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  • Aniversário: July 15
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de Erin
Mai 22, 2024
11 of 11 episódios vistos
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No geral 10
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Acting/Cast 10
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Too Good To Be True

I don't want to say this isn't a good show, because it's quite the contrary! The story this time is one of the more interesting ones I have seen in a long while, however, that isn't necessarily true for the show in its entirety, unfortunately....

The cast was wonderfully picked, but I do think (if a remake was/is to be made) I would recast a few roles; though that may just make this story more focused on the popularity of the actors alone instead of both actors and the script, which is well deserving of a lot of attention! Honestly, this is truly a curious and exciting story to watch as each episode had me on the edge of my seat, mesmerized and wondering what happen next!

The plot and story themselves were very original; each episode had me holding my breath while I tried to put the pieces together of what would happen next.... and I could never figure things out. The first few episodes were probably my favorite of the series, really; the reference to some popular artists was a highlight and kept the thrilling action rising right up to the peak point in the final episode(s).

Watching the teamwork throughout each episode was fun, too. Seeing them grow as a team during each case and "Marutai" was fascinating; it wasn't like watching a lot of "bodyguard" or "special police/security" teams in dramas, shows, or movies now, but it does seem to be the script/storyline does seem to be the base-line for a few. Not so much, though, that things are familiar and I can immediately point them out in other shows, but enough to realize I've seen them before. Though this script truly is one of a kind, most definitely a story unlike any other! A lot of creative minds must have collaborated and worked diligently to create such an interesting and spectacular show.

If you're looking for a good mystery, a show to begin your viewing of Japanese dramas, or if you're an Okada Junichi fan then this show would be interesting to keep in mind!

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4-go Keibi
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de Erin
Mai 21, 2024
7 of 7 episódios vistos
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No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
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Insufficient Excellence!

This show is an underrated gem! The story alone is superb, but when you add in such a fantastic cast it makes this story even excellent!

The curious bit that this show leaves behind is the past of all their characters; though it does fit with the storyline. I'm left wondering why this show only had seven episodes, it would have been nice to see more of the partnership between Kubota Masataka and Kitamura Kazuki as they went through the ups and downs of life along with the work of being a bodyguard, which in itself is an interesting story.

While there are only seven episodes, it does not mean the story is lacking content or moving too fast. Quite the opposite! This show packs a punch in to a little bit of time by telling an epic adventure story! I appreciate the few flashback scenes and the importance the script put on "moving forward"; it was nice to see characters that are looking for the "happy" sides of life while using the upsets of their past, instead of always brooding and dwelling over things.

I think this show can make a comeback, maybe with the same cast or maybe with a different cast; the "side characters" at Asahina-san's side were extremely interesting and I would have liked to of seen more of their interactions. This story really is unique and relatable in many ways. Please give this show a try!

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Kansatsui Asagao New Year SP
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de Erin
Mai 21, 2024
1 of 1 episódios vistos
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No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
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In Between

This special was really nice to watch the little "in between" moments of the family and the life they lead. I wish there was a little more focus on Tsugumi's character, but that could be a personal wish considering she was a very adorable child who portrayed her role incredibly well!

This special was also interesting to watch, it was sort of as if the story told here filled in the bits and pieces of what happened between season's 1 and 2, and what happened behind the scenes of some bits within the episodes. Once again, this story truly shone a light on the truth of family, friends, co-workers, and the reality of everything surrounding them. Honestly, if you look up the definition of "slice-of-life" then this show may be pictured. Though that isn't to say that the series is boring or not creative or imaginative. Truthfully, this show has one of the more suspenseful and mesmerzing stories I have watched for a long time; and the music fuels the expectations of each upcoming episode, while shining importance on the episode that just ended.

Some moments are hard to watch after getting to know the family and all of the characters around them. Some episodes, this special included, really tugged at my heart and caught my breath in my throat. This show really is an incredible epic.

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Médica Legista Asagao
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de Erin
Mai 18, 2024
11 of 11 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
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Underrated Beauty~

The story of this drama is amazing! There aren't any big, epic dramatics, nothing is exaggerated, cheesy, or too complicated... This story is simply the story of life, growth, love, and death.

The major "epic" of this story is really Mother Nature and the natural disaster(s) she throws humanity's way, and then the aftermath of how humanity rebuilds, grows, strengthens, and fights to live in many, many different ways. This show is truly the definition of the "slice-of-life" genre. Giving the viewers a little piece of the aftereffects/affects of what happened on March 11th was truly eye-opening, gut-wrenching, and heartbreaking. I don't know if this was the studio/staff/director/writer/etc or the government's choice, but the fact that the show only told a little bit of the March 11th story was, in my eyes, respectful to the citizens and the country. While we can watch what happened on the news, we will never know the true horrors of what really happened; and I don't think we should know. I'm glad that the story showed respect in this way, is what I think.

Watching the characters go through their hardest and happiest times during this story was really interesting. Each one had their own circumstances, each one had their own "traumas", each one had their own difficulties, each one had their own faults, and so on. It was as if the story I was watching wasn't a drama created by writers or the manga creator, but a docu-drama based on a true story.

Watching the characters develop throughout the story was fascinating. I was rooting for the best of each character throughout the entire show. A few episodes were devastating to watch, but seeing how every bit of each episode's story fit together to create the perfect puzzle only made me even more curious to watch and find the truth and circumstances of each person. I could really relate to the panic and anxiety that was felt during a few of the episodes; and the heartbreak of losing someone tragically, traumatically, and without warning.

This story is a very beautiful, heartfelt, respectful, loving, raw, unique, genuine, and honest story. It's strong because it shows its weaknesses, the cracks that we try to hide away from society, the relationships we lose and build and rebuild as life continues. This show shared the truth of life with the viewers, truly a tearful and loving story.

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Rabuho no Ueno-san
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de Erin
Abr 24, 2024
12 of 12 episódios vistos
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No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
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Love School or Magic?

This may be one of the best roles I have seen Hongo Kanata in; it was as if Ueno-san was written specifically for Hongo-san. The way he portrayed such an "evil-yet-kind-hearted" character was truly one of a kind, very unique, genuinely relatable, and even, at times, a little funny.

Watching "Ichijo-kun" go through the motions of all the trials and tribulations of dating was hard to watch, and again, sometimes funny, and a little sneaky. However, none of the "lessons" felt cheesy or like they were a little too "snake-like". It seemed like all, or most, of the lessons learned throughout this show could be used in any type of relationship... Though, not in their entirety...

While this story seemed a bit exaggerated at first, toward the middle it all seemed to balance out as the episodes continued and what became the finale was something really spectacular. I have to say, I laughed a lot during this show, though watching the touching-heart-felt moments and the bittersweet-unfortunate moments really added to the show's authenticity. The ending was a bit of a cliffhanger, but even if it didn't end the way it did.... I would still definitely want to see more of Gotanda Kingdom!

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Night Doctor
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de Erin
Abr 22, 2024
11 of 11 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
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Medical Misfits Turned Heroes?

The stories that took place during this show were nail bitting, gut wrenching, realistically terrifying, and completely had me on the edge of my seat fascinated! I truly never knew what was going to happen next.

At the beginning I was unsure of the cast (like "should so-and-so really be in this story or he/she/they may be better), however as each episode began and the story, as a hole, progressed, I could see how each and every cast member (from the main to the supporting cast) fell in to their own pace and the cast, as a whole, created a rapport with each other so well that it was as if they were truly nurses and doctors. Each case went from calm to terrifying and back to calm dramatically, however that doesn't mean that out of the hospital was a "smooth ride down easy street" either. The balance between work and personal lives was so realistic that I could truly sympathize and empathize with both doctors, nurses, firemen, emt's/paramedics, patients, and the friends and family of each.

The music really helped to fuel a lot of the roller coaster like ups and downs in this show. I really never expected a lot of what occurred throughout each episode; including extreme dislike for two of the characters.

I wish the ending was a little different and the show was a little longer. Japan honestly knows how to create an epic medical drama/movie without it all becoming too cheesy or unrealistic or completely fake. (America not so much...)

I truly enjoyed learning throughout the stories too. Each patients medical care was excellent! Honestly I thought I was watching a documentary or reality show. I like how they showed just enough "gore" to explain/show how traumatic the case was without going overboard; though there were a few cases were I was curious if something like what happened to a patient was writer made or truth.

I believe the cast makes this story excel, though the writing and filming is also extraordinary!

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Get Ready!
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de Erin
Abr 16, 2024
10 of 10 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
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Full of Twists and Turns and Hopeful for More!

This story is one of the most realistically honest, bittersweet, dramatically epic, extremely thrilling stories I have seen in a long time; each episode was incredible! Watching each episode's story unfold was truly fascinating. The ego, or should I say arrogance... Or maybe... The confidence of the people involved in each story was surreal.

