Para viver, uma mulher chamada Eun Han arrisca sua vida passando por um perigoso procedimento cirúrgico para conseguir um novo rosto. Entretanto, devido aos efeitos colaterais da cirurgia, ela perde a memória. Ela tenta encontrar os pedaços perdidos de sua memória e enquanto sofre com um rosto diferente e sem saber sobre si mesma, Kang Woo aparece em sua frente. Kang Woo está ferido, pois sua amada o deixou. Ele sofre, pois sua relação com seu pai só piora. Como se fossem destinados, Eun Han e Kang Woo se encontram. Ele fica determinado a ajudar Eun Han a encontrar sua memória. Enquanto trabalham juntos, Kang Woo lentamente abre seu coração fechado para Eun Han. Enquanto isso, Chan Ki, o âncora das notícias da manhã, vive uma vida perfeita. Entretanto, ele parece ter um lado negro que ninguém nunca imaginaria. Este misterioso melodrama leva as pessoas a lugares inesperados com pessoas inesperadas. (Fonte: Viki) Editar Tradução
- Português (Brasil)
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- Título original: 그녀로 말할 것 같으면
- Também conhecido como: Geunyeoro Malhal Geot Gateumyun , About Her , Let Me Introduce Her
- Roteirista: Park Eon Hee
- Diretor: Park Kyung Ryul
- Gêneros: Mistério, Psicológico, Romance, Melodrama
Elenco e Créditos
- Nam Sang Mi Papel Principal
- Kim Jae WonHan Kang WooPapel Principal
- Jo Hyun Jae Papel Principal
- Lee Mi SookMin Ja Young [Chan Ki's mother]Papel Secundário
- Han Da GamJung Soo JinPapel Secundário
- Lee Shi AhJi Eun HanPapel Secundário
Se você procura um melodrama bem dramático com "Q" de mistério veio ao lugar certo. Let me Indroduce Her é um daqueles dramas que te deixam bem curiosos para conhecer o passado perdido da protagonista.
Quem me conhece sabe como odeio o recurso da "perda de memória". Vamos falar a verdade isso contribui muito para tornar uma história pouco crível, no entanto, acabei ignorando minha implicância com isso nesse drama em particular. Afinal a história nem sairia do primeiro episódio se a amnésia não tivesse acontecido.
Essa é a primeira e acredito que será a única vez que você me verá dizer isso: "quem imaginaria que perder a memória surtisse um efeito tão positivo na vida de uma pessoa. A protagonista se torna literalmente outra pessoa depois da cirurgia, é como se fosse uma versão muito melhor de si mesma, sua personalidade antes depressiva e retraída muda totalmente para a de alguém que vai a luta para superar as dificuldades."
Fiquei fã da OST desse drama, nem tínhamos várias opções aqui, mas nunca me cansava de ouvir as musicas que tocavam durante as cenas.
Não posso deixar de acrescentar que o médico Han Kang Woo é simplesmente encantador. O apoio que ele deu a protagonista durante toda a trama fez toda a diferença. Não pude deixar de shippar esse dois, porque ele sim era um homem de verdade. Ele foi sem dúvidas o melhor personagem da história.
Você já deve saber desse fato, mas não custa nada reforçar: Dramas de 20 episódios ou 40 episódios de 30 minutos, geralmente são ou se tornam novelões em algum momento da trama e esse aqui não foi diferente, portanto, recomendo que você embarque nessa jornada quando estiver na vibe de algo nesse estilo.
Como todo novelão é evidente que temos aquele grupinho de personagens maldosos e detestáveis, prefiro nem citar os nomes para evitar os spoilers, prepare-se para depositar toda sua raiva neles.
The cast was pretty good, but I felt like a lot of talent was wasted. Nam Sang Mi and Kim Jae Won had decent chemistry, but the romance story became subdued and even dull once the story focused more on the melodrama. Jae Won played up the smiley nice guy role so much that his portrayal of Dr. Han Gang Woo seemed very one-note and even at times uninteresting to me. However, it's the character of Ji Eun Han that'supposed to drive this story, and Nam Sang Mi's performance wasn't strong enough for me to do that. Lee Shi Ah's performance felt much more exciting so the shift to a more subdued Nam Sang Mi was a dramatic change. It was almost as if Sang Mi was just too chill to play such an emotionally complicated role. Especially a role where the character has and makes such drastic and contradictory reactions and choices. Also, despite them trying to imply that they were similar, these two actresses were just too drastically different to be considered the same person at all. No plastic surgery in the world is that magical.
One talent in particular that felt wasted was Lee Mi Sook, who knows how to make the most out of a melodramatic character, especially this kind of mother role, but her performance felt more interesting than her character was written to be. Detective Kim was similarly underutilized, and the story was less interesting when he was less involved. Jo Hyun Jae was good as well, even when his actions were written in a way that made him more laughable than emotional. Also, Han Eun Jung did her best to play up the drama of her character, as written, but that made her character seem laughingly ridiculous by the end, and hard to take seriously. I also think the cute banter between Jung Jin Woon and Lee Ho Jung is worth mentioning as cute but wasted filler. Many of the minor characters, including the kids, were good even if their character wasn't written well.
That takes me to my main issue with this drama, which is the writing. It's not that the story doesn't make sense, but it's sensationalizes everything so much that I couldn't take anything too seriously, or emotionally connect at all. The drama surrounding a cell phone and a song lasted for so many episodes, which made the story drag. The music was often sinister giving even mundane conversations an extra dramatic feel. It made it seem like they were trying to force a suspenseful feeling at all times, which backfired on me. I did think the "Save Me" song was pretty, and although it also felt extra dramatic during certain scenes, was fitting.
I'm doubtful I would watch this again, but maybe I would be more forgiving with a second viewing since I now know what the story is really about. My high expectations at the beginning made me more disappointed at what it turned out to be. Lower expectations during a second viewing may make me see this drama differently, and see earlier scenes differently. Maybe it would be less likely to bore me if I binge watched instead of waiting each week for new episodes, which I lost interest in keeping up with.
Overall, if you are interested in this drama based on the romantic mystery sounding synopsis, know that this is actually a wealthy family secrets centered melodrama that takes on a serious theme in a very senationalized way. Romance may drive the story, but it isn't the focus, so don't expect that part of the story to be very exciting, especially with two calm and repressed characters. The action feel during the early episodes doesn't last either, and that slowed down the pace for me too. Every question that arises in the story is eventually answered, and there's is a satisfying ending, but I still had a hard time with the pace of the drama, and with the story continuously holding my interest. Don't expect clever twists, even though many parts of the story aren't what they seem to be initially. If you have patience with the story everything pays off, but I'm just not certain that it was worth the price of watching. For a drama about amnesia, it is pretty forgettable.