In Memoriam: Korean Actors/Entertainers Dead by Suicide

Korea has the highest rate of suicide in the developed world, across all demographics.

However, Korean artists and entertainers who commit the sin of being human have it worse than most. They are subjected to unfathomable pressure to be perfect in their public and private lives. Once a "scandal" erupts and Korean media/internet/fans/culture deem them to have sinned; facts, truth, and reality become irrelevant. The relentless onslaught of abuse, defamation, lies, and self-righteous judgment can become unbearable. With no end in sight, many choose the only escape that seems equal to the situation: suicide.

Above all else, these artists deserve to be recognized for their hard work and accomplishments. I hope this list shines some light on Korea's merciless culture of shame and its sadistic treatment of entertainers and celebrities.  May their work and unnecessary deaths spur desperately needed changes in Korean society.

Sadly, this list is a work in progress...

etoks21 Jul 29, 2024
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