This story is one of the most captivating and curious stories I have watched in a very long time. It was exciting to see a few of my favorite actors in roles that were enthralling and seemed to be written for them to act in as if to show off their skills and talents.

Each episode took my breath away, like a punch to the stomach. Watching the team work together through their past(s) and proceed in their future(s) was mesmerizing; the way they moved through society and their personal lives was curious, almost like watching two different people cast for one role; like twins or parallel universe situations. The Twilight Zone comes to mind.

I don't want to get future viewers' hopes up for "100% happy endings" and this isn't exactly as dark as the synopsis says it is, though watching the risks each story's cast takes on has been immensely scary and has kept me on the edge of my seat the entire show. The story had a lot of hilarious moments as well, including a few that I believe could only have been pulled off by the selected cast members. Especially Fujiwara Tatsuya, his dead-pan reactions were amazing. I also found a few other actors to follow and a few more that I already knew of that completely surprised me with their talents. It was nice to see familiar faces expanding their talents in similar areas/casting while also showing completely different sides of themselves.

The ending was not at all what I expected! Honestly, this story is something special an intriguing; not one to be missed!

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Miki Kurinikku de Kanpai o
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de Erin
Abr 14, 2024
10 of 10 episódios vistos
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No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
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This show delivered the most unsuspecting twist I've seen recently... Completely blindsided me!

However, in all honesty, at the beginning, it was hard to fully get into. Through no fault of the cast though; the cast assembled was fantastic! Watching their special skills and unique talents come into play was almost tangible throughout each episode. While this story did have some familiarity with other Japanese detective/crime/police/mystery stories or plot lines, this show really stood alone on its own two feet quite well!

I would have liked to of seen more back story in to a few characters, and because this show and its characters were incredible to watch, it also would have been nice to see a few more episodes before the big dramatic ending. I have to say the finale was a little anticlimactic, but the cliffhanger most definitely left me with an emphasized feeling of wanting more.

Each character really held their own individuality with pride and it was almost like they were showing off. Watching them all work alone but towards the finale come together like perfect puzzle pieces to create such an extraordinary story was fascinating to watch! Made me wish there was more story for Miki Clinic; it was very obvious that the show was created with a lot of respect and care.

I never could have guessed the final though. I definitely thought the "criminal mastermind" was someone else, though the "big trouble" was kind of generic to other stories, it sort of felt like they were going one way with the story and then said "ah yes, we'll just add this in right here and over there", not as a last minute they forgot feeling, but more so they weren't sure how to add it in or where to begin with the mysterious "big trouble". I hope that mind sense!

I know my reviews aren't the most literary or movie perfection, but maybe my more simple reviews help someone out there. This show really does have a fantastic story, so I hope you'll give it a chance!

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Gifted Season 2
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de Erin
Abr 12, 2024
8 of 8 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
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I'm really glad....~

I am thrilled that I began this story, the twists and turns were like a roller coaster and it truly felt like the fine line between the predictable and the unknown was held in high regard while the show was being created. While there are familiarities within the second season just like the first, I could never truly predict what would happen next! This second season, however, left a bit of space for a cliffhanger, unfortunately.

I enjoy watching Masuda Takahisa act, and with each role, it appears that he is only getting better. No matter the role he is cast in, it is very obvious that he is putting in a lot of hard work, diligence, respect, and raw unfiltered honesty of his self as he creates each character and the story(ies) they live in.

Watching Ukisho Hidaka and Nakayama Yuma was a treat as well, they are very skilled actors and seemed to immerse themselves within their roles as if they were acting as their true selves. Which is kind of scary if you watch the show. However, both Ukisho Hidaka and Nakayama Yuma have piqued my interest in Shikigami-ryu, wondering if it is a real thing or if it is just something created for the show/story. Watching Ukisho Hidaka and Nakayama Yuma train during the two seasons was so extraordinary; watching the way their bodies moved in deliberate yet effortless movements of strength was truly a beautiful art.

In all honesty, part(s) of me could guess what was going to happen but the show continuously threw in a wrench just as I thought "aha! thats the explanation" and whatever I thought went out the window as completely wrong. But, again, there were some predictable moments, too. So I think it will differ for each viewer.

I really enjoyed how they worked in the "fantasy" pieces of the story. The writer(s), director(s), staff, actors, and so on, truly weaved in those moments with the reality of what was happening during the story. It was almost tangible the pride every person involved with this show, from season one to season two, took in their work to tell an intriguing, curious, suspenseful story that would leave viewers grasping at straws for answers.

