Completed in 2024
Here's a list of what I completed in 2024. This year I'm trying to spice it up a bit with some commentary that I will forget about soon (probably).
1. 10 Pontos Para o Futuro
Japanese Drama - 2022, 9 episodes
It started kinda okay but dropped my focus bad after mid-series.
2. 2018 MBC Music Festival: The Live
Korean TV Show - 2018, 1 episode
Some songs were fun, some were bleh.
3. Mulher
Japanese Drama - 2013, 11 episodes
I love titles about illnesses, but something here felt missing. I feel like it had potential for more, but I don't know how I would have changed it to match my tight criteria of getting a 9 or a 10.
4. Behind Your Touch
Korean Drama - 2023, 16 episodes
Less butt humor, more crime-solving, mister! One point off from the Butt jokes-writing team. Gladly the latter part of the series took the crime-solving route more often.
5. Os Milagres do Armazém Geral Namiya
Japanese Movie - 2017
It was a bit hard to keep my focus on this at times, hence only 7. Overall I liked the atmosphere of this film.
6. Malmoe: The Secret Mission
Korean Movie - 2019
I like things that are based on true stories, but this didn't meet my expectations. I guess I wasn't just in the mood for this type of stuff, because it felt like the overall atmosphere in the movie was not what I expected and not in a good way. Still, the cinematography was good and the story was alright, starting and ending with background info about the theme.
7. Adoring
Chinese Movie - 2019
This was the third movie of today and I think I'm done with watching because nothing overly impresses me today... :D At first the movie had really annoying comedy bits, which made me regret picking it. Before starting, I read through the synopsis and looked at the top-rated tags. Disability and tearjerker, okay, can't go wrong here. It got better towards the end and scored a little above the average (7) for me, but nothing special, really. Not bad, but not amazing either.
8. Silent
Japanese Drama - 2022, 11 episodes
It's a well-made drama and it kept me interested through every episode. I almost feel like giving it a 10, but something is keeping me from doing it... Seems my bar this year is high. :D
9. Village of Horror
Japanese Movie - 2022
In the end, I had more questions than in the beginning. "Nice" visual effects too.
10. Yu Yu Hakusho
Japanese Drama - 2023, 5 episodes
This was actually a really pleasant surprise even though I usually don't like live actions (my husband is picky so we ended up choosing this one lol). The last episode was quite predictable even without knowledge of the original series, though.
11. Peperoncino
Japanese Special - 2021, 1 episode
Maybe it's because I'm sleepy today but I couldn't keep focused on the plot.
12. Tell Me That You Love Me
Korean Drama - 2023, 16 episodes
This year is for deaf male leads, haha. Loved this drama, it gave me goosebumps in some episodes. The soundtrack was great. Still, I'm really really stingy with my 10s since my teens. I feel like even when the drama or movie is great, there could still be something even better, so I can't give a 10, if you know what I mean.
13. Doutora X
Japanese Drama - 2012, 8 episodes
I really wanted to like this because I like the medical genre, but it was very average. Took me literal years to complete, but I'm finally done (and free)!
14. Ta He Ta De Ta
Taiwanese Drama - