Dramas watched in 2020

Notes contain mild spoilers, completed dramas only

pocketchange Ago 2, 2020
27 Titles Loves
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  • O Nascimento de Uma Beleza

    1. O Nascimento de Uma Beleza

    Korean Drama - 2014, 21 episodes


    i need all of the cute and stupid comedic revenge but the pace drags like you wouldn't believe

  • Redescobrindo o Amor

    2. Redescobrindo o Amor

    Korean Drama - 2017, 12 episodes


    The leads obviously loved e/o which is appreciated and the True Villain was Miscommunication (and financial stress) but the real standout is the family relationships. Little rushed towards the end, and some unused plot threads

  • Bom Disfarce

    3. Bom Disfarce

    Korean Drama - 2020, 16 episodes


    a lot of great elements that ultimately never really came together or were used to their full potential. CW for minor character death but also he was like The Best Character so >:(

  • Família Graciosa

    4. Família Graciosa

    Korean Drama - 2019, 16 episodes


    Wild cracky fun even for people who don't enjoy necessarily enjoy makjang because it never really wallows. Fantastic female lead, and a sweet quiet minor romance. CW for transphobia/homophobia: a trans character's outing is handled about as well as you'd expect a rich conservative family to. Narratively it's handled somewhat sympathetically but with ignorance (also re: subs, note that Korean doesn't really have gendered pronouns which means it's at the subber's discretion)

  • Hotel Del Luna

    5. Hotel Del Luna

    Korean Drama - 2019, 16 episodes


    Not without flaws but perfect for me. I'd call it less a romcom and more of a "healing" drama for the FL- the main lead's romance is relatively quiet and steady throughout. I didn't feel it dragged but it does grow to an hour and a half per episode later which can feel long for one sitting

  • Mãe

    6. Mãe

    Korean Drama - 2018, 16 episodes


    Expect constant heart attacks for a 3 minute happy ending, and know that compared to the japanese version we got off lucky. Great, albeit makjang exploration of mothers and motherhood: the good, bad, and everything inbetween. Also Very Pretty cinematography. Know that the abuse is pretty explicit. Not light viewing

  • Mystic Pop-up Bar

    7. Mystic Pop-up Bar

    Korean Drama - 2020, 12 episodes


    Were I to be ~critical~ probably closer to a 9/10; the narrative and its parts are nothing new, and deus ex machina abound but it knows exactly what the viewer wants and that's why it wins

  • Esposa, Manuseie Com Cuidado

    8. Esposa, Manuseie Com Cuidado

    Japanese Drama - 2017, 10 episodes


    some great action scenes and has an episode with one of the most sex-positive/sex-work positive stances i've ever seen. i wanted more of the female friendships though, and it's got a bit of a weird ending

  • Vamos, Atreva-se

    9. Vamos, Atreva-se

    Korean Drama - 2015, 12 episodes


    weirdly disappointed at how little cheerleading and dancing there was and the plot was nothing new. has one of the best sympathetic villains and subsequent redemptions though, and all the characters are pretty great. CW for self-harm, suicide attempts, and for a weird incest vibe when the main leads find out their parents are dating

  • Escola 2017

    10. Escola 2017

    Korean Drama - 2017, 16 episodes


    vigilante fun + the power of friendship + main couple is so goddamn cute. Plot's really nothing new though.

  • Seirei no Moribito

    11. Seirei no Moribito

    Japanese Drama - 2016, 4 episodes


    Some great action scenes and Haruka Ayase is amazing as Balsa. Very slow for me because I'm overly familiar with the books/anime. CGI monsters abound. CW for sexual assault of a minor character

  • Solomon's Perjury

    12. Solomon's Perjury

    Korean Drama - 2016, 12 episodes


    A solid mystery fueled by a myriad of well-written characters. Never gets too dark and never falls too far into "Incompetent adult" territory. Didn't drag but I felt minor frustration that most of the narrative waited on one character's secrecy and manipulation.

  • Stranger

    13. Stranger

    Korean Drama - 2017, 16 episodes


    a good mystery thriller that never drops a thread, even if i zoned out a bit whenever the main leads were off screen. great brOTP between the two main leads (or OTP if you squint)

  • Os Superdotados

    14. Os Superdotados

    Thai Drama - 2018, 13 episodes


    The anthology-like episodes are great for exploring the class but ultimately I wasn't attached to anyone by the time the plot kicked in. In particular, motivations were poorly written/explored (especially the villains) and progressively felt more like a series of excuses to move a plot along. However, the "superpowers" were very creatively done without CGI

  • O Romance do Tigre e da Rosa

    15. O Romance do Tigre e da Rosa

    Chinese Drama - 2020, 24 episodes


    a glorious dumpsterfire of tropes but in a highly bingeable self-aware way. CW for 2 counts of attempted sexual assault of FL by ML:  it's Plot-related both times and meant to be critical of the dubcon/noncon=romance trope but it still leaves a bitter taste

  • Meu Amor das Estrelas

    16. Meu Amor das Estrelas

    Korean Drama - 2013, 21 episodes


    Probably was amazing in 2014 but was a little messy for me in 2020. Song-yi is fantastic but I ended up being a little disappointed Min-joon's alien biology, technology, culture, etc. was never really explored. The ending was happy but also a little ????

