Eagerly Waiting...
A collection of shows and movies that are yet to be released or subbed, but have me keen asf to watch
1. Imortalidade
Chinese Drama - 0000, 58 episodes
2. S.C.I Season 2
Chinese Drama - 0000
cmoooonnnn pls come out soon, i miss them :(
3. Guardian
Chinese Movie - 0000
4. Aventura Atrás da Porta de Bronze
Chinese Drama - 2024, 32 episodes
5. Cang Hai Xi Lin
Chinese Drama - 0000, 40 episodes
6. Duo Meng
Chinese Drama - 0000, 24 episodes
7. Long Ye Qu
Chinese Movie - 0000
8. The First Light
Chinese Drama - 2019, 24 episodes
bruhhh where tf are the subs to this??????
9. Sherlock Special
Japanese Special - 2019, 1 episode
not subbed yet
10. Baskerville's Dog Sherlock
Japanese Movie - 2022
11. Qian Qiu
Chinese Drama - 0000
12. Sha Po Lang
Chinese Drama - 0000, 40 episodes
13. Benção do Oficial do Céu
Chinese Drama - 0000, 60 episodes
14. Perseguindo a Luz
Chinese Drama - 0000, 24 episodes
15. Justice in the Dark
Chinese Drama - 2023, 8 episodes
16. In The Dark
Chinese Drama - 0000, 14 episodes
17. Butterfly Rebirth
Chinese Drama - 0000, 24 episodes
18. Love Upon a Time
Thai Drama - 2025
19. Weak Hero Season 2
Korean Drama - 2025, 8 episodes
20. Joy of Life Season 3
Chinese Drama - 0000
21. Bastard
Korean Drama - 0000