list of dramas based on ones i really enjoyed and generally left a positive impression on me ... or, in other words, i hate it when dramas start off really well but the writers screw it up and make the plot drag on and there's no character development and ugH it just leaves you with a feeling of disappointment because why did you waste those precious hours of your life on this
(aka this list is basically my completed dramas bc i have a hard time finishing stuff i don't like lol)
note to self: don't check ratings before watching any drama to avoid biased perception
1. Idade da Juventude
Korean Drama - 2016, 12 episodes
- sooo refreshing and relatable and ahh i love everything about this drama but most of all i treasure the friendship between the belle epoque girls
- also the reason i fully gave in to kdramas!
- sequel is amazing too but i miss kang yina :(
2. Quem é Você: Escola 2015
Korean Drama - 2015, 16 episodes
such an interesting plot and love love loooove the soundtrack omg (also unpopular opinion but i was happy with the ending my endgame ship survived haha!)
3. Enquanto Você Dormia
Korean Drama - 2017, 32 episodes
- best kdrama ost of all time!
- i didn't really enjoy school 2013 which lowkey lead me to dislike lee jongsuk for a while but this drama completely changed my mind on that
- also my first suzy drama and she is an amazing actress!
- really nice plot concept and twists
- no annoying love triangle
4. A Fada do Levantamento de Peso, Kim Bok Joo
Korean Drama - 2016, 16 episodes
haven't finished watching it yet but i really like it (i realize i really love college dramas in general lmao) for starters i really love namlee's chemistry they're such a lovable pair and again it's nice lighthearted show that never fails to put you in a good mood
5. W
Korean Drama - 2016, 16 episodes
- uhh lee jongsuk? clearly knew this drama was going to be amazing bc duh
- the chemistry between jongsuk and hyojoo is amazing they really do work well together
- really nice soundtrack
- amazing plot... there's the element of being able to alter reality which makes for some really unique plot twists
- was frustrating at times bc i hated the villain so much but i guess he was doing his job as an antagonist very well right
- only reasons it's not 10/10 was because the ending seemed unfinished to me like the writers could have planned it out better? it felt weirdly rushed
6. Casamento, Não Namoro
Korean Drama - 2014, 16 episodes
kind of an underrated gem! really enjoyed the storyline because it had a lot of drama but it was still somehow light and let you relax when you watched it... nice comedy and ahh you may get second lead syndrome but the main pairing isn't too bad so it's still nice and i loved the ending too
bonus: cute soundtrack
(this review could have been more detailed but it's been so long since i watched it so i don't remember a lot lmao)
7. Porque Esta é a Minha Primeira Vida
Korean Drama - 2017, 16 episodes
i haven't finished this yet but i already know it's going to be one of my favourites bc i love it so sooo much (will give more details when i finish)
- another refreshing drama!
- the story lines of all the couples were interesting to follow
- features one of my fav kdrama friendships :')
- loved it soooo so much i didn't want it to end
8. Amantes da Lua
Korean Drama - 2016, 20 episodes
i cried HARD but i have to say it was an excellent experience watching it.... i love historical settings the aesthetics and scenery are so pretty and this was also my first sageuk so its quite important to me... also it had baekhyun and iu which is the reason why i initially watched it in the first place and even though i hate sad endings this one was pretty rational so i don't mind too much... also nam joohyuck and jisoo!!!
9. Mulher Forte, Do Bong Soon
Korean Drama - 2017, 16 episodes
i'd be doing myself a disfavour if i didn't include this on my list! it's so light and fluffy and heartwarming and they are absolutely the most adorable and pure kdrama couple i have ever seen
10. Goblin
Korean Drama - 2016, 16 episodes
11. Você é Humano Também?
Korean Drama - 2018, 36 episodes
12. Eu Não Sou um Robô
Korean Drama - 2017, 32 episodes
- soooo much angst oh my god
- literally set the bar for angst
- one of the cutest couples ever :')
the episode 30 kiss!!!
13. Casa Cheia
Thai Drama - 2014, 20 episodes
- just finished episode 6 and i'm already adding this to my list
- i love the kor vers with all my heart but this version is SO good. the chemistry is insane, the aesthetic is lovely, and i love the modern take on it
- literally started this right after i finished the 2004 vers and did not find myself bored at all
- glad i started this version after the 2004 version otherwise i would have found the 2004 version lacking in comparison to this
- made me fall in love w thai dramas ♡
14. Alice na Fronteira
Japanese Drama - 2020, 8 episodes
15. Doce Lar
Korean Drama - 2020, 10 episodes
16. Amor entre Fada e Demônio
Chinese Drama - 2022, 36 episodes