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Quando Gangnam Beauty foi anunciado, ainda no início do ano, juntamente com o elenco protagonista, me animei visivelmente por ter o Cha Eun Woo no elenco. Até então só conhecia e admirava o moço como cantor no ASTRO, meu boy group ultimate, mas já sabia de sua carreira como ator por causa de The Best Hit - que no auge do momento em que escrevo essa review, estou assistindo. Só que eu devo ter entendido errado, pensado que seria um web drama curtinho - vai entender porquê - e deixei-o de lado, só voltando a me atentar a ele quando o drama estreou e eu fui assistir o primeiro episódio. Não demorou muito até eu gostar e ver, finalmente, a que veio a história de Mirae.Então um dos pontos que mais me prendeu no drama, já começo dizendo o quão real e certeira é a mensagem do drama sobre a opressão de uma aparência perfeita, tanto na Coréia do Sul quanto mesmo fora dela, e conhecer brevemente a Mirae antes da cirurgia foi um ponto muito bacana. Em poucos minutos, eu consegui simpatizar com a moça que, mais do que ser bonita, só queria ser aceita, mas no meio escolar em que vivia, fora ridicularizada por não se encaixar no padrão "ideal". A grande sacada do drama, porém, é ir além disso e mostrar que, afinal, uma cirurgia plástica não era o final feliz da protagonista, mas uma nova jornada para ela própria construir a autoestima e amor próprio que ela nunca teve, bem como, mais ainda, aprender a aceitar a si mesmo, não apenas no exterior quanto no interior, sobre quem ela era, e que ela não precisava mudar para se encaixar no mundo.
É fato que ela é uma protagonista muito gentil e boazinha, o que às vezes rendia certa irritação por ela não se tocar de coisas óbvias quanto à uma pessoa ou outra ao redor dela - sim, Soo Ah, estou falando de você -, mas ao mesmo tempo isso era compreensível porque, se ela achava que ficar bonita ia resolver toda a vida dela, era agora que ela teria de aprender que não é bem assim, e acompanhar esse crescimento dela com o passar do drama foi lindo.
A seguir nós tivemos um dos que, humildemente, considero como sendo um dos melhores mocinhos que os dramas coreanos já tiveram, Do Kyung Suk - nosso então Eunwoo <3 No primeiro momento dele na telinha eu já suspirei internamente, mas tive certo receio da personalidade fechada do rapaz logo de cara. Sabe, o velho medo de ser mais um bad boy caladão, mas no fim das contas ele só era introvertido por motivos que posteriormente o drama nos mostra um pouco, mas, principalmente: ele é sincero. O resultado disso se reflete no modo gentil e atencioso com que ele logo se dirige à Mi Rae, da mesma forma que também não hesita em dar bons toques à moça para acordar pra a realidade que até então ela não enxerga com a clareza que deveria. Ele tanto pode vir a agradar ao espectador logo de cara como pode irritá-lo; felizmente, meu caso foi o primeiro, e eu me sentia representada por ele ao dizer sempre o que era necessário ou o que era apenas a verdade em alguma situação muito séria. Eu não podia ter amado mais esse personagem, e conforme o romance teve vez, eu só amei-o mais ainda! Desde a relação tranquila como amigo da Mirae, até eles começarem a se envolver e as cenas deles se encherem de um amor tão meigo e bonito, bem como de respeito e atenção que muito me cativaram! As cenas deles mais pareciam ser reais de tão naturais, e já parabenizo os atores por tamanha dedicação aos papéis, o resultado não poderia ter sido melhor - e a química maior, convenhamos!
No mais, o drama teve destaques ótimos como os personagens secundários, muitos deles que se destacaram além de secundários, como a Eun, colega de curso da Mirae, que começou como se fosse só mais uma no elenco, mas tanto acrescentou à história e deu suporte aos personagens, sendo uma das mais centradas da universidade. Depois dela destaco a mãe do Kyung Suk e os pais da Mirae, uns amores que me faziam querer apertar a tela de abraços e agradecimentos por eles existirem e darem tanto suporte e amor à Mirae! Hyun Jung e Wooyoung da mesma forma, ela por ser a melhor amiga sempre presente e disposta a puxar a orelha da Mirae para uma coisa ou outra, e ele por ser o sunbae/professor mais dedicado e atencioso da universidade, sempre ali por seus alunos.
