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Bad Buddy Episode 1
0 people found this review helpful
Out 29, 2021


It’s off to anice start.The plot isnot uniquebut the twomls have good chemistry soit will beinterestingto see howthey progress.
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Out 28, 2021


At first I wasnot tooimpressed but it did not take melong to getinterestedin this story about firstlove.
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Out 28, 2021


I like thecontrastbetween thetwo mls. And I love the music. There is just the rightemphasis onthe food.
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Out 28, 2021


I like the fastpace. Eachepisode isshort so nota lot of timeis spent trying to explainwhat’s goingon.
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Out 26, 2021


I like thesupportingcast and Ithink themls havenice chemistry. The music is alsovery nice.The contrastin each chefis interesting. The paceis also good.
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Out 26, 2021


I like how the firstepisode begins. Weknow aboutthe rivalry from thestart so itwill be fun to see howthis ends.
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Bite Me Episode 9
0 people found this review helpful
Out 24, 2021


Not sure what isgoing on butit seems liketoo much forsuch a shortseries. Thisepisode hadsome nicemoments but they seem out of synch.
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Bite Me Episode 8
0 people found this review helpful
Out 22, 2021


This episode was loaded with surprises. It startedoff well andthen took adramaticturn. Someof the elements made little sense.Of courselife is notalwayslogical either.
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Out 15, 2021


What aperfect close to areallybeautiful love story.For once weget a bl where there isfidelity andtrust. Such ahealthy depiction. The entire cast is awesome.
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Out 15, 2021


Such anawesomeepisode. Nomessy triangle ormanipulation. True friendshipand lovedepicted.Love the music.
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Bite Me Episode 7
0 people found this review helpful
Out 10, 2021


I just love how thewriters haveused the care andlove for foodto depictthe care andlove peopleshould havefor eachother.
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Out 9, 2021


I loved howthe threecouples arecomingtogether butit seems liketheir problems are stillnot over. themain coupleseem tofinally be onthe right path. The samesex couplehas runInto familyopposition but I hopthey stillend uptogether.
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Out 2, 2021


This was avery emotional episode.I know Fiatsmom hasmentalproblemsbut I don’tsee why hehad to seeher so soonafter herlatest incident. She is avery toxic person. Fiateven sayshe’s stillscared of her. I did enjoy thetalk the twodads had. That was agood twist. Also it’sgood to seethe secondcouple movingcloser together.
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Set 25, 2021


We finallyget more insight intowhy Fiatacts the wayhe does. I dohave concerns about how hismom gotaway fromwhere shewas but sheis crazy andthere area lot of people who arejust like her.Also lovedhow thesecond couple is progressing.
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Set 24, 2021


My kind of ending. Intense, fullof emotion and action. A fight tothe finish. We need Season 2. I only hope the samesupport castreturns. This story is justgettingstarted.
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