Andante (2017) poster
Sua Avaliação: 0/10
Avaliações: 7.4/10 de 3,722 usuários
# de Fãs: 11,558
Resenhas: 10 usuários
Classificado #7158
Popularidade #1621
Fãs 3,722

Lee Shi Kyung é um gênio da computação que gosta de cabular aula para jogar videogame em uma lan house local na cidade grande. Ele gosta dessa vida, mas algumas circunstâncias familiares imprevistas forçam ele e sua irmã rebelde Lee Shi Young a se mudarem para uma parte muito mais rural da Coreia do Sul, virando sua vida de cabeça para baixo. Em seus novos ambientes, os irmãos se sentem como peixes fora d'água e descobrem que se estabelecer em uma escola rural é uma tarefa difícil. No entanto, duas novas amizades colocam Lee Shi Kyung em um novo caminho. Ele inicia um bromance inesperado com Park Ga Ram, o garoto mais popular da escola e aspirante a médico. Ele e a irmã também conhecem Kim Bom, uma garota que se interessa por Lee Shi Kyung. Mas assim que as coisas começam a melhorar para os irmãos, um problema de saúde ameaça estragar a diversão… (Fonte: Viki) Editar Tradução

  • Português (Brasil)
  • Русский
  • Français
  • Türkçe
  • País: South Korea
  • Tipo: Drama
  • Episódios: 16
  • Exibido: Set 24, 2017 - Jan 7, 2018
  • Exibido em: Domingo
  • Original Network: KBS1
  • Duração: 60 min.
  • Pontuação: 7.4 (scored by 3,722 usuários)
  • Classificado: #7158
  • Popularidade: #1621
  • Classificação do Conteúdo: 15+ - Teens 15 or older

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Andante (2017) photo
Andante (2017) photo
Andante (2017) photo
Andante (2017) photo
Andante (2017) photo
Andante (2017) photo


0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Mar 25, 2022
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 8.5

Andante nos ensina o valor da vida

Quando comecei esse drama foi muito por acaso, estava passando e vi o Kai no pôster do drama e claramente me interessei, sendo o exo-l fervente que sou, no entanto decidi colocar meu amor e admiração por Kai de lado e vê o drama com olhos mais críticos. Dentro dessa perspectiva, me vi diante de uma história simples, porém cheia de significados, você até pode pensar que é somente mais um projeto feito pra estender a rede de entretenimento de idols super famosos da Coreia mas claramente vai se enganar.
A História de Andante se passa em um hospital para pessoas em estágios finais de doenças terminais e logo temos o contraste do personagem Shi Kyung, interpretado por Kai, como alguém bobo e imaturo, desprovido de qualquer senso de responsabilidade, Dessa forma, a medida que o drama passa é possível perceber como um ambiente realmente tem o poder de transformar um indivíduo, eu sei você deve pensar "Ah mais um drama pra nos dizer que devemos valorizar a vida" pode parecer clichê, no entanto, essa é a maior verdade que temos desde o dia de nosso nascimento até o dia de nossa morte.
Portanto, eu busquei aproveitar a história com a maior sensibilidade possível, é claro que você vai se deparar com alguns erros de atuação e algumas falhas no roteiro, e ter a compreensão que algumas obras nos exigem que mudemos de perspectiva para realmente aproveitá-la ou seja a história de Andante é leve e ao mesmo tempo triste e emocional nos traz o valor da vida e a apreciação de quão belo e precioso é o fato de a cada dia podermos acordar e viver com aqueles que estão ao nosso redor, dessa forma, eu digo vale muito a pena assistir.

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16 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jan 8, 2018
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 6.5
História 5.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 6.0
Voltar a ver 2.0
I am not writing this review as a crazy fangirling EXO-L, and that has not affected my opinion of this drama at all.