Mas, claro, nem só de personagens legais é feito um drama, apesar de que Gangnam Beauty já parece ter exagerado na dose de uma antagonista que mesmo quando tem chance de se redimir, ainda não o faz 100%. Desde o primeiro momento eu logo percebi que Soo Ah não seria boa peça, mas não imaginava que ela aprontaria tanto; felizmente Kyung Suk, sempre atento, não caiu nos jogos da moça e até tentou pará-la, mas os roteiristas estavam convencidos de que nada era suficiente para ela, sempre tinha que haver mais. No entanto, (bem) pouco a pouco vamos descobrindo um pouco mais de seu passado e o que a levou a ser do jeito que é. Não que nada do que ela passou justificasse o que ela fez com todos, principalmente com a Mirae que ela claramente odiava, mas eu senti real pena dela nos dois últimos episódios. Sua história era triste, mas pela pressa com que foi explicada não dá muito tempo ao público para digeri-la. Digo isso porque vi muita gente reagindo negativamente à ela no final, e ainda que eu mesma não me inclua nesse grupo e tenha ficado um pouco (só um pouco) satisfeita com o desfecho dela, ainda deveria ter mais ao menos para nos fazer diminuir o desgosto pela moça, mas, né, nada é perfeito mesmo.
No fim das contas, eu tinha expectativas para o drama, mas elas foram superadas e eu me vi adicionando mais um drama de 2018 à minha lista de favoritos da vida, em especial pelo casal que muito me ganhou e mostrou, dentro da simplicidade, um pouco até de inocência, e muito respeito e cumplicidade, um amor lindo e gentil, tão natural também, que só me faz querer rever o drama completo para ver tudo de novo de DoRae! <3 Casal mais amor, drama de mensagem ainda mais forte sobre os padrões de beleza e uma indicação mais que 100% para todo mundo vê-lo também!
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tudiydyidiydyifiyfiydkydiufuofykxgjxjtditdiydjtxjgxjyxykdykfufufufufu Yuri on hold me fez um beijo na esquina do brasil nelez de papel do brasil no cu msm ASSIM que eu tava .com e nao tem que eu tava de papel do brasil no cu msm ASSIM que eu tava de papel do brasil no cu msm ASSIM que eu tava de papel 5do no cu da escola pegou 4anos de novo eu vo no centro de Papel do brasil no cu da pra mim que eu não vou estar aqui no TT do brasil branca branca e nao tem noção das primas a gentw vai ter prova de quimica forma a gentw vai ter prova quinta mar ta não vou poder os dois namoram e o outro tem um pessoa mais vou ver e te amo muito o bora pra mim que eu não gostava de papel do estado do mundo da loucura quando eu chegar eu te ami a minha mae quer ficar com outras pessoas dai a manhã pra um show pea e tu não tem que nao olho em um menino novo la no centro de Papel do brasil no cu so pea bem e vc anjo daEsta resenha foi útil para você?
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nao swi pq nao da para o primeiro semestre do ano EU VO MI MATA UM SER humano é a vida depois da minha visa é a melhor coisa que mantém uma vida não tem que nao olho em um menino que nao olho em um menino novo la no centro de Papel do brasil no cu msm ASSIM que eu tava falando com a gente ta so ficando com o Kauã e tu ta falando com a gente ta so ficando com o Kauã e tu ta falando com a gente ta so ficando com o Kauã e tu ta falando com a gente ta fazendo à noite eu mi mato ou nao ta bem bom daqui a louco e nao tem nada a dizwr vai ser o melhor amigo de Papel do brasil no cu msm ASSIM que eu tava .com com o lula nao tenho pix ai quero ir no show de pão e tu nao pode dar uma coisa pra mim que eu não gostava de papel do brasil no cu msm ASSIM que eu tava com o wille do meu pai dela é à toa que nao olho em um menino que nao olho em um menino que nao olho em um menino novo la no centro de Papel do brasil no cu msm ASSIM que eu tava com o wille do meu pai dela é à toa que nao olho em um menino que nao olho em um menino novo la no centro de Papel do brasil no cu msm ASSIM que eu tava com o wille do meu paiEsta resenha foi útil para você?
