Há 25 anos, Mi Hee era uma dona de casa comum, casada com Chul Joong e tinha um filho. De repente, seu marido morre e seu filho desaparece. Tudo isso aconteceu em sua sua casa. Mi Hee ficou presa nos últimos 25 anos acusada da morte do marido e do filho. Após ser libertada da prisão, ela volta para a casa onde tudo ocorreu. Mas ocorrências estranhas começam a acontecer. O padre Choi se aproxima de Mi Hee com genuína preocupação, é atencioso e o único a acreditar na sua versão dos eventos. Ele tenta o seu melhor para desvendar o segredo do que realmente aconteceu há 25 anos nessa casa. (Fonte: Go Doramas; editado por MyDramaList) Editar Tradução
- Português (Brasil)
- English
- magyar / magyar nyelv
- dansk
- Título original: 시간위의 집
- Também conhecido como: Shiganwiui Jib , House Above Time
- Roteirista: Jang Jae Hyun
- Diretor: Im Dae Woong
- Gêneros: Thriller, Mistério, Terror, Sobrenatural
Elenco e Créditos
- Kim Yoon Jin Papel Principal
- Ok Taec Yeon Papel Principal
- Jo Jae YunChul JoongPapel Principal
- Lee Han WiJang Ji GwanPapel Secundário
- Park Joon Myun[Shaman]Papel Secundário
- Park Sang HoonHyo JePapel Secundário

I wouldn’t call the movie a pure horror movie, it’s more of a mystery movie with elements of horror, thriller and family. The focus is more on the family relations and a mother’s love, rather than the horror I would say.
The storytelling can be low-key at some parts, but it never gets boring or slow in any way. The way the story unfolds fits the movie perfectly.
Short summary: The movie is about a woman who is imprisoned for 25 years because of the death of her husband and the disappearance of her son. When she is released she goes back to the house where everything happened to find out the truth about that night.
The twists and turns at the end really enhanced the movie experience for me, and it also affected my ratings a lot. It’s not the most mind-blowing twists out there, but they’re still good. Some parts are quite predictable, while others came as a surprise to me.
If you like mystery movies, I recommend this one!
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Mystery plus time travel equals mind-blowing
First of all, I didn't watch the Venezuelan movie wherein this originally came from and I really had a terrible sets of Korean movies that I watched before that's why I'm not expecting anything from this one. I am not really a fan of horror unless the plot is worth the scare so I watched this with a 'meh' feeling HOWEVER this movie is a actually great and definitely my style. Maybe because I am not really a fan of horror movies that's why I appreciated minimal jump scares. I was completely taken a away by the plot and how things fit perfectly step by step. I was amazed how they were able to add time travelling to mystery-thriller genre. It was really good and it's definitely my style.Plus seeing Taecyeon in this movie as a 'hot, sexy' priest is really a bonus. The sound effects were just enough to give you chills which is really my style. If I were given a chance I would like to re-watch this as a Halloween special marathon.
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