Story: 5/10
Andante’s story was soooo boring for me. I do have to admit that it was really realistic, but it had snail speed from beginning to end so I could never sense in which direction it was headed until the last fourth of the drama. But what should I expect? The synopsis is basically: “Getting through unfamiliar experiences, he [the MC] realizes the meaning of life and love.” This synopsis accurately sums up the entire storyline of Andante, and literally screams boring boring boring. However, Andante’s strong points come from its characters, their development, and their chemistry.

Acting/Cast: 9/10
I consider Andante’s entire line of leads to be rookie actors, and they did a pretty good job overall, in my opinion.
Let’s start with our leading man, Kai. I didn’t head into this drama with big expectations for him. He is, after all, an idol-actor, and this just his second project (after Choco Bank). While acting in Andante, Kai became humble Jongin, so if you are here for dorky Jongin, you will not be disappointed:) But since the focus is not always on Kai's character, you might find yourself staying for other things. Kai, as the naughty yet kind-hearted teenager named Shi Kyung, did an okay job. His acting was a bit shallow, and he did an okay job of portraying deeper emotions. However, Kai did seem super relaxed in his role and didn’t look as stiff as a piece of cardboard the whole time. Nothing bothered me about his acting and it didn’t affect my enjoyment of the drama, but he didn’t leave a lasting impression on me either.

Lee Ye Hyun, one of the female leads, is a rookie actor. This is fact, but I could not believe it. Ye Hyun made her character, the rebel Lee Shi Young, come alive. She could convey the emotions really well and make her character carry so much depth. Sometimes Shi Young felt like a supporting character, but at other times, I felt as if she was the main character of this drama because of the way her character stood out (it seems that every time I scroll past the cast section on this drama, Shi Young’s character would get moved up a slot haha). You might think that the way her character acts is annoying, but I feel like that makes her really realistic and relatable. I would definitely watch any future projects that she is in!

Kim Jin Kyung, the other female lead, also did pretty well for her first project, but her acting was not as memorable to me.

Characters: 9/10
This drama carries the power of making the viewer love all the characters introduced to the story. Why? Because it delves into the stories of every single character (yes, even the supporting ones), which shows the me their point of view while leaving little space for plot holes and unexplained story threads. Some time was spent on every character so that they got development, but the show doesn’t deviate from the main storyline of the MCs. All the characters were really realistic, well-written, and nicely developed.

Music: 6/10
Andante’s OST was okay. It did add a lot to the mood of the drama, but none of them were really memorable for me.

Enjoyment Level: 7/10
From episode 1 to episode 5, nothing really happened and I was about to drop this drama. But after I got past that point, the characters started developing and I enjoyed and appreciated this drama a lot more. The plot did bring down my enjoyment level by a lot since it was really slow the whole way through, and the only thing that convinced me to stay was the characters. Also, the comedy was pretty good. There was just the right amount of comedy, which helped balance out the sadder parts of this drama.

Rewatch value: 2/10
I wouldn’t really want to watch Andante again because how boring its story is, but I might come back to it one day to fall in love with all the characters again.

Conclusion: Great characters, slow plot, but not a must watch.
There were some small things that I didn’t like about this drama, but there were also other things that left a lasting impression on me. If you dig great characters, you should consider checking this out! Just get past the 5th episode and you will find yourself loving every character that you see in this drama. But if you can’t deal with a plot moving at 0.0001 miles per hour no matter how lovable the characters are, then it might be best for you to skip on this one:)

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Choco Bank
Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha
O Inigualável


  • Drama: Andante
  • País: Coreia do Sul
  • Episódios: 16
  • Exibido: Set 24, 2017 - Jan 7, 2018
  • Exibido On: Domingo
  • Original Network: KBS1
  • Duração: 60 min.
  • Classificação do Conteúdo: 15+ - 15 anos ou mais


  • Pontuação: 7.4 (avaliado por 3,722 usuários)
  • Classificado: #7158
  • Popularidade: #1621
  • Fãs: 11,558

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