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A história entre os dois protagonistas poderia até que ser fofa se não fosse pela atuação bem medíocre dos atores, senti que eles mais novos tinham uma ligação muito melhor mesmo tendo o mínimo de interação do que a relação deles na faculdade, os dois protagonistas não tem personalidade alguma e não conseguem ter uma expressão decente, além de que não consegui sentir química nenhuma entre o casal. Os personagens secundários não são tão ruins, mas eu sinto que a maioria é bem mal caráter e passam pano pra várias coisas absurdas que acontecem, mas entendo que isso faz parte um pouco dessa cultura da coreia. Não consegui sentir muita pena da Sua apesar de mostrar a história dela e o caso do stalker, porque ela estava atacando a Mi-rae sem motivo algum, apenas por pura inveja e ciúmes do relacionamento dela com o Kyung-seok. A história da mãe do Kyung-seok é até interessante mas não me prendeu muito. Resumindo, os produtores do dorama até que tinham uma ideia interessante com uma boa lição de moral ensinando que beleza não é tudo, mas não conseguiram entregar um resultado legal e ficou uma história muito sem graça e frustrante. Não consegui criar muito afeto com os protagonistas e muito menos com os personagens secundários, confesso que pulava várias cenas porque não suportava alguns personagens que tinham caráter duvidoso e faziam comentários totalmente desnecessários. Não recomendo que assistam e nem vou rever esse dorama, acho que é uma perda de tempo e definitivamente um roteiro ruim que o Eunwoo teve a má sorte de aceitar. Esta resenha foi útil para você?
This drama (as well as its source material) depicts a love story wrapped around a social critique of the often cruel role "beauty standards" play in women's daily life. Meeting those beauty standards has become a source of stress for women worldwide, but in South Korea --as this drama suggests-- not being part of the "ideal beauty" results in a harsher treatment from society. This drama also emphasizes that the expectation to look a certain way affect everyone in different ways -- with no one --regardless of whether they are considered naturally beautiful or not-- being spared.
In that respect, Mi-Rae (our female lead) isn't the shallow person the summary might imply. It takes just the first episode to understand how she became a victim of society's expectations. She didn't undergo surgery to become beautiful, she just wanted people to accept her as a "person," which is incredibly heartbreaking.
The issue that arises afterward, one which she hadn't anticipated, was that people would still judge, reject and critique her. And that's where the story takes off. We not only follow Mi Rae as she gains confidence, but also other interesting characters who'd been suffering because (or for) their looks.
It's worth noting, however, that the pacing of this show is slow compared to other rom-com dramas. I'd say it's a stretch to tag it with comedy, since the comedic moments, despite how successfully they are implemented, are few and far between. That's not to say the show is weighted down by an overload of melodrama, because it's not. Instead, this show can be described as a sliced of life focused on self-reflection which, if you're open to it, will get you emotionally invested in the characters. Be forewarned, many of the male characters in this show (and some of the female ones) will definitely rile you up on more than one occasion.
If I have one critique apart from the wardrobe, it would be the disbalance in the portrayal of the male characters. Except for a few gems, all the male characters were written like jerks and that can be off-putting. Some balanced between jerks and good guys could've helped the show feel less toxic.
MAIN CHARACTERS: Interesting & lovable
Kang Mi Rae (female lead played by Im Soo Hyang): She's a character who's suffered all her childhood because her looks didn't meet her peer's standards. She grew up as an introvert, keeping away from people, looking at other people's lives from afar and wishing she was allowed to have fun. Her frustration drove her to seek solace under the knife and, though she now had an acceptable face in society's eyes, her insides were still bruised and broken. Mi Rae is a complex and balanced character. If push comes to shove she'll fight, but mostly she tries to fly under the radar. She's smart and almost a natural when it comes to creating perfumes, but she struggles with an inferiority complex and doesn't like standing in the limelight. Though the actress looks quite old for the role, it is worth noting that the character was conceived by the webtoon artist as having an "older girl" look, so it stays true to the original intent.