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Jun Kyoju Takatsuki Akira no Suisatsu 2
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de Erin
Abr 8, 2024
8 of 8 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
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Curiouser and Curiouser....

The second series was just as epic and thrilling as the first! While I do wish it was like the first series, with different mysteries inside each episode, to watch what transpired in this series was incredible and had me guessing on the edge of my seat up until the very end of the last episode. In all honesty, while I do think it was a little anticlimactic, I do like the ending for what it is.

I wish there was more to this series, though the end doesn't feel like a cliffhanger; the story was just so amazing with each new cast member and/or piece added to the puzzle. While a little of this series felt familiar, it didn't feel rushed or over-done, or too cheesy, like it was a last minute thought. It was kind of expectant, though, in some places. After watching the first and second series, this show has made me want to watch more shows/movies/specials with Inoo Kei, Jinguji Yuta, Okada Yui, Yoshizawa Hisashi, Koike Teppei, and Suga Kenta. This cast fit their characters so well! Watching the mannerisms of each person and how they brought their characters to life, from the personality to emotions to how they supported each other or acted while on their own, was truly amazing to watch. It definitely didn't feel like watching one episode alone, it sort of melted together like a movie or special episode.

I wish there was more to this story. It was really fascinating to learn about Japanese history, myths, legends, and the supernatural. While the show as a whole does get a bit scary in places, it's not terrifying and definitely not something I would skip watching even if you're afraid of a lot of thrilling or suspenseful shows. The ending was interesting, it was nice to see something anticlimactic actually, as odd as that sounds. I would like to see a follow up, a lot; if only because I truly enjoyed their story!

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Jun Kyoju Takatsuki Akira no Suisatsu
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de Erin
Abr 7, 2024
8 of 8 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
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Like a Roller Coaster

As the headline says, this show really starts out pretty "normal", slowly growing with each episode to become a spectacular dive in to an incredible story.

While I have seen a few Japanese myths, legends, and/or curses told within dramas, anime, manga, variety shows, movies, or even music videos, the way they are told during this series is completely different. I tried looking in to the manga that this show is based off of, and after reading a few chapters came to the decision (or realization maybe) that this show is telling the same story but in its own way. I can honestly say that I have never seen anything like this show!

The cast created a beautiful, gut wrenching, thrilling, suspenseful story that really had me on the edge of my seat toward the end. I do like that they didn't toss in a lot of cheesy romance or "bromance" inuendos, they did show a couple but they did it tastefully, I think. This story seemed to bring different types of "romance" to light, such as a "bromance" or "friendship" or "community". It was really wonderful to watch the story grow from one little track to a large hill up until the dramatic ending.

The charm of this show I think is that its familiar, we've all heard stories like these before, however, the way the extraordinary cast pull the entire show together really is a testament to their hardwork, character(s), and trust between themselves, the other cast members, and staff.

This show had a wonderful balance of "funny" to "dramatic" to "majorly serious" not only throughout the entire series, but sometimes within one episode. I really enjoyed seeing the strong female characters, as well. While I believe that the last episode ended things quite well, I do have some lingering questions that I wish could be answered. I know there's a second season, but I kind of wish there was a special episode or movie in between or even after the second season.

Truly this show is one epic story to not be missed, especially if you are fans of the two lead actors or even if you are new to watching Japanese dramas and/or movies. There wasn't anything truly terrifying in this show, but I do have to say some moments in the episodes definitely had me covering my eyes! Seriously, give this show a chance, you will not be disappointed!

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Colegial Apaixonada e Professor Irresponsável
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de Erin
Abr 4, 2024
9 of 9 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
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Left wanting more...

I enjoy the manga this series is based on so I was nervous about watching, however, I can tell you that I was extremely and pleasantly surprised about how each episode came together. Though I'm not too sure I will have a lot to say in this review, only because I feel like the show itself, or maybe it's the story, was too short, but here is what I thought....

I really enjoyed watching Hashimoto Ryo and Takaishi Akari in their roles, especially as I continued with each episode. I haven't seen either of them in a show or movie before, and I usually stick to show's where I know most of the actors, so it was very refreshing to see some new faces. Especially because they both really managed to act out their roles similar to how the manga characters are. I think the story itself is new, I do remember some episodes or pieces of the episodes that were in the manga, but because each actor/actress brought the character to life while simultaneously showing themselves as well, I believe the live-action is an incredibly real, honest, relatable, genuine journey through high school, the awkward years, and the difficulties in growing up (not to mention over coming issues from the past).

