie, that we get to see some parts of the novel that wasn't shown in Suspect X. It's also interesting to note that in this movie, the mother-daughter relationship of Yasuko and Misato was changed to aunt-niece relationship for Hwasun and her niece.

The first time I watch this movie, I haven't really paid attention to the casting. But now I really loving it. It's interesting to see Jo Jinwoong play the Korean version of Kusanagi who was played by Kitamura Kazuki. It felt so fated, seeing how later on Kitazuki-san end up playing the Japanese version of Jo Jinwoong's character in Signal. I was reminded of Masha's quote about having a KOH+ song to accompany every Galileo adaptations, and I gotta agree... it does feel like something was missing in this movie when there's no KOH+ song playing in the credits.

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0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Dez 16, 2022
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 5.0
Voltar a ver 6.5
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Main lead is on the verge of dying. at the very moment of him commiting s** he finds a way to spare himself and meets Main female lead. he finally sees the reason for living, very literally he lives for Hwa Sun meaning he would even be imprisoned for her since he feels he owes his life to her. when i see it this way, i don’t feel so tortured that an innocent man was imprisoned, as this was his only wish. rather than live his sad and daunting life, he finds peace in ensuring Hwa Sun and her niece are at peace. Suk Go’s was willing to protect her till the end. however the ending is bitter. he smiles while she cries. she is clearly suffering as in a perfect world they would just live happy and free. unfortunately a horrible monster came along and changed their lives forever.

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0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jan 20, 2024
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 9.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

mathematician's answer

A movie that by the end you realize is about something completely different than what you thought it would be. I quite like the twist in the end and the message the movie conveys, given the dilemma it starts out with.

I have a problem with the female character, I simply don't like her very much, she acts desastrously stupid for a person in her situation, which makes her look weak. By the end I empathize with the male lead but it takes a long time to get there. The only character I think is likeable throughout is the cop, who is clever without losing his humanity.

There are several implausibilities, e.g. what does the lead know about actual police work, how improbably fast do they uncover certain facts, and lastly, this genius brain comes up with such an elaborate ploy for something that could have been solved maybe even without a murder charge...

Solid mystery-thriller deepened by the melodrama in the end. Great score. Cho Jin Woong elevates the movie, like he always does.

Note to Self: Need to watch the Japanese original if only for Shibasaki Ko.

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Perfect Number (2012) poster



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