A trama se desenrola de maneira dinâmica e rápida, ganhou meu coração neste primeiro semestre
Esse trio dinâmico e entrosado começa apresentando um drama engraçado, algumas cenas até meio caricatas, mas com tempo vai se tornando mais reflexico, sem perder o ar comédia.O entrosamento dos personagem e a relação que eles vão estabelendo é incrivel e a evolução é nitida em cada episodio, assim como o amadurecimento de cada um e da relação entre eles.
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Podia falar de vários aspectos que chamaram atenção nesse dorama, mas escolhi trazer pra vcs algumas mensagem e reflexões que me marcaram:
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>O resentimento te aprisiona: em alguns episódios isso é mostrado através da mágoas dos mortais que precisa da ajuda do trio. Também é abordado nos problemas individuais dos protagonistas.
>Perdoar a si mesmo: as aventuras envolvidas em cada mágoa abordava o autoconhecimento, aceitação e o perdoar-se, para então se consolidar no exterior toda mundaça e ação que fosse necessária.
> Importância de se ter alguém para conversar e como isso ajuda na saúde mental: acredito fortemente que essa tenha sido uma das mensagens mais centrais do drama. Ter alguém para se abrir, aliviar suas dores. Elas nem sempre teram a solução, nas maioria das vezes isso dependerá de vc, de suas ações, mas o ato de falar com alguém te alivia e te auxilia a enxergar a vida de forma mais leve, ver uma luz no fim do túnel.
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"Milagres acontecem todos os dias. O milagre de estar vivo. O milagre de ter alguém ao seu lado. E... o milagre de poder beber alguma coisa junto com essa pessoa" Weol Joo
a trama se desenrola de maneira dinâmica e rápida que ganhou meu coração neste primeiro semestre, concorrendo seriamente a ficar nos meus TOP 2020 pelas reflexivas mensagem e algumas boas risadas.
Ps: o último episódio foi corrido demais, mas não atrapalhou a lindeza do drama.
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Este Drama estava na minha lista sendo q nunca via, até q comecei a ver e nao co seguia dar pause nem para beber água. Chorei, rir, gritei, ele é maravilhoso, me prendeu de una tal forma, os protagonistas arrasram. Vai ficar dificil encontrar outro drama como este. Parabéns a todos os envolvidos. Estou realmente apaixonada. Como não assisri antes? Acabei de assistir e ja quero assistir novamente.Esta resenha foi útil para você?
Um drama perfeito.
Esse drama foi simplesmente perfeito em todos os sentidos. Emocionante e engraçado na medida certa, cada história era comovente e te fazia se apegar a cada personagem, os protagonistas eram envolventes e ver a evolução de cada um ao longo dos episódios foi incrível.Cada um teve seu momento e até os secundários brilhavam em certos pontos, te fazendo torcer e se apegar a cada um desses, sejam os do pós-vida, do supermercado ou alguém que precisava da ajuda do bar.
A amizade, as histórias de mágoa de cada um, e o sentido de família desse drama fez com que ele entrasse para minha lista de favoritos.
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Os mistérios que vão aparecendo trazem mais curiosidade, em certo momento tenta te enganar, mas mesmo caso descubra, ele te faz continuar vendo para entender como tudo aconteceu.
Sempre fico impressionada quando vejo algo que rompe a quarta barreira, o personagem conversado com quem está assistindo como se estivesse lá, aqui foi usado em momentos perfeitos.
O final foi emocionante e fofo, não senti falta de nada, foi muito bem construído e tudo foi resolvido e explicado.
Apesar da resenha ser pequena, eu realmente amei, mas sendo curto, seu único defeito aliás, acho que a graça de conhecer os personagens aos poucos pode ser perdida. Então apenas digo que vale muito apenas o dá uma chance.
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Eu gostei muito do drama, ele passa uma mensagem muito bonita, a medida que os episódios vão passando e a gente conhece as mágoas, os desentendimentos das pessoas, a cura, o perdão. Ter tantas divindades que são apresentadas pra gente, acho que a que mais gostei foi a da gravidez. Mas o meljor de tudo pra mim foi ter eles juntos de novo, minha família sim ??O enredo é um pouquinho parado mas a história é boa de acompanhar e a ost também é ótima, o elenco é muito bom também e apesar de não conhecer a atriz principál e não ter gostado muito dela quero ver algum outro trabalho.