Do Kyung Suk (male lead played by Cha Eun Woo): He exists on the opposite side of the spectrum from Kang Mi Rae but also grows up feeling lonely. He's a handsome, smart, strong, kind and very straightforward guy whose isolation came as a result of presenting a front of "perfection" and "hating" anything to do with beauty (for reasons later explained). As a result, he's socially awkward, brutally honest and a harsh judge. Though, to his credit, he's a character whose pride doesn't get in the way of realizing when he's made a mistake and make amends. Though some viewers didn't like his acting, personally I found his stoic way of delivering lines grew on me more and more as the show progressed.
Yeon Woo Young (second male lead played by Kwank Dong Yeon): He's such a good character that he ends up giving Kyung Suk a run for his money. He's kind, honest, selfless and very mature. Though his character is a bit imbalanced (as in he has more strengths than flaws), he's still a lovable man who, despite his good points, doesn't come off as being "too perfect". He's a character who helps those around him without expecting anything in return, even when he's financially struggling. Overall, his charming personality earned him fans within and outside the show.
ANTAGONIST: Complex and pitiful
Hyeon Soo Ah (second female lead played by Jo Woo Ri): She's someone stuck between Mi Rae and Kyung Suk in the spectrum of society's judgment. Though she's considered a natural beauty, she's not a stranger to suffering. Her struggles come from forcing herself to live in service of what other people expect of her. She's a character who's not only dishonest with other people, but with herself as well. Though she earned quite a bit of hate, I personally found her character very pitiful. The drama ended up brushing over her backstory, so if you're curious you can always check out the webtoon to get a better understanding of her motivations.
PORTRAYAL OF ROMANCE: Slow paced, healthy & nurturing
I mentioned before that the show is slow-paced and this is true for the romance as well. However, that pacing allows the progression of classmates to friends to lovers to feel very natural and endearing. There's a lot of cute scenes between the leads without making it cheesy, which is a plus for me.
Some highlights of the romance:
-Their relationship is always healthy.
-Both characters are new at romance, so they take their time to find their ground and, though they stumble, they do it together.
-Both learn from each other, creating a very balanced relationship.
-They learn to communicate what they want and need so the other person can understand, making their relationship not only refreshingly endearing but also nurturing.
OVERALL: Highly Recommended (and the webtoon as well)
This is an interesting slice of life that follows a group of characters trying to find their place in the world and build the courage to live by their standards, rather than society's judgment. Though it's slow-paced, the plot is interesting and the mood is often lightened up by warm moments of affection between the leads, their families and their friends.
Keep in mind, I saw this as it was coming out. So binge watching it might give you a different experience because the plot moves slowly and the acting can sometimes come off looking/sounding very wooden. However, this is doubtlessly a memorable show that'll give you food for thought.
If you're able and willing, I'd also encourage you to read the webtoon. There's a lot of insight to be gained that will help you get a better viewing experience. There are scenes, especially at the beginning of the drama, that'll make more sense if you know the context the webtoon provides.
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I disagree with all of the above statements. Cha Eun Woo has some serious acting chops. I am not really a critic. Honestly, I usually think everyone is great, but all the negative comments he was getting made me pay extra attention. His character was pretty traditional stoic and standoffish. But I thought he played the part well. He would have these minute facial expressions that showed what he was thinking. And his character grew and progressed as the story went on.
Im Soo Hyang did an awesome job for the part. Because of the plastic surgery she was supposed to look more "mature" than her fellow students, so her age wasn't really a problem. The actress was excellent for the part. I can't imagine anyone else doing such a good job portraying someone who looks beautiful but feels ugly.
As for the rest, haters gonna hate.
This was a lovely show about a girl who was bullied all through her childhood for being "ugly". Before entering college, she gets plastic surgery done on her whole face in hopes that she can have a new life. But it turns out, it takes more than a new face to change your life. She has to learn to love herself and to not judge herself or others based on the way they look.
