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- Título original: 변신
- Também conhecido como: Transformation , Metamorphosis , Transformação
- Diretor: Kim Hong Sun
- Roteirista: Ricky Lee
- Gêneros: Thriller, Terror, Psicológico, Sobrenatural
Onde assistir As Faces do Demônio
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Elenco e Créditos
- Bae Sung Woo Papel Principal
- Sung Dong Il Papel Principal
- Jang Young NamChoe Myeong JuPapel Principal
- Kim Hye JoonPark Seon WuPapel Principal
- Jo Yi HyunPark Hyeon JuPapel Principal
- Kim Kang HoonPark Wu JongPapel Principal

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The effects and graphics are very good which makes the movie more scary for some people. Also the storyline was very organized and it really takes the audience into everything. Even the exorcist scenes we're very well executed and believable. Also the story had some interesting turns which suprised me. Also I think the best part was the acting. I enjoyed the acting of the cast members (both of the main and the support) really really much.
There was too much blood and gore for a 15+ movie. Also the movie tried to scare the audience with a little too much jumpscares. The whole exorcist theme can be very unrealistic.
But all in one I think it's worth watching.
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Few Scary Scenes, Story Disappointed
WHAT I LIKED:-> Acting: This is probably the best part of the movie. Sung Dong Il delivers horror very well in this film. His scene in Hyun Joo's bedroom scared me, not just because of the jump scare music but because he had this creepy expression on. Other actors did equally well. Choi Myung Goo is a seasoned actress and did her breakfast scene extremely well. She made my skin crawl. I've seen Jo Yi Hyun in Hospital Playlist and My Country, she's done well here though her character wasn't very demanding. Kim Kang Hoon is on a roll, with Mr. Sunshine, When the Camellia Blooms and this movie as well.
-> Cinematography: The scenes were shot very well. The CGI was not excellent, but not subpar either. The costumes and props were all on point.
-> Plot: The story itself was a good idea for a horror film, but there were so many plot-holes and unexplained happenings that I was just turned off and this is the reason for my low rating. To think that the demon can *SPOILERS AHEAD* not only shapeshift into other humans, but can also possess them, levitate objects, hover, spew blood, make people turn onto each other and so much more. It's basically a variety of demons and poltergeists rolled into one. The demon can also handle crosses and can apparently mimic an exorcism, reciting Latin verses without flinching. But the later on he died on a cross.... huh. Our experienced priest, samchon a.k.a. Jong-Su thinks that the elder daughter is the demon, while in actuality he has been actively going round pretending to be each member of the family at will. I didn't get why he would make such a statement because obviously the demon could just go take someone else's shape. Which it did! The arrival of the other priests from Manila was such a stupid thing, since all they did was die like flies. The fact that Jong Su would end up doing the exorcism was predictable. The BIGGEST HOLE in this movie was the fact that the demon pretty much roasted a daughter alive in the basement and NO ONE CARED. No one looked for her, no one missed her, and when they discovered her they did not look much shocked. The final hug scene between the family was weird because the mom never asked 'hey where's my other daughter btw?'
-> CGI: There were a few moments where it was done badly, like the cracks on the car after the crows hit it, and Jong Su's weird mask-like face after he was possessed. It was just a turn off to look at.
->Beginning and Ending: The exorcism was predictable, down to the death. It was boring. There's a reason why everyone says 'show, not tell'. The reasons why the family decides to move into a new house are shoved into a few dialogues in the car. I wanted to be shown how Jung Su's actions had bothered each of the family member. It could have been just a few flashbacks and it would be enough. The last ten minutes of the movie were so disappointing. It was so predictable and boring. I wish they had stuck to the idea of a spirit that can change and mimic faces and carried that throughout, instead of having a possessed girl jumping around, vomiting blood, laughing like mad in your face. Please, enough with the cliches.
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