Uma história que segue Wang Lu, um jovem gênio que entra na Seita das Lâminas Espirituais e embarca em uma jornada não convencional em direção ao cultivo imortal. A Seita das Lâminas Espirituais, criada em 4.233, é aclamada como uma das cinco grandes seitas, após produzir muitos prodígios nas artes marciais. Enquanto os nove continentes enfrentam uma crise, Wang Lu se junta à Seita da Lâmina Espiritual e fica sob a tutela de Wang Wu, uma linda mulher que tem centenas de anos de idade. Famosa por ter uma língua afiada e um temperamento errático, ela e seu discípulo Wang Lu se envolvem em brigas intermináveis enquanto trilham o caminho para Wang Lu se tornar o sábio mais forte de toda a Terra. (Fonte: Facebook - Página Todos os Tons de Oppas; editado por MyDramaList) Editar Tradução
- Português (Brasil)
- 中文(简体)
- 日本語
- Русский
- Título original: 从前有座灵剑山
- Também conhecido como: Cong Qian You Zuo Ling Jian Shan , Spirit Sword Mountain , Once Upon a Time in Lingjian Mountain , Era uma Vez na Montanha Lingjian , Era uma Vez uma Montanha da Lâmina Espiritual
- Diretor: Yu Zhong Zhong
- Roteirista: Fan Kan, Xu Peng Peng, Fang Qiang Qiang
- Gêneros: Comédia, Romance, Wuxia, Fantasia
Elenco e Créditos
- Xu KaiWang LuPapel Principal
- Sandrine PinnaWang WuPapel Principal
- Ryan Zhu Papel Principal
- Gao Yu ErFeng LingPapel Principal
- Cristy Guo Papel Principal
- Vincent HuangFang HePapel Secundário

Achei a história bem interessante e super divertida. Amei os toques de comédia e os efeitos visuais dele. Gostei também do humor que o drama passa para as pessoas que assistem. As músicas de fundo são muito bem feitos. Também gostei das caractéristicas únicas de cada personagem da série, principalmente do protagonsita. Ele tem um toque narcizista e charmosão do jeito que eu (particularmente) amo e acho engraçado kkkkkkSuper recomendo, principalmente pra quem quiser começar a assistir uma série mais china antiga.
I'm gonna be honest. When I first watched it, the whole time I was like WTF is this? The plot is lame, the jokes are lame, the acting is really exaggerating and... Wait a minute, am I watching the right drama?! I remember a lot of people being very confused about the genre of the drama. The two female leads call each other wifey, the two male leads has... Like THE most romantic moments EVER! Reading the summery again, I would swear that it's not a gay drama. A lot of people call it Queerbaiting but I actually disagree. It kind of suits the style of the drama and the synopsis clearly states that the male lead will end up with the female lead. The whole drama is just one big comedy with some serious plot in it that will slowly uncover as time passes by. The jokes are so bad in a way that's hilarious. The male lead is someone of modern time who rebirth to the world of this drama and I just love how the lead is also dissing the script so much. To put it short, you need to get through a few episodes to get used to the weird concept, but the moment you do, it becomes so good XD. However... the arcs never really ends... well. There are so many times when I'm like "Uhm, writer? Do you still remember that love line?" But yeah... unless they make a season 2, I felt the plot quite unfinished after finishing the show.
I've not read the original novel so I can't really say if they were similar to the novel or not. However, it did feel a bit exaggerated at first. Especially the female lead. Whether it was her personality or look, I felt like she took the wrong role. Not that she was a bad actor, but it simply didn't suit her. However, as time passed by, I actually started to like her a lot. I guess I had to get used to a foreigner (or at least a mixed race) playing an ancient role. I found her really pretty later and began to love her as well. I guess you have to keep in mind that it is meant to be a comedy so some exaggeration is completely normal. You just gotta get used to it. Generally speaking, none of the actors were really bad. Maybe a bit awkward here and there but not to the point of bad. Generally speaking, it was quite alright.
I liked it. Have nothing else to say about it
*Rewatch value*
Did I enjoy it? Absolutely. Would I watch it again.... Probably not. One time is enough, but some lame parts/scenes are definitely worth to be put on repeat