Most importantly, at least for me, the ending was perfect. It had everything I want in a drama ending. And for me that is pretty rare.
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The story? There basically was none. Pretty much everything that happens in the drama is written in the description for this drama...
I also feel I need to point out that this drama seems to be being praised left and right for apparently having a strong message, but it completely fails to deliver when it has multiple product placement ads for weightloss tools such as real diet pills and drinks. What a joke.
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I need to say that I don't understand the message here. Initially, I thought that it would be a drama about self-image and the importance to love yourself, and I waited for that, and waited, and waited... Then I figured out that the drama was ending and this wasn't happening. We can see Kang Mi Rae (Im Soo Hyang) showing some of this in the process, but it's insignificant in the middle of the process. Until episode 13 we still have a dialog as "I don't deserve to be with you because I'm ugly". I really didn't understand why the drama goes in this direction and didn't make a massive critical about beauty standards. It looks like if they bring the theme but hadn't the courage to do something with this. I felt a lot of frustration, I can't hide this. The message to me was "Beauty is happiness" in the entire show, and in the last episode just a turn "Oh no, you don't need to be pretty to be happy. But I am and this is everything to me". I'm writing this and getting upset again. I understand now why this show is so controversial. I think that what was missed here was the conclusion, a moment of catharsis where everyone could see the things cleary. Mi Rae's parents realizing that your daughter didn't need plastic surgery, but psychological help. Mi Rae herself understanding how confused her mind was and how her need embrace who she was with a "pretty face" or not. Kyung Suk expressing for real that Mi Rae was Mi Rae with a pretty face or not (this shows up very softly in some episodes). When you bring a problem and doesn't show a solution, you are confirming that there isn't a problem at all. This is dangerous, for me.Talking about acting... Please, someone explain this to me: Do Kyung Suk (Cha Eun Woo) was autistic?! I enjoy introspective male leads, but this one was too much. I thought that they will put him as an autistic (this would be amazing!), but after all, he was just shy. This wouldn't be a problem if we had a strong female lead, but Kang Mi Rae (Im Soo Hyang) was just tasteless. I couldn't get involved with the romance because I feel nothing with them. They were cute in the last episodes, but everything was so stiffened, that sometimes I just felt shame watching them. We could see the difference when we watch them interacting with Yeon Woo Young (Kwak Dong Yeon) and Oh Hyun Jung (Min Do Hee), the energy was totally different. This was another thing that made me mad, Woo Young and Hyun Jung were great characters, but we couldn't saw almost anything of them. Hyun Soo Ah (Jo Woo Ri) also was a perfect "villain" for me! I never saw a villain that maintain a falseness until the end of the show, and I thought very interesting her plot, but also obfuscated by the mess of the principal message.
Yeah, I didn't like this. I know some people really love this show, and I really tried to enjoy the process, but the inconsistencies and bad choices in the script really disturb me. I could forgive the tasteless chemistry of the main couple and their personalities, but a messy plot that could sustain a wrong message about beauty and health, it's too much for me. So, at your own risk (★ ★ ★ ★). I hope see Cha Eun Woo in another role, I saw that he will be on a drama "True beauty" (again, beauty) with Moon Ga Young (that I love), so I hope to see an amazing job here. And I will put "When I was the most beautiful" (beautiful, again) on my plan to watch's list, to see Im Soo Hyang and maybe start to be empathetic with her... Let's see!
See you soon!
XOXO, Mari.
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For a show like this, where appearances are a main factor, it was executed really strangely. She's supposed to be really pretty and also noticeably worked on (uncanny-valley territory) but she's neither. She definitely isn't ugly and she doesn't look overdone like the show is trying so hard to portray. So the intention falls flat, none of the casts' reaction to her make sense, she's an average girl with a slightly off nose if anything. She also (no offense) looks her age. That isn't a bad thing at all, but she didn't look like a just graduated high-school student at all.
