A história começa depois que uma jovem estudante se mata pulando de uma varanda. Logo é descoberto que ela foi de fato esfaqueada, e a sala foi arrumada para fazer com que parecesse um suicídio. E assim começamos. Alguns pequenos detalhes levam o detetive Kanzo a suspeitar que Ryo, um enigmático assistente de chef, sabe mais sobre a morte dela. Os dois se encontraram por acaso algumas vezes, e todas as vezes deixaram Kanzo com uma sensação desconfortável. Cada pista que é revelada parece levar a mais perguntas sobre Ryo, sua namorada obsessiva, suas relações insensíveis e manipuladoras com várias mulheres e sobre uma memória dolorosa do passado de Kanzo. As coisas ficam mais complicadas quando uma poderosa relação de amor/ódio se desenvolve entre Ryo e a irmã mais nova de Kanzo, a bela Yuko. Qual é exatamente a conexão deles? À medida que as evidências (e a contagem de corpos), aumentam, Kanzo tenta desesperadamente salvar sua irmã da influência de Ryo. Ele não é santo, mas é o Diabo que Kanzo pensa que é? E porque? As respostas vão te surpreender, mesmo quando você achar que já as descobriu. (Fonte: Inglês = IMDb || Tradução = ChrisRegina em MyDramaList) Editar Tradução
- Português (Brasil)
- Русский
- English
- magyar / magyar nyelv
- Título original: 空から降る一億の星
- Também conhecido como: The Smile Has Left Your Eyes , Sora Kara Furu Ichioku no Hoshi , A Million Stars Fall from the Sky
- Roteirista: Kitagawa Eriko
- Diretor: Hirano Shin, Nakae Isamu
- Gêneros: Thriller, Mistério, Romance, Melodrama
Elenco e Créditos
- Kimura Takuya Papel Principal
- Akashiya Sanma Papel Principal
- Fukatsu Eri Papel Principal
- Shibasaki KouMizashita YukiPapel Secundário
- Igawa HarukaNishihara MiwaPapel Secundário
- Tayama RyoseiOsawa TakashiPapel Secundário

I consider Eriko Kitagawa one of the best drama scriptwriters. She has the ability to pick up an ordinary event and make it into an unpredictable twist, all with a subtle calm pace which makes you restless. This plot is made of little hints: a word, a glance, a brief scene. There's no abundance of words, each line carries its meaning into the silence that follows.
And the actors get inside their roles brilliantly, creating around them an aura of mystery which makes you grope in the dark as to who did what and why.
The cinematography is scanty and sober, totally devoid of gloss. With the exception of the very effective close-up shots of the characters and the use of the light, it doesn't rely on beauty. Oh, the actors are beautiful all right. Kimura Takuya and Fukatsu Eri in particular are wonderfully intense, together as well as individually and play their part so well I was left speechless more than once.
The same scantiness applies to the music. Used with economy and without much variety, it manages to create the right expectations at exactly the right moment.
When all this is said and done, I am left with only one question: did I personally like this drama? The answer is: no. Did I fall in love with any of the characters? No. They intrigued me, fascinated me even, but I didn't like any of them, and felt somehow totally detached, despite the high-voltage chemistry between the leads.
I marathoned through the drama in 2 days, which is proof of its being a very well built thriller. Once started, you want to know. However, because I felt neither identification, nor true compassion or love for these people, it's as if I had read a very interesting and brilliantly written essay on human nature but was happy to see it end. The ending came to me as the only possible solution: a destination this journey was destined to land to.
Therefore, I recommend this drama to only a few people. Forget brightness, sunny love, suspend judgment and value this for its intrinsic quality and you will appreciate it. If you're not ready for a trip down dark lane, I suggest you stay well away from it.
I am certainly not going to repeat the experience.
I rated the re-watch value quite low because this is still a mystery drama so once you know the big revelation, the impact won't be quite the same as the first time but there are plenty of compelling scenes that makes up for it.
Overall, I'd definitely recommend it to any Kimura fans who haven't seen this yet, as well as anyone looking for a compelling story about love, betrayal and redemption.