To Il não teve a melhor infância do mundo. Aos cinco anos, sua mãe se casou novamente, forçando To Il a deixar a única casa que conhecera. Arrancada de Daegu, a única escolha possível para To Il era começar uma nova vida, com um novo pai, numa nova cidade. Embora tenha levado algum tempo para se ajustar à vida em Seoul, To Il eventualmente aceitou o novo, e as coisas, aos poucos, encontraram seus lugares. To Il, agora uma estudante universitária, começa a seguir a própria vida. Trabalhando como professora particular para pagar pela universidade, To Il está feliz com a maneira como tudo aconteceu. Mas as coisas tomam um caminho inesperado quando ela percebe estar apaixonada por um de seus alunos particulares, Ho Hoon, um garoto de dezenove anos. Como se uma paixão por um de seus alunos não tornasse sua vida complicada o suficiente, não demora até que To Il descubra que está grávida de Ho Hoon. To Il mantém sua gravidez em segredo pelo maior tempo possível, mas acaba tendo que contar a verdade a sua mãe e a seu padrasto. A reação não muito alegre dos dois quanto a essa novidade convence To Il de que sua única opção é procurar seu pai biológico. Enquanto ela procura por um homem de quem mal se lembra, Ho Hoon desaparece, obrigando o padrasto de To Il a sair em sua procura. Com tantas buscas acontecendo ao mesmo tempo, será To Il capaz de encontrar aquilo que tem procurado tão desesperadamente? (Fonte: Viki) Editar Tradução
- Português (Brasil)
- 中文(台灣)
- English
- magyar / magyar nyelv
- Título original: 애비규환
- Também conhecido como: More Than Family
- Roteirista e Diretor: Choi Ha Na
- Gêneros: Comédia, Juventude, Drama, Família
Onde assistir Mais Que Família
Elenco e Créditos
- Shin Jae HwiJang Ho HoonPapel Principal
- Jang Hye JinKim Sun MyungPapel Principal
- Choi Deok MoonKim Tae HyoPapel Principal
- Lee Hae YoungChoi Hwan GyuPapel Secundário
- Lee Jin JooChoi Il Wol [Hwan Gyu's daughter]Papel Secundário

"Take after whoever you want to take after"
Really simple family story about uncertainties of the future and parental pressures that you have to go through, overcome and then reconciliate but greatly done so. The movie has a really lighthearted tone giving that "everything will be fine" vibe even when the characters are fighting. I like how the parents were portrayed in having troubled understanding and communicating with their daughter really gives that backdoor perspective on people that you don't necessarly relate too (I'm more around the age of the daughter).Aestheticly I loved the camera work, really unique and makes every scene much better to experience, even sometimes made me laugh, also it's that type of movie where you hear the cars in the background the birds chirping and the tender blow of the wind instead of some melodramatic music, really makes you feel like you're in korea in a warm spring day and not in some soundbox, really fits that kind of movie.
It's that kind of movie people like to call "boring" or "a waste of time" as if you needed some grand plot and multiple twists to convey your ideas, in my view this is the entertainment part; the form. But art is made so that ideas are spread around efficiently and beautifully and this movie did that very well for me.
No matter who your parents are and what mistakes they've done and no matter how much your circumstances resembles that of your parents you can take after whoever you want and achieve what they couldn't, you are you and no else, embrace yourself and declare that you shall succeed where others could not. The message is tiring to hear but it is the truth: Try, because if you don't you'll never know, try because if you fail you may try again and that is the way life, try until you can't, try until the very end.
Don't mind the rating, i don't know how to rate even more when you're asked to rate individual parts, I judge things as a whole and how well they exist as a whole.
Bye everyone, have a good life :)

Simple plot yet straightforward storytelling and superb realistic acting
Overall, the storytelling and acting carried the movie even with a simple plot like this. I liked the pacing of this film -- it's straightforward yet very smooth-sailing. The actors did a good job in portraying the characters. They played it realistically to the point that it is as though you could see them in your neighborhood. The plot was not that complex but what appealed to me is the life lessons that are embedded into it.Notably, Jung Soojung/Krystal improved a lot in acting. She played the character of To-Il really well and she said in an interview that she even purposely gained weight just to look convincingly pregnant.