Love-Rivalry Between Brothers - (dramas)
Dramas and drama specials with two (or more) brothers who are in love with the same girl.
- Please be aware that this list contains spoilers
This list will include:
- Full brothers and half brothers
- Step brothers and adopted brothers
- Brothers who think they're blood-related, but aren't (due to birth secret shenanigans)
- Unofficially "adopted" brothers (raised together as brothers, but without legal paperwork)
- Relatives raised together like brothers (cousins, uncle/nephew, etc.)
If you know of a title that's missing from this list (even if it's not found on MyDramaList) please let me know, and I'll add it!
Many thanks (♥) to those who have contributed to the list: Love-Rivalry Between Brothers
1. Ashes of Love
Chinese Drama - 2018, 63 episodes
- Half brothers
2. Sorte Travessa
Korean Drama - 2018, 16 episodes
- Cousins raised together like brothers
3. Grande Príncipe
Korean Drama - 2018, 20 episodes
4. Case Comigo Agora
Korean Drama - 2018, 50 episodes
- Step brothers
5. Trinta, Mas Dezessete
Korean Drama - 2018, 32 episodes
- Uncle/nephew who are more like brothers
6. O Que Houve Com a Secretária Kim?
Korean Drama - 2018, 16 episodes
7. Garoto e Garota do Século 20
Korean Drama - 2017, 32 episodes
- Step brothers
8. A Love to Kill
Thai Drama - 2017, 12 episodes
9. Black
Korean Drama - 2017, 18 episodes
- Half brothers - love the same girl at different times
10. Máquina de Escrever Chicago
Korean Drama - 2017, 16 episodes
- Adopted brother
11. Amor Perdido em Tempos
Chinese Drama - 2017, 56 episodes
- Half brothers
12. Rainha por Sete Dias
Korean Drama - 2017, 20 episodes
13. Bela Gong Shim
Korean Drama - 2016, 20 episodes
14. Cain and Abel
Japanese Drama - 2016, 10 episodes
- Full brothers
15. Queijo na Ratoeira
Korean Drama - 2016, 16 episodes
- Unofficially adopted brother
16. Bebendo Sozinho
Korean Drama - 2016, 16 episodes
17. Golden Pouch
Korean Drama - 2016, 122 episodes
- Lost/found son mixup
18. A Médica Imperial
Chinese Drama - 2016, 50 episodes
- Half brothers
19. Os Intérpretes
Chinese Drama - 2016, 45 episodes
- Adopted brother
20. Amantes da Lua
Korean Drama - 2016, 20 episodes
21. O Jogador Real
Korean Drama - 2016, 24 episodes
22. Uma Garota e Seus Três Amores
Japanese Drama - 2016, 10 episodes
23. Go Princess Go
Chinese Drama - 2015, 35 episodes
- Half brothers
24. Nobre, Meu Amor
Korean Drama - 2015, 20 episodes
- Full brothers
25. Brilhe ou Enlouqueça
Korean Drama - 2015, 24 episodes
- Half brothers
26. Amor Sem Fim
Korean Drama - 2014, 37 episodes
27. Glorious Day
Korean Drama - 2014, 44 episodes
28. Amor na Escola
Korean Drama - 2014, 20 episodes
- Step brothers
29. Amando, Nunca Esquecendo
Chinese Drama - 2014, 34 episodes
- Half brothers
30. Meus Dias Floridos
Korean Drama - 2014, 16 episodes
31. Triângulo
Korean Drama - 2014, 26 episodes
- Full brothers
32. Alerta Desagradável
Korean Drama - 2013, 133 episodes
- Step brothers
33. Cinco dedos
Korean Drama - 2012, 30 episodes
- Half brothers
34. A Lua que Abraça o Sol
Korean Drama - 2012, 20 episodes
- Half brothers
35. Responde 1997
Korean Drama - 2012, 16 episodes
36. Você Pode Ouvir Meu Coração?
Korean Drama - 2011, 30 episodes
- Unofficially adopted brother
37. O Garoto Bonito da Loja de Ramen
Korean Drama - 2011, 16 episodes
38. Minta Pra Mim
Korean Drama - 2011, 16 episodes
39. Coração Escarlate
Chinese Drama - 2011, 35 episodes
40. Felicidade Ensolarada
Taiwanese Drama - 2011, 25 episodes
41. Cara Mau
Korean Drama - 2010, 17 episodes
- Adopted brother
42. Rei da Panificação, Kim Tak Goo
Korean Drama - 2010, 30 episodes
- Believe they are half brothers
43. Estrelas Caindo do Céu
Korean Drama - 2010, 20 episodes
44. Caim e Abel
Korean Drama - 2009, 20 episodes
- Full brothers
45. Lovers in Paris
Filipino Drama - 2009, 55 episodes
- Unaware they are half brothers
46. Tempo entre Cão e Lobo
Korean Drama - 2007, 16 episodes
- Unofficially adopted brother
47. Por Que Amor?
Taiwanese Drama - 2007, 15 episodes
48. Um Amor Para Matar
Korean Drama - 2005, 16 episodes
49. Lovers in Paris
Korean Drama - 2004, 20 episodes
- Unaware they are half brothers
50. She is Nineteen
Korean Drama - 2004, 16 episodes
51. Medical Brothers
Korean Drama - 1997, 16 episodes
52. First Love
Korean Drama - 1996, 66 episodes
53. Sentimentos
Korean Drama - 1994, 16 episodes