Cradle Robbers & Grave Diggers
Love has no boundaries. This is a list of movies or shows where there's a big age gap between the characters that fall in love.
***Please Note - these are in no particular order. I will be adding a few notes here and there once I start adding more dramas, but that's about it.
1. Q Series: Love of Sandstorm
Taiwanese Drama - 2016, 7 episodes
2. Eu Ouço a Sua Voz
Korean Drama - 2013, 18 episodes
3. A Beleza Interior
Korean Movie - 2015
4. Método
Korean Movie - 2017
5. Beleza Interior
Korean Drama - 2018, 16 episodes
6. O Que Aconteceu?
Korean Drama - 2015, 10 episodes
7. Amor à Curta Distância
Japanese Movie - 2014