Amor é Destino (2019) poster
Sua Avaliação: 0/10
Avaliações: 7.1/10 de 298 usuários
# de Fãs: 3,030
Resenhas: 7 usuários
Classificado #9351
Popularidade #4633
Fãs 298

Há trinta anos, Ma Dong Shan, Han De Chang e Song Tian Ming decidiram que era o momento certo de começar um novo negócio juntos. Com trabalho duro e dedicação, os três amigos transformaram o sonho de administrar juntos um hotel em realidade, mas nem tudo em suas vidas teve o êxito de seu próspero negócio. Com o falecimento de De Chang, o empreendimento foi deixado a cargo de Dong Shan e Tian Ming, mas quando Tian Ming perdeu seu filho, o hotel virou responsabilidade de Dong Shan. Enquanto presidente enfermo, Dong Shan deseja agora passar o Hotel Haosen para o nome de sua filha, Ma Ke Ai, e espera que ela volte de seus estudos no exterior ansiosa para herdar sua posição. Envolvida em um acidente quase fatal no exterior, Ke Ai poderia não retornar tão cedo, mas é compelida a fazê-lo imediatamente após saber da notícia da saúde debilitada de seu pai. Ao chegar em casa, ela se vê no meio de uma série de acidentes que logo a levam a se perguntar se não há alguma força mais sombria trabalhando contra ela. Determinada a descobrir a verdade por trás desses eventos lamentáveis, Ke Ai abraça por completo seu novo cargo na empresa. Juntando-se a Xia Yu Xing, eles partem para descobrir a verdade, mas será que estão preparados para o que vão encontrar no caminho? (Fonte: Viki) Editar Tradução

  • Português (Brasil)
  • 中文(台灣)
  • Русский
  • Deutsch
  • País: China
  • Tipo: Drama
  • Episódios: 42
  • Exibido: Out 16, 2019 - Nov 20, 2019
  • Exibido em: Quarta, Quinta, Sexta
  • Original Network: Mango TV
  • Duração: 45 min.
  • Pontuação: 7.1 (scored by 298 usuários)
  • Classificado: #9351
  • Popularidade: #4633
  • Classificação do Conteúdo: G - All Ages

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Amor é Destino (2019) photo
Amor é Destino (2019) photo
Amor é Destino (2019) photo
Amor é Destino (2019) photo
Amor é Destino (2019) photo
Amor é Destino (2019) photo


Chin Chan Zoo
6 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jun 28, 2020
42 of 42 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 1.5
História 2.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 5.0
Voltar a ver 1.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers
I honestly almost gave up on it... but the allure of Vin Zhang just kept pulling me back... then the father and son arc got into focus and I was hooked... the acting between him and Director Song, that's the first time Cdrama made me cry... makeup was atrocious in the last two episodes.....Vin's makeup was okay in JR scenes though you can see a disconnect between the makeup artist and the lights director, which is vital to create a realistic look on screen. Colors that are supposed to be saturated by camera lights in indoor shooting becomes painfully visible when same makeup was used in outdoor daylight filming and evening lightings.. the last 2 episodes though, maybe because it was shot overseas, so different makeup artist and hair stylist? The actress was great in her other series, but her hair and clothing here is just non-believable as the alpha-female heiress... and suddenly she's a kungfu master... kudos to the actors for making up for the production's shortcoming... But don't their studio chooses the script for the good of theor artists? I can't believe no one from the beginning picked up the lackluster script and storyline. The amnesia trope was absolutely garbage... Looks like the screenwriter had an amnesia at the last minute and lost logic at the same time...

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4 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jun 8, 2020
42 of 42 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 7.0
História 7.5
Acting/Cast 6.5
Musical 6.0
Voltar a ver 5.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers
I think this is one of the dramas that does not need to be as long as it is. This is because it kind of drifts off into this confusion near the end that doesn't really match up with what was written before; it's as if they had suddenly changed scriptwriters. At first it did seem to have a lot of potential with the FL(Ma Ke Ai) suffering from mirror touch synesthesia, and being able to see the future through touch with the ML (Xia Yu Xing played by Vin Zhang) being the only one who she can touch without seeing the future.

The majority of the story was mainly about the female lead, Ma Ke Ai using her newfound skill to see the future and try and make the hotel her dad left her to manage profitable and popular again while fighting off a vengeful "friend" of her dad's who wants the hotel for himself. Together with her trusted aides, the male lead, Xia Yu Xing, her best friend Lu Zhen Zhen and Xia Yu Xing's friends, Yang Li and Sun Qian they manage to save the hotel. On the antagonist side, Director Song still resents the FL's dad and vows revenge on him for breaking up his family whilst searching for his long lost son. Perhaps he would have succeeded however his aide, Zhao Qing Feng keeps messing up giving the FL's side to overturn every critical situation that they were placed in.

I think what put me off a little was the FL's character and acting. Her acting did not really convince me as a cold hotel CEO, I just don't think her acting was convincing enough for this kind of mature, cold woman kind of role that the FL is. I think she's more suited for the fluffy cute kind of romance roles.

However surprisingly I did like her at the end when she lost her memory although that part could have been a drama in itself, that part just seems so strange it was as if I was suddenly watching a different drama ( doesn't Xia Yu Xing have a job, doesn't Han Yuan Bin have a job? How could they be in Thailand and do nothing all day for half a year?) although I get that they were trying to be consistent with the beginning.

*end of spoiler

I think the favorite part was how the antagonist manages to destroy all the good work the FL does and also how Xia Yu Xing interacts with him when he finds out about his true identity. The business part was also ok I think so if you're not here just for the romance and the chemistry I think you'll be good.

Overall I think it's an average drama for chinese dramas with a few unique points such as the fact the supernatural powers, the fact the FL can easily beat up a grown man by herself and was more independent than most Mary Sue characters but you may need to watch several episodes before you can be engaged.

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Enquanto Você Dormia
O Rei do Hotel
Encontrando Você, Amando Você
Juntos Aqui de Novo


  • Drama: Amor é Destino
  • País: China
  • Episódios: 42
  • Exibido: Out 16, 2019 - Nov 20, 2019
  • Exibido On: Quarta, Quinta, Sexta
  • Original Network: Mango TV
  • Duração: 45 min.
  • Classificação do Conteúdo: G - Todas as Idades


  • Pontuação: 7.1 (avaliado por 298 usuários)
  • Classificado: #9351
  • Popularidade: #4633
  • Fãs: 3,030

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