"Baby Steps" revolves around Maruo Eiichiro, a punctual and earnest boy who has strived for straight As since elementary school. The 15-year-old high school boy stops by a tennis school to deal with his lack of exercise. There, he meets Takasaki Natsu, a beautiful, earnest girl who only has a passion for tennis.
"Baby Steps" revolves around Maruo Eiichiro, a punctual and earnest boy who has strived for straight As since elementary school. The 15-year-old high school boy stops by a tennis school to deal with his lack of exercise. There, he meets Takasaki Natsu, a beautiful, earnest girl who only has a passion for tennis.
"Baby Steps" revolves around Maruo Eiichiro, a punctual and earnest boy who has strived for straight As since elementary school. The 15-year-old high school boy stops by a tennis school to deal with his lack of exercise. There, he meets Takasaki Natsu, a beautiful, earnest girl who only has a passion for tennis.
"Baby Steps" revolves around Maruo Eiichiro, a punctual and earnest boy who has strived for straight As since elementary school. The 15-year-old high school boy stops by a tennis school to deal with his lack of exercise. There, he meets Takasaki Natsu, a beautiful, earnest girl who only has a passion for tennis.
"Baby Steps" revolves around Maruo Eiichiro, a punctual and earnest boy who has strived for straight As since elementary school. The 15-year-old high school boy stops by a tennis school to deal with his lack of exercise. There, he meets Takasaki Natsu, a beautiful, earnest girl who only has a passion for tennis.
"Baby Steps" revolves around Maruo Eiichiro, a punctual and earnest boy who has strived for straight As since elementary school. The 15-year-old high school boy stops by a tennis school to deal with his lack of exercise. There, he meets Takasaki Natsu, a beautiful, earnest girl who only has a passion for tennis.
"Baby Steps" revolves around Maruo Eiichiro, a punctual and earnest boy who has strived for straight As since elementary school. The 15-year-old high school boy stops by a tennis school to deal with his lack of exercise. There, he meets Takasaki Natsu, a beautiful, earnest girl who only has a passion for tennis.
"Baby Steps" revolves around Maruo Eiichiro, a punctual and earnest boy who has strived for straight As since elementary school. The 15-year-old high school boy stops by a tennis school to deal with his lack of exercise. There, he meets Takasaki Natsu, a beautiful, earnest girl who only has a passion for tennis.
"Baby Steps" revolves around Maruo Eiichiro, a punctual and earnest boy who has strived for straight As since elementary school. The 15-year-old high school boy stops by a tennis school to deal with his lack of exercise. There, he meets Takasaki Natsu, a beautiful, earnest girl who only has a passion for tennis.
"Baby Steps" revolves around Maruo Eiichiro, a punctual and earnest boy who has strived for straight As since elementary school. The 15-year-old high school boy stops by a tennis school to deal with his lack of exercise. There, he meets Takasaki Natsu, a beautiful, earnest girl who only has a passion for tennis.
"Baby Steps" revolves around Maruo Eiichiro, a punctual and earnest boy who has strived for straight As since elementary school. The 15-year-old high school boy stops by a tennis school to deal with his lack of exercise. There, he meets Takasaki Natsu, a beautiful, earnest girl who only has a passion for tennis.
"Baby Steps" revolves around Maruo Eiichiro, a punctual and earnest boy who has strived for straight As since elementary school. The 15-year-old high school boy stops by a tennis school to deal with his lack of exercise. There, he meets Takasaki Natsu, a beautiful, earnest girl who only has a passion for tennis.
Lee Jang Suk spent some time in a juvenile detention center for stealing wallets from unsuspecting strangers. After he gets out, he meets a sports agent, Nam Jae Il, who's trying to recover from a downfall in his career. Together, they work to achieve their dreams. Jang Suk dreams of becoming a K-1 Champion; and Nam Jae Il dreams of regaining his reputation as a top sports agent.
In this drama based on basketball (and somewhat on the anime Slam Dunk), a Taiwanese national team basketballer.
Duan Chen Feng, whose world consists of his 2 greatest loves: basketball and his girlfriend, Xiao Xi. They find their perfect world shattered, however, when on the day of his most important match, Duan Chen Feng has an accident on his way to the competition, and paralyses Angel, who just happens to be the sister of Iceman, his biggest opponent since they were young.
To shoulder his responsibilty, Chen Feng leaves school and his basketball so that he can take care of Angel. Xiao Xi, who does not know the reason behind Chen Feng's leaving school and giving up his beloved basketball, is heartbroken and bewildered. At about the same time, Tai Zi, falls in love with Xiao Xi's plucky and determined character.
Duan Chen Feng, whose world consists of his 2 greatest loves: basketball and his girlfriend, Xiao Xi. They find their perfect world shattered, however, when on the day of his most important match, Duan Chen Feng has an accident on his way to the competition, and paralyses Angel, who just happens to be the sister of Iceman, his biggest opponent since they were young.
To shoulder his responsibilty, Chen Feng leaves school and his basketball so that he can take care of Angel. Xiao Xi, who does not know the reason behind Chen Feng's leaving school and giving up his beloved basketball, is heartbroken and bewildered. At about the same time, Tai Zi, falls in love with Xiao Xi's plucky and determined character.