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  • Aki wa Haru to Gohan wo Tabetai

    1. Aki wa Haru to Gohan wo Tabetai

    Japanese Movie - 2023


    10 1
    It's honestly... Not that good.
    I have this tradition where I start each year with something meaningful and/or wholesome - family, friendship etc. so I picked this one. I'm sorry but it's pure cringe :D I guess some of the problems they are facing are relatable but otherwise it's a run-of-the mill romcom, the same as 95% other romcoms. I slightly enjoyed it because it's not exactly rom (: To each their own, and this film is not for me

  • The Serpents Song

    2. The Serpents Song

    Thai Movie - 2017


    15 01

  • Green Night

    3. Green Night

    Hong Kong Movie - 2023


    20 01
    I admit I watched it mostly because of the two leading ladies because I've never heard of Han Shuai (the director). The acting is just insane - otherwise it's just a movie. A very serious and well shot movie but not a masterpiece, even despite its great potential.
    Still a recommended watch though and reminds me of Jane (the korean film with Koo Kyo Hwan)

  • Maggie

    4. Maggie

    Korean Movie - 2019


    21 1
    Bloody hell... That's quirky if ever I have seen one

  • Girls on Top

    5. Girls on Top

    Korean Movie - 2017


    21 1
    Rewatch; wanted to know why I rated it only 7.5 and decided to re-rate it to 8

  • Love Villain

    6. Love Villain

    Korean Movie - 2022


    21 1

  • A Dangerous Woman

    7. A Dangerous Woman

    Korean Movie - 2014


    21 1

  • Daughters

    8. Daughters

    Japanese Movie - 2020


    23 01
    First thought: this film is so visually pleasing I ran to check Tsuda Hajime's other works right away... Unfortunately he's only ever made this film. This style reminds me of Meikenchiku de Chushoku wo (but the plot is obviously different).

    It's a movie depicting a true friendship between two friends, as they prepare to co-parent a baby after she's born - there's not much plot besides that. it focuses on telling the story via feelings, memories and emotions; and it's accompanied by two stunning women who wear fashionable clothes, live in a fashionable flat and are followed by fashionable lighting everywhere they go. What else would one wish for?
    100% recommended

  • She Brought Colour into My World

    9. She Brought Colour into My World

    Chinese Movie - 2024


    29 1

    Way better than the short with these FLs I watched last year.

  • Xi Zhuang Bao Tu

    10. Xi Zhuang Bao Tu

    Chinese Movie - 2024


    6 2
    Badass... And endearingly bad :D
    I don't think this film is trying to take itself seriously, it's not pretending to be something it's not - it's just a cheap, adrenaline-fuelled movie with a tiny bit of plot on top of it. It's a perfect homage to 80's/90's HK action movies, where the plot revolves around guns, fights, knives, fights, guns and explosions. Danny "Bruce Lee" Chan starring as a main character adds to the campy flavour :D

    Do I recommend? Maybe? Only if you like actiony action films with the most basic of plots. I HAD FUN :D
    Enjoyment: 13/10

  • Today, You Are You

    11. Today, You Are You

    Taiwanese Movie - 2022


    6 2

  • O Vlog do Motorista Substituto

    12. O Vlog do Motorista Substituto

    Korean Movie - 2022


    17 03
    This is. THE BEST Koo Kyo Hwan short out there, really.

  • Ice Cream Fever

    13. Ice Cream Fever

    Japanese Movie - 2023


    17 03

  • The Fish with One Sleeve

    14. The Fish with One Sleeve

    Japanese Movie - 2021


    17 03

  • Bursting Point

    15. Bursting Point

    Hong Kong Movie - 2023


    23 03

    This film is worth like half of Infernal Affairs, so it receives half of its score. Yuck. I spent like two weeks trying to finish it, doesn't help my version has this really crappy mandarin dub instead of the original cantonese
    大丈夫 is a nice touch, I'd rather watch Young and Dangerous: Reloaded (and I don't even like the original Y&D so there's no nostalgia) all over again than ever think again about Bursting Point. William Chan has some kind of reverse Midas touch where every movie he touches turns into a steaming pile of turd (and it's not always his fault), Mr Cheung, I hope you at least received a lot of money for your role in this masterpiece. And, Tony Yang? Your role was so magnificent, I really enjoyed your 27 seconds on screen
    Rant over, Meng (not to be confused with certain Ming) out

