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  • Data de Admissão: maio 22, 2020
Mar 28, 2024


This episode was just so good inproviding more insight on therelationship that is evolvingbetween all four. Potentiallythere is a second couple. Love theenemy to lovers ploy. Also thefemale character is written well. Of course the music is insane. Love it!
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Mar 28, 2024


Love the use of jazz and how it setthe tone for this episode. The pace and tempo is so on point. The rivalrybetween the students is slowlybuilding up and the intensity oftheir respective emotions onlyheightens our interest.
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Mar 28, 2024

A Jewel

What a gem!Love thisepisode from start toend. Theentire castis presentedwith just theright tempo.The dynamics and settingare perfectly depicted.Awesomestart!
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Mar 28, 2024


Love the fusion ofjazz into thestoryline from the verystart, the way the family dynamicsare intriduced is done sowell. The intensity of thecharacters and the waytheir pathscollide ischilling. Thepain of loss is so strongand dealthwith beautufully.
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Mar 26, 2024


Sorry but this episode was a total mess. The mls are unbelievable. They are supposed to be intelligent but they are portrayed as just lovesick teenagers. What amess.
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Two Worlds Episode 1
1 people found this review helpful
Mar 22, 2024


Love the first episode. I like how themain characters are introduced andhow we get the backstory of howthey first met. Love the cinematography and visuals.
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Unknown Episode 5
1 people found this review helpful
Mar 19, 2024


Well done…the innerconflict ofthe olderbrother washandled very well. Themusic was great. The editing wasexcellent!
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Mar 13, 2024


What awonderfullysensuousepisode. Theactors nailed their parts.Unrequitedlove is theworst. Theemotionand timingwas perfect.The closeups and flashbacks are sofull of sexuality. Superb!
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Mar 11, 2024


This episodehad me at the very start.The young and older mlsare awesome. Just theright emotional tension.Love the way it handlesthe femalefoil. Even the music addsto the tension.
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Unknown Episode 2
1 people found this review helpful
Fev 26, 2024


Love how the settingschange andwe get aprogressionfrom thepreviousstatus to amore wholesome environment.
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Fev 25, 2024


What a beautiful and well treatmentof each couple. Just enough timegiven to each couple. So manypositive messages. From start tofinish it captures your heart. Lovethe music and the tempo. Of coursethe acting was on point.
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Fev 21, 2024

So Real

Loved this episode. The way eachof the mls is struggling with someinner conflicts is handled with justthe right amount of angst. Both actors continue to give stellarperformances. The contrast in eachone makes them even more likeable as a couple.
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Fev 18, 2024

So Sweet

Just perfect!Love how time was given to all three couples. The timing was perfect. The acting wasgreat. Themessages were clear.The music was also set at the righttempo.
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Fev 10, 2024


Great acting! Love thecomedy andthe timingand the osttoo. It all fittogetherperfectly. There was action andpassion too.
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Fev 10, 2024


I love how this episode sets us upfor the real fun ahead. Looks like we have a strong female lead. The mlis one of my favorites. I love how she is portrayed at first and wakes upwith a totally new perspective! Frommeek Cinderella to spunky badass!Love it!
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