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Assim que vi no catalogo da Netflix não tive muito interesse em assistir, mas depois assistir um vídeo fiquei realmente curiosa sobre a historia. Só pelo primeiro episodio podemos perceber o tanto que esse drama vai além da sinopse, é uma historia totalmente complexa a qual vc vai sendo apresentado ao decorrer dos episódios. O desenvolvimento que tudo tomou me deixou bem feliz.
Algumas coisas que fizeram eu me apaixonar ainda mais:
_O jeito como vc sempre se sente preso no final de cada episodio morrendo de curiosidade para saber o que vem a seguir
_A emoção que os atores transmitem
_Não tem enrolação, as coisas acontecem no tempo que devem acontecer e vc acaba se surpreendendo
_Os momentos de humor no drama me fizeram gargalhar muito
_Basicamente em cada um dos 12 episódios vc é apresentado para a historia/magoa de uma pessoa diferente,
Eu só vi um ponto negativo nesse drama todo, para mim o final poderia ter sido um pouco mais explorado. Tive a sensação que tudo corria bem no episodio 10 e 11, mas no episodio final senti como se varias coisas estivessem acontecendo rápido demais. Mesmo tendo sentido isso sobre o desenvolvimento do ultimo episódio o final não deixa de ser maravilhoso!
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Enjoy the crazy ride.
This drama is just like it's title "Mystic". Never have I ever watched any drama which could actually play with parallel worlds!Honestly speaking, I started watching this drama beacuse of Hwang Jung Eum and my love for Fantasy genre. I wasn't a huge fan of Yook Sung Jae nor Choi Won Young since I hadn't watched any of their dramas before. So, I was a bit skeptical.
The story was all about a pricky woman who operates a food tent at night so anyone (dead or living) can visit and grab a drink with the owner and then she can appease their grudges through entering their minds by giving them a special drink.
As the story progressed, it got me hooked everytime! I literally craved for the next episode. It soon became a story about some extraordinary people with some extraordinary capabilities trying to help out both ordinary and mystic beings. The characters were so diverse and well played by each and every actors/resses.
Hwang Jung Eum playing Weol-ju (the main character) was so different from her other characters she has ever played. Her character was written in so depth, we could actually feel those emotions. More matured, understanding, comedic, lively, passionate, etc! Being a spirit aged 500 yrs, under a grave punishment in the human world, the pop-up bar was set up as a place to help spirits let go of their problems and solve their grudges patiently to fill her quota to solve up to 100,000 grudges in order complete her mission.
I actually love that I came with an expectation of a bit weird love story between a supernatural woman and a younger guy. But NO, this was truly an Exception! Instead, I got two crazy spirits who are practically married but denying their feelings, and an adorably awkward part timer who's spiritual visions are widened! They together really made a hilarious little family.
Every episode is fun, and there’s a lesson we takeaway each time we watch it. Almost always we become jealous of people who have more capabilities than us, but this shows that knowing and having that much can get very lonely too. I had never expected the story to be so deep and at the same time so heart-warming and touching!
Each and every episode holds a mystery which unfolds just nicely. It totally delivers the heart wrenching and heart warming stories in a not over dramatic way. I actually liked that they didn't focus much on romance but human life itself which is perfect for what is going on in this world today. I cried and laughed every single episode!
The growth of attachment between the trio which eventually strengthened was so sweet to watch. How quickly did Kang Bae got attached to Weol-Ju and Chief Gwi? Kang Bae being upset and distracted awaiting their return even when he was with his girl was just priceless!
Best Things I loved in this drama:
● The first thing I got very attached to in the beginning of this drama was it's Music. The OST "Dive" totally has those 'Mystic' vibes. The orchestra Background score and the sound effects in each episode is so Amazing!
● HWANG JUNG EUM LOOKING GORGEOUS than ever! How amazing does she looks in that hanbok (Korean traditional dress)?