  • The Last Breath of Sam Yan

    16. The Last Breath of Sam Yan

    Thai Movie - 2023


    13 04
    An informative film documenting the struggle to preserve a shrine dedicated to Goddess Mozu. Focuses onthe topic of religion and minortities and talks a little about politics and the importance of preserving cultural heritage. It's pure documentary with interviews and facts but it's quite good (even if not exactly artful)

  • 0cm4

    17. 0cm4

    Japanese Movie - 2001


    9 06
    A story of a colourblind man who's going to have an operation to cure his colour blindness in a week... Or is he?
    Insanely creative short, yet also... normal, considering it's directed by Sono Sion

  • The Night

    18. The Night

    Taiwanese Movie - 2021


    27 06

  • Mentalese Express

    19. Mentalese Express

    Taiwanese Movie - 2023


    29 07
    OMG, cute!
    Don't get me wrong, the premise is kinda creepy, but their interactions are cute :) I need an entire show/film with this vibe

  • Rosa Indiano

    20. Rosa Indiano

    Korean Movie - 2021


    4 08

  • Mom, If I Were a Vampire

    21. Mom, If I Were a Vampire

    Taiwanese Movie - 2022


    1 09
    Insanely creative and beautifully shot - finally a good arthouse short. Might not be the masterpiece, but if the director (btw, her name seems to be misspelt in the credits multiple times xD as Chaung instead of Chuang) keeps up the good work, one of her future works is bound to be good

  • August

    23. August

    Chinese Movie - 2024


    18 09
    Has it been 3 years already? I guess it has.
    Hopeful and inspiring story, partially a travelogue and ode to people we meet; partially Zhang Zhe Han's diary where he talks about his past, his present, his future. In this documentary ZZH said he's no longer lost - and I truly hope that's the case.

    Features a tiny segment on making musical instruments (so consider watching it if you are an enthusiast) and a lot of cycling.

  • Theory of Ambitions

    24. Theory of Ambitions

    Hong Kong Movie - 2022


    1 09/18.09
    How many Lui Lok films do we really need? Let me tell you I didn't love any of them - not even the 1991 version with Andy Lau (even though it was probably the best of them all). I got lured into watching this one by multiple reviews calling it "auteur cinema". Yeah, sure. It was madly expensive (40 million US dollars), had a line-up of great actors so I expected something extraordinary... Nope. Philip Yung tried too much and achieved too little - the movie was both too short to expand on every subplot, and too long to keep me interested (and do keep in mind I'm not opposed to watching absolute behemots that have 3+ hours runtime, yet it took me a month to finish this one). You know what's the worst? Some of the camera shots for example were REALLY NICE and unique, ie during a shootout between MLs. It had potential to be a beautiful film - even if not great or interesting - but it unfortunately didn't deliver. I know all about Lui Lok and the political situation in HK back then so I was able to follow the film properly but I'm afraid someone with no prior knowledge might have to resort to some google-fu... They spent too much time on love triangles to focus on what's really important xD

    Do I recommend it? Not really, but I also don't disrecommend it, you might actually enjoy it (some people did). DYOR.

  • Folklore 2: The Day the Wind Blew

    25. Folklore 2: The Day the Wind Blew

    Japanese Special - 2021, 1 episode


    26 09
    My first encounter with the series Folklore and... it's not doing it for me. I guess I expected something more arthousey. Although I have to say the synopsis was vague enough and I thought I was watching a different, more sinister, drama at first.

    Watchable but not exactly memorable.

  • Unspeakable Love

    26. Unspeakable Love

    Chinese Special - 2020, 1 episode


    26 09

  • Thunder Rescue

    27. Thunder Rescue

    Chinese Movie - 2023


    16 10
    Dishonor on your whole family, dishonor on you, dishonor on your cow

  • If I Were for Real

    28. If I Were for Real

    Taiwanese Movie - 1981


    27 12
    Even the best actors make mistakes but... What if I were for real?

    Wang Toon strikes again with his unique plotlines - but I prefer his more chill movies (like Red Persimmon. Still informative but not as... crude and direct in criticism).
    Not as good as Banana Paradise, but better than Hill of no Return. This film got banned as anti-communist all across the chinese-speaking countries (including HK). A nice piece of history but probably not recommended to most of the drama watchers, there are better productions out there, especially since I can name 3 better movies by Wang Toon himself

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