  • Enquanto Você Dormia

    17. Enquanto Você Dormia

    Korean Drama - 2017, 32 episodes


    Some nice Hurt/Comfort but sometimes at the expense of plot threads. The dreams helped maintain narrative tension but were never used to their full potential. Romance moves a liiiiittle fast in some spots for my taste but they're so cute i don't care. The dilemmas were simple but I liked that the characters struggled in doing the right thing. 

  • Pitch In

    18. Pitch In

    Korean Drama - 2020, 8 episodes


    Takes an episode or two to really get going but is very tightly plotted- excellently balances dark comedy and mystery with a panel of multidimensional characters. Impressively makes you feel for all the characters no matter what they've done. Minor Knives Out vibes but not overly similar, and it's not hugely about finding the murderer in the end so much as the why and character resolution. CW for major injury (although it's walked off), and minor unreliable narrator

  • Para Sempre Camélia

    19. Para Sempre Camélia

    Korean Drama - 2019, 40 episodes


    Ai yiyi. Some of the best and most fun characters I've seen in awhile but plagued with a plot that's not just slow but also is constantly retreading the same (annoying) conflicts over and over. The cultural differences regarding orphans, adoption, and bio-parents may be a huge factor in my frustration. CW for supporting character death

  • Dentro do Ringue

    20. Dentro do Ringue

    Korean Drama - 2020, 32 episodes


    Great characters and chemistry, some of the cutest friend groups. Light-hearted, but I zoned out during some of the politics and the plot is a meandering creature. Great cinematography and soundtrack

  • Extracurricular

    21. Extracurricular

    Korean Drama - 2020, 10 episodes


    A high rating because it's objectively good, not because it's an easy thing to watch. It's more or less two teenagers speedrunning Breaking Bad but with underage pimping instead of drugs. The teenagers are all arguably either desperate kids who have psychologically suffered from slipping through the system or sociopaths or both. The two leads in particular are highly complicated, interesting, and filled with dualities. Perhaps too extreme at times, but highlights systematic issues and dysfunctional relationships without falling too far into "all adults are incompetent" territory. CW for underage sex trafficking/ pedophilia, major violence/ blood, etc

  • A Outra Oh Hae Young

    22. A Outra Oh Hae Young

    Korean Drama - 2016, 18 episodes


    Solid show but often more of a melo than a romcom. Personally felt both the first and second leads manage to be relatable AND unlikable which is mildly impressive and often frustrating. Pretty slow in the second half. Skip if you dislike plots that turn on coincidence (it's in the title but still)

  • Enfermeira Exorcista

    23. Enfermeira Exorcista

    Korean Drama - 2020, 6 episodes


    Trippy, offbeat, strange, and every other synonym for weird. An eclectic mishmash of genres shoved into an almost slice-of-life framework. Best enjoyed if you need something out of the box and are willing to roll with it. Ending was a little rushed for me, and some things still feel left hanging/ unresolved. cw for some ableism & homophobia, and a ton of cgi slime/jelly

  • Stranger 2

    24. Stranger 2

    Korean Drama - 2020, 16 episodes


    Well hot damn, they did it again. Perhaps slower than the first season but it fits the tone and themes. They did shoot themselves in the foot early on by having the brOTP/OTP work separately for so long but when they finally start working together it is entirely worth it.

  • Detetive Zumbi

    25. Detetive Zumbi

    Korean Drama - 2020, 24 episodes


    The humor was on-point, and it's a fun mix of genres. For some reason, I couldn't get super invested though

  • Extraordinária Você

    26. Extraordinária Você

    Korean Drama - 2019, 32 episodes


    Starts off incredibly smart and fast, with some truly hilarious meta humor and soft romance. Then starts to drag halfway with Kyung's arc and sort-of love triangle stuff. Never really recovers the initial "Let's change our fate" message although it ends well enough. I can't help but feel there was some missed potential in some of the characters who never achieved awareness, or in the central set-up (who/what is the writer,  why can Dan-Oh see the storyboard, why the black holes, etc.). Personally, in a drama with changing fate as a central theme that pokes so much fun at tropes, I would have liked to have seen things shaken up a bit more.

  • O Jogador

    27. O Jogador

    Korean Drama - 2018, 14 episodes


    A fun con/revenge drama, if not quite US Leverage standards. I loved Ah-ryeong and Jin-woong right off the bat although it takes awhile for the other two to grow out of their character stereotypes. The  family moments and teasing are adorable and hilarious, and I love that Ah-ryeong is the rude little sibling and not a love interest. The cons themselves are fine, if a little labored and handwave-y sometimes. I can't bring myself to care about the rotating-but-connected cast of villains though, they're pretty bland.  CW for sexual assualt/violence & off-screen rape, and the violence is more on par with a revenge drama than a con/heist drama (thanks OCN)