She looks so pretty. Her costumes were killing! Her transformation has indeed surprised me this time.
● YOOK SUNG JAE TURNING CUTE TO SEXY IN NO TIME! His expressions were priceless!
● Hwang Jung Eum and Choi Won Young's ENGLISH.
● Yook Sung Jae's adorable side.
☆Overall - This drama is something I needed desperately! It's full of magic, love and laughter.
*This maybe not a drama which everyone will like, but it was perfect for me!
The only disappointment is that the drama is too short. Anyways, a complete enjoyable drama which is fun to watch. I would definitely re-watch it someday :)
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"Do you want to have a drink with me?"
"Counseling with a twist." That is how I initially perceived the theme Mystic Pop-up Bar. Dramas that touch on mental health issues are often either of melodrama or suspense genre. But here is a gem of a show that gives you a release and relief from a shot of soju, without the usual hangover.In the first few episodes of this drama, you'll find stories of persons whose grudges could well be the same as many of us have. The counseling part comes naturally in the dialogue between the characters, often in a comical way. (It could be a good idea to have a paper and pen ready to take down some quotable lines.) As the drama progresses, it begins to focus more on the main characters' own concerns which has been taking 500 years to settle.
What's so awesome about Mystic Pop-up Bar is, while it's generally comedy, you'll also find some bits of romance, drama and action in it. Worthy of mentioning also is how clean the CGI effects they used in the show. I'm not sure with the others, but for me, each episode was like a movie.
Even though I chose to watch this because of SKY Castle actor Choi Won Young, I must say all the actors in this drama are worth applauding. Yook Sung Jae made a great choice of doing this drama before his military enlistment; he did really well as Han Kang Bae. Also, I could say that we have a different Hwang Jung Eum here, so if you're not a fan of the way she acted in her previous dramas, don't let that get in the way of you experiencing a one-of-a-kind journey in Mystic Pop-up Bar.
The OST is worth adding to your playlist as well, especially the song for Part 1 of the soundtrack.
I recommend this drama after watching heavy drama, suspense or action, or to those who simply want to have a good laugh after a tiring day.
Enjoy Mystic Pop-up Bar!
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A Breath of Fresh Air
Excellent drama.Amazing acting and story line. Very different from other dramas.A mixture of real life, fantasy, romance, mystery and comedy all bundled up in one. There was NEVER a dull moment.
This drama teaches you a lot about life. A lot of morals could be learnt by watching this drama.
This is a feel good drama. Always left me happy after every episode.
I would give it more than 10 stars if I could.
I am really going to miss this drama.
I am hoping for a season 2.
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I just finished watching this drama and now I'm so upset that it has finished. This drama was different because it was more about life lessons and family rather than romance which I really liked. The trio was so good and i was even more excited when I found out they were family. It was such a sweet drama whilst also being funny at the same time. It teaches you how to deal with grudges and how to let go, a really mature perspective on things . And I loved seeing sung-jae especially since he is in the army now. I had never seen him as an actor but his acting skills were amazing , especially towards the end. I would highly recommend this drama to anyone who wants something comedy whilst having an amazing story. Esta resenha foi útil para você?
Mystic Pop- Up Bar was a surprisingly enjoyable and fun show to watch at times...
Mystic Pop-Up Bar recounts the mystery behind our most unlikely hero Kang Bae ( Yook Sungjae) , who by chance, ends up meeting the eccentric owner of a “ Pop- Up” Bar called Wol-Joo ( Hwang Jung- eum). Together alongside her coworker Gwi ( Choi Won- Young), the duo are representatives of the other side, tasked with solving the numerous desires of their customers through wandering through their dreams. When Kang Bae ends up indebted to Wol- Joo after a certain incident, he soon finds himself stumbling into new worlds and strange revelations as well.
As dramas go, Mystic Pop- Up was a surprisingly enjoyable and fun show at times. It wasn’t groundbreaking upon the traditional concept of the oblivious protagonist stumbling into the world unknown, however, there were a lot of intriguing aspects of Korean culture ( modern and traditional) , mythology ( particularly deities) and a strangely sweet romance between Kang Bae and a most unlikely love interest in security guard Kang Yeo- Rin ( Jung Da- Eun) .Nonetheless, it was a bit of a conundrum from a watching perspective.
