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Jul 9, 2022


Loved the ending. It was over thetop awesome.It did notdisappoint.From beginning to end it had me ina whirlwind.
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Triage Episode 11
3 people found this review helpful
Jun 27, 2022


Today was awonderful twist and hopefullyone that willfinally stopthe loop Nd bring ourtwo loverstogether.
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Jun 15, 2022

Love Wins

What abeautifulending and the mostrealistic. True love isabout sacrifice. It’s notselfish orpossessive. It does notinflict physical or mentalpain. In theend there Not learnedthis. Wrongs were putright. TeddyBear wasreturned tohis right form. Both couples endedup happy. Looks like even the female friend hasfound herToufou. It ended on ahappy note.Kudos to theactors andproductionteam.
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Triage Episode 6
3 people found this review helpful
Mai 23, 2022


This was anepisode full of intensemoments but maybenow therewill finallybe a satisfactory resolution to theproblem and the two can be together.
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Not Me Episode 11
3 people found this review helpful
Fev 27, 2022


First, thanks to the shoutout and reference to Dr Martin Luther King…and onthe next tolast day ofBlack History Month! What a thrillthis was…it’slike watching an Oscarwinning movie.
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Bad Buddy Episode 5
3 people found this review helpful
Nov 26, 2021


This episodehit all theright notes.I can’t thinkof any partI didn’t like.It just takesyou on a roller coaster ride which is scary andfun at the same time.
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Mai 25, 2021


This was simply the best . Startingwith setting this inthe nineties....theycaptured the eraperfectly. Waitingby the phone fora call, bags of coinsat a pay phone....and actually writing letters. I loved it!The storyline wasgreat. Since this was the nineties Ididn’t know whatto expect from themom. So muchpacked into theseshort minutes. Theacting was great.And the endingwas perfect. Well done. I will look atagain.
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Mai 15, 2021

A Mother’s Love

A masterpiece. Superb acting from all. The story writer takes us back andreveals how thereis value in a simplecard . The rightamount of humoris intertwined withthe pathos .
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Mai 15, 2021

Five Stars

Another gem. A young doctor dies. The music in this episode is so full of emotion. Eachepisode gives usanother view ofsociety. There is astory to be told. Such attentiveness to detail. The acting . The cinematography, . Thisepisode focuses onlost love and the pain.
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5 dias atrás

On Fire

This episodehad everything….action,comedy, sexual chemistry, drama!Loved howthe mlscontinue totoy around .The supporting cast givesthat extrapunch.
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Ago 23, 2024


Nice start! Really like how in the first episode there is no slow buildup to the fact that the mls are stepbrothers. The mls have good chemistry. The tone is not so intense that you want to cringe. The settjng changes from school to home whichI enjoyed. Supporting cast looks like fun.
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Jul 19, 2024


A really good episode but one filled with so many mixed signals andmisunderstandings. However it was very true to life.
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Jun 22, 2024


This episodewas perfectfrom start tofinish. It kept us hopingfrom start tofinish and we were notdissappointed. The visuals were awesome. Great episode!
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Jun 15, 2024


Great episode! The segments spenton each couple was wellbalanced. Love the change in settingsand the waythe characters relationship is evolving.
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Unknown Episode 8
2 people found this review helpful
Abr 7, 2024


What anamazing episode. Thetables wereturned in such a subtlebut painfullyobvious way.The actors have now reversed roles and that was fun to watch.Another stellar performance. The supporting castwas also theicing on thecake.
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