Not My Piece of Cake

A list of movies and dramas that just didn't appeal to me for whatever reason. If you're a die-hard fan of these dramas, please let me know why you love them so much and I'll consider giving them another try - maybe I'll enjoy them the second time around.

rozrea14 Abr 3, 2018
5 Titles Loves
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  • Você é Meu Pet

    1. Você é Meu Pet

    Korean Movie - 2011


    1. You're My Pet - I don't know if I'd just gotten some bad subs, or if the story was generally bad or weird or confusing, or if I didn't understand the culture, references or humour, but for some reason I just didn't like this movie. Willing to rewatch if someone can convince me otherwise though ^^

  • Herdeiros

    2. Herdeiros

    Korean Drama - 2013, 20 episodes


    2. The Heirs - I tried my best to enjoy this show but only ended up watching the whole thing because Lee Min Ho was in it. I found there to be so much potential for the story to be interesting and I kept waiting for that moment, but unfortunately, it didn't happen in my opinion. I found the story to be bland, the "romance" between Park Shin Hye and Kim Woo Bin's characters to be really random and their "romance montage" consisting of scenes where he was mean to her kind of last minute and unnecessary. Maybe I missed the point. I also found that there were so many loose ends to the side stories that weren't really wrapped up. I was really holding out for what I call the "Secretary Romance" side story between Secretary Yoon and Esther Lee! I also would have found it hilarious if Rachel and Young Do got together. Willing to rewatch to see if I enjoy it more the 2nd time around.

  • Você é Linda

    3. Você é Linda

    Korean Drama - 2009, 16 episodes


    3. You're Beautiful - I did enjoy a lot of this drama because it was hilarious! I did not, however, really like the story or Park Shin Hye's character. Similar to in The Heirs, I find it difficult to like when Park Shin Hye plays the innocent poor girl character. I find that she over does it in my opinion and ends up making the character look stupid and pathetic - but that could also be due to the writing portraying the character as being pitiful and pathetic. Maybe it's just me. I did enjoy her in Heartstrings though ^^.

  • Mary Ficou Fora à Noite Toda

    4. Mary Ficou Fora à Noite Toda

    Korean Drama - 2010, 16 episodes


    4. Marry Me, Mary - Started out alright but then I got frustrated with the characters' choices and the story, especially the ending. I swear the poor Director (2nd lead) never smiled once in that drama lol. 

  • História de Amor em Harvard

    5. História de Amor em Harvard

    Korean Drama - 2004, 16 episodes


    5. Love Story in Harvard - This drama started out great, but I feel as if the story started to fall apart once the romance happened. I really like the actors as they made the drama funny and enjoyable. Props to the actors for having to read out so many English lines - they really made it look convincing. Extra props to the Professor who kept a straight face after listening to their "legal jargon" *wink wink* ^^. It took me 3 or 4 attempts to get through this drama, but I'm glad I did in the end even though I didn't really enjoy the later episodes as much.