The biggest problem with this lay upon stealing too many cliches and tropes into the storyline. Whilst this in itself is not a crime and Mystic Pop-Bar did have a fairly intriguing premise , the drama just did not expand upon many of the later intriguing aspects as well ( particularly with the shocking twists near the finale).
This also caused and created too many loose ties in the entire show ( particularly later plot-holes). It’s understandable that the drama tried to balance comedy and melodrama to appeal to audiences , however, the biggest problem for Mystic Pop Up Bar was relying too heavily upon comedy for a major proportion of the drama than allowing the later melodrama to be just as impactful in later storylines.
On the other hand, whilst most watchers seem to criticise Hwang Jung-eum from her past experiences of acting and applying it to the show after the beginning of the drama , Jeung-eum was actually quite good in Mystic Pop Ip Bar. That’s not to say that she didn’t overact at times ( similarly with both her co- stars Young Choi and Sungjae), but, Jeung- Eum seemed to challenge a level of a profound edge towards her performance and character’s backstory , parallel to fellow costar Sungjae during the more tear jerking moments of the drama .
The delivered ending was fairly bittersweet. Perhaps not the “ perfect” ending to the show, but this just added to the fact that although Mystic Pop- Up Bar follows the generic scenarios and tropes of most fantasy and comedy dramas, it was still enjoyable and entertaining to watch.
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I never Knew Dreams Can Be this Real??
The mystic and ecstatic elements are held in abeyance ingeniously devised by Screenwriter Ha Yoon Ah and Director Jun Chang Geun. I cannot comment fully on the similarities to the 2017 webtoon of the same name, but it appears the Screenwriter tempered wonderfully warm melodic moments with a keen sense of humor.It was Jun Chang Geun's first project since The Package (2017) that I flat-out enjoyed the beautiful scenery and famous landmarks in that show. Mystic Pop-Up Bar does not disappoint, but there will always be a select few people that will bash this show and nothing we can do about it. By this point, have we not seen all that we will see in the fantasy aspect, maybe not. Yes, we pine for originality in the script, but do the actors catalyze more visionary thinking in each other that this drama expertly displays.
The location of the outdoor drinking establishment lures individuals from all backgrounds that were the main focal point. The viewer invested by the average individuals' problems the Mystic Pop-Up Bar soothes the pain and suffering. The soft and upbeat music, along with the light clinking of glass, was soothing to my ears when drinking occurred, and the main leads entered the dream world. The Directing Style aided to the storytelling because we see a different side to what the director contributes to this Depleted Genre that I have trust will be in good hands for the future.
Every character imparts much liveliness to the scenes. Hwang Jung Eum's tone and expression did not awake an old, unwelcome feeling that her other works sometimes did. I think Park Shi Eun's depiction of the younger Weol Joo was a significant reason why I overlooked the deficiency of her acting style. She has retained a certain mystique, which makes her such a compelling character.
Choi Won Young's heartening rendition of his character was something special as his dilated pupil and eyebrow expressions in a bunch of scenes caught my undivided attention. Also, he imparts strength and provides an air of talisman of protection. Yook Sung Jae timid, yet bubbly persona was too wily, unfailingly tactful, an adept with the touch of his hands. I especially cherished Jung Da Eun's role as a Security Guard, her metamorphosis of a resigned face to an alight face from the first episode to the last episode. YSJ and JDE are too adorable together.
I would have liked a little more character development from the villain. Still, writing this review, I reflected on the villain's role, and what they did was not bad considering tropes run rampant in every drama—a bittersweet story of the villain trapped by the flaws in his character.
It had the right amount of episodes to enjoy every episode. If you have any doubts, I say watch the first two episodes and make your decision. I conclude I have a fondness for close contact with someone after viewing this show. The show elicits an aliveness we crave in this Coronoviris Pandemic once everything settles back to normalcy; Human Interaction and affection.
Final Rating: 8.75/10
Story: 8.57/10
Acting: 9.68/10
Rewatch: I will watch this again for sure. Four Thumbs Up.
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