I do wish that there were more episodes, I feel like there is so much left to say and I wish that we could have seen a few more characters from the manga make an appearance. I don't feel like there are any questions left to answer, other than I wanted to see more acting from Hashimoto Ryo and Takaishi Akari both as themselves and as their characters, Haiba Jin and Ochiai Mikoto. Watching this show felt like watching the manga come to life, I believe the embodiment of the characters from the manga and the creation of them in live-action form was spectacular, fascinating to watch, and most definitely full of charm. I really hope there will be more to this story; I also wonder why they stopped at 9 episodes.

Apparently I had a lot to say.... Oops....

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0.5 no Otoko
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de Erin
Abr 3, 2024
5 of 5 episódios vistos
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No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
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Reality Check


The story for this show was truly spectacular and one of the most honestly unique yet real "true-to-life" stories I have seen in a long time. Granted it may just be my personal bias since recently I've also moved and had to go through combining households, which is tricky for any situation.

The family in this story is relatively close and friendly with each other, however, you can tell from the beginning that each member also had their own worries and challenges they kept secret, making it even more difficult for them to fully immerse themselves immediately into the "2.5 household".

Watching each character find their own pace and place within the newly built home/family was gut-wrenching and even a little heartbreaking, yet also very relatable. Watching Ema-chan go through such a big family change while going through her own turbulent private, personal growth and change was extremely relatable and made me feel so very proud of her when watching her character grow. The same goes for Masaharu-san, too; I felt attached to both him and Ema-chan, they both seemed to bring to light sides of me from when I'm depressed or overwhelmed, and even sides of myself from when I was younger. I apologize if I sound like a broken record here.

Watching the family dynamic from an outsider's point of view was truly wonderful. While there were some relatable things, there were also some moments that felt like there was a "lesson" to be learned. Though, not so much so that it felt pushy or more prominent than the story or overbearing. It was nice to see a family gathering together, even while in their own spaces, to grow as their own person and to strengthen the family without such strong feelings that overtook the show or warped the story into something completely different.

I truly enjoyed this show. It was a very calming, relatable, genuine, open, honest, funny, and comforting show to watch, while also bringing up some questions for myself, and for society as a whole on how we treat people or help people different than ourselves. After all... "what is diversity?"

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Angel Flight
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de Erin
Mai 2, 2024
6 of 6 episódios vistos
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No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
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The In Between

The story and stories within the 6 episodes of this show far exceeded my expectations. We all have loved ones, friends and family, arguments and happiness, internal conflicts, external conflicts, dreams and ideals, thoughts and convictions, worries and fears... That's obvious. However, what isn't obvious, is the in-between....

Watching each flight arrive and each case being handled with the utmost respect, care, and genuine humanity was truly something to watch; it shook me to my core through and through. Some stories are a little harder to watch than others, so keep that in mind as you watch; but each story has importance, and relevance, and watching the Angel's Hearse team take care of each person, each soul, was truly an artform.

The cast assembled was perfect for this one-of-a-kind, most extraordinary show told by an incredible cast. Each member seems to have their own story of why they joined the company, Angel's Hearse, and the mystery behind those reasons for each character helped to fuel the curiosity of each episode; the expectation of what may come or what would happen. As I continued to watch, it truly felt like the "celebrity" of the actors fell away and they devoted their entire self to creating a "happy ending" for each soul coming home.

Watching as Takaki Rinko grew through the episodes to "find her place" in her new job was very relatable. Not everyone has a place to belong but slowly, with each new experience, and cautious step, she creates a space that is all her own. Taking care of the deceased is not an easy job, no matter the relation or reason they passed or job connection or whatever else, to be close to any deceased of any time for any reason is difficult and gutwrenching; to be able to do Angel Hearse's job, even as actors with written scripts, was not only extraordinarily incredible but also fascinating. This show expertly shows the reality of anger, depression, fear, joy, doubt, and human connection. The writing is most definitely unique and truly special, absolutely and equivocally a gut-wrenching, heartbreaking show full of stories that show how life can go from the mundane to the extreme, from pure bliss to complete sadness, from knowing everything to the confusion of so many unanswered questions.

This story is one of the most relatable, true-to-life shows I have ever watched. Unfortunately, there is one worry: a cliffhanger. Each episode is full of laughter, tears, and epic storytelling. Honestly, it was like watching a true life story. I would love to watch more of this show, to see more of these characters' doing their utmost best to take care of each lost soul returning home.

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