Com a formatura se aproximando, a estudante universitária Cheng Xin está convencida de que sua formatura seria o momento perfeito para pedir seu namorado, Zhen Qian em casamento. Reunindo coragem para fazer exatamente isso, Cheng Xin faz o pedido, mas, com uma reação inesperada, Zheng Qian a rejeita. Sentindo que não fez nenhuma conquista real em sua vida ou carreira, Zheng Qian não acha que é o momento certo para sequer pensar em casamento. Entendendo a situação de Zheng Qian, Cheng Xin se oferece para ajudá-lo a conseguir um emprego na empresa de sua família, mas o orgulho de Zheng Qian o impede de aceitar. Rejeitada pela segunda vez, Cheng Xin não tem escolha a não ser se sentar e assistir enquanto Zheng Qian luta para encontrar um emprego. Apenas mais um rosto, perdido no enxame esmagador de recém-formados clamando por um emprego, Zheng Qin parece não dar sorte. Odiando ver seu amor sofrer, Cheng Xin age nos bastidores, criando uma oportunidade que certamente dará a Zheng Qin o emprego ideal. Logo, Zheng Qin é contratado pelo Grupo Tengda e acredita que finalmente conseguiu tirar a sorte grande, mas, quando a verdade por trás de sua súbita onda de sucesso é revelada, seu mundo desmorona. Obrigado a renunciar ao cargo, com a reputação profissional destruída e o coração em pedaços, Zheng Qin sente como se tivesse sido totalmente derrotado. Ele conseguirá encontrar forças para se levantar e começar de novo, ou a decepção será demais para ele? (Fonte: Viki) ~~ Adaptado do romance "Youth Should Be Early" de Li Xing Jian. Editar Tradução
- Português (Brasil)
- 中文(台灣)
- 中文(简体)
- magyar / magyar nyelv
- Título original: 青春须早为
- Também conhecido como: Qing Chun Xu Zao Wei , Youth Should be Early
- Gêneros: Romance, Juventude, Drama
Onde assistir A Juventude Deveria Chegar Cedo
Elenco e Créditos
- Hu Yi Tian Papel Principal
- Elaine ZhongCheng XinPapel Principal
- Lu PengKong HaoPapel Secundário
- An Yong ChangMeng XiPapel Secundário
- David LiangChu Yun FeiPapel Secundário
- Liu Qi HengMo Xiao BaoPapel Secundário

Too boring!!
I honestly thought Hu Yi Tian chose a nice character to play after a long time. This role is different from the previous Cold ML roles he have played. This is one of those dramas i waited for every week to watch the latest episodes. The plot looked promising and unique in the starting. But when i almost decided that this drama is going to be one of my fav C dramas, it started falling apart. All the clichés like breakup, misunderstanding, cheating, rebound relationships etc.. started appearing one by one in the second half. That unique plot which i loved in the start lost its charm and started to disappear. I felt like dropping it many times but gave chances hoping for the plot revival.What i liked through out the drama is that:
- Relationships may not be forever and it is okay to forget and move on.
- Showing that a success/ failure is not the end and there is no guarantee it would last longer.
- There are some relations which you cannot name or describe, they can only be felt.
What i liked in the first half but started to dislike the same in the second half of the drama:
- FL. I assumed that she is a strong person (although appeared a bit spoilt in the start) who can empathize with ML's situations and dreams. But she kept interfering in ML's career and doubting him for silly reasons even though they've dated long enough for her to know his character. All she know is to solve things through connections and money. Even when ML said many times that he can succeed even without her HELP she secretly does things her way and expects ML to be thankful and accept it. Although it is good to support her partner, she has to at least believe in his potential to rise from the failures.
What i disliked about this drama:
- The way they showed rebound relations. One day a person takes divorce and the next day he/she fall in love with another person. Not even once, but they showcased this concept through out the drama. I completely support withdrawing from a toxic or unhappy relationship but people need time to move on from the previous relationships and to start a new one. I hated how they showed love as a snack you can choose from the supermarket lyk 'Didn't like this flavor? go for another. Is the previous one better? you can always go back!!'
- Meng Xi. How can someone believe a person for the second time after they've cheated?? Just because her ex-bf came back, said sorry, planning to buy her dream house if she is ready to marry him, she forgave him and immediately married him. When she later realized he never changed she divorced him and within no time fell in love with Xiao Bao. And i'm not even surprised when this happened because Xiao bao himself did the exact same thing. When his marriage was cancelled he started hitting on Meng Xi as if he doesn't even care abt his ex-gf in the first place.
- Nosy Parents. I am completely against when parents try to rule their children's life especially when they are adults and this is exactly what happened in Kong hao's life. His mother is totally against his and Yao Jia Ren's relationship, just because she is not from wealthier family. Also his parents forcing him to do only certain type of job is even more unfair. The moment he tries to tell them he wanted to live in his own way, they emotionally blackmail him and try to win over the arguments.
This would have been a good drama if they stopped it at one point of time. The more the number of episodes grew, the more the plot was messed up. I honestly don't recommend it anyone unless they are a fan of ML/FL and can watch a below average drama for them.
All in all it wasn’t a drama I enjoyed and would like to finish