These are different adaptations of the same story so if you like one you may enjoy seeing what was changed and what remained the same for the other.
Recomendado por zeesqueere
P'Jojo has always been explicitly clear in his love of 90s gangster movies, and his directorial addition to the Midnight Series (a series he proposed to begin with) is no different. Dirty Laundry is less dark and more of a comedy, but the inspiration is clear enough to make it an homage.

If you enjoyed Dirty Laundry and want to get a better sense of the genre that inspired it, look no further; and if you wanted a happier ending for 6ixtynin9, then Jojo Tichakorn is the man for the job.
Recomendado por zeesqueere
6ixtynin9 (1999) poster



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