Looks aside, the acting is what made me want to throw myself into a wall. I'm not sure if Cha Eun Woo can't act or if the script told him to act like he constantly has a stick in his ass and has been emotionally repressed since birth. He did not have the range for this role, and I want to give him the benefit of the doubt; however, he made me so mad I subconsciously avoid his works now. Pairing him with Im Soo Hyang was like making a mayo sandwich of un-toasted white-bread. Bland. I do think this is a case of bad writing though. There was really no plot to work with here and that did not help the actors make this work. Eun Woo had more emotions as a character though so I'll give him a 5 out of 10 personally
If they made this drama into 8-10 episodes and cut out all the childish antics, maybe it would've been better. I had a hard time watching these two adults with NO chemistry force themselves to fall in love. Though, since it seems people enjoyed it, give it a chance. You'll know pretty quickly if it's your style.
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I'm part of those 5% or even 0% who think this drama was just "ok"...
People were crazy loving this drama, but I didn't see anything special about it.
I started the drama because it is a school drama, and I love that type of shows and maybe because of Eunwoo too. I was curious how he would behave in a main role.
It is different and it is about something that we don't usually see in shows: Plastic surgeries. But honestly that was the only thing that made the drama "ok" for me. And then we have the romantic side story, that was the usual couples we see in kdramas. But they focused in the romance too much.
Failed a bit.
The characters are the typical ones in school dramas. The innocent main girl, the quiet, handsome, popular main guy, the 2nd lead guy who is nice and cute, the girl who is a bitch, the protective best friend, etc...
People were saying Eunwoo did really good and his acting is amazing, but where exactly? He didn’t change his expressions for the whole 16 episodes. We actually don't know much about his acting skills.
Im Soo Hyang//Mi Rae- Her acting was kind of ok, but she never changed her face was so boring...
Her character was kind of off. She made a plastic surgery to be loved and feel ordinary, and there's nothing wrong with that, but she doesn't try to be loved either. Some of her actions are ridiculous. If she wants to start from zero, she needs to act like so.
Soo Ah, yes I’m going to talk about her, she was the typical bitch.
She has no developments during the drama, only in the last episodes we see her perspective.
I didn't hate her, I even think she was better that the female lead lol. But yes, she continued to be annoying.
I'm actually happy they added Mi Rae's best friend, if she didn't exist, it would have been a little boring, but it is a pity that we don't know about their friendship in the past, we always saw Mirai alone in the past...
2nd lead guy, another unnecessary love triangle...
Yeah, they were very cute together and lovely, but I have to admit it was kind of awkward.
->OST is energetic and good to listen to, but nothing more.
-> [Rewatch Value: Low just because I'm not the person who rewatches dramas, just really the ones I love]
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The acting in this is great. The only slight quibble I had is that Cha Eun Woo is noticeably younger than Im Soo Hyang even though they are supposed to be the same age. He's even supposed to be 10 days older than her. However, it's not a big enough issue to affect the show, it was just something that I noticed. Both of them did a great job with their roles as did all the cast. The two creepy guys in the show are exceedingly creepy and the evil girl is horrible, so those roles were filled well too. My favorite characters though (aside from the two leads) were probably the second male and female leads. I loved their relationship and enjoyed any time they got to be onscreen together...or even separately. They were just good characters who were fun to watch.
The music in this is really good too. It was catchy and fun.
I absolutely recommend this show. And if you enjoy a sweet romance, I think you will too.
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Started with a bang but ended with a whimper.
This drama started out promoting a very promising message but unfortunately, soon fell flat. Since I am not a fan of puppy love I didn't pick this up for the romance. I wanted to see our female lead's journey through bullying and how she conquers it. But apparently, her boy conquers for her. I feel a bit robbed cause I kept waiting for the character development that never came.Regardless, it's a cute drama and you gotta give it effort for picking up a topic as controversial as plastic surgery. The actors are cute too and they did a good job. The best arc was probably done for the antagonist and soon she became the only interesting person on screen.
It's unclear what the core message of this drama really is. Is it promoting plastic surgery? (lol) Is it teaching self-love? Is it telling us that beauty is on the inside and self-acceptance is the key to happiness?
I would really like to know but sadly the show's focus soon turned on being your every other basic neighborhood love story and stayed there. So yikes.
A fairly enjoyable drama, nonetheless. Watch it if you don't want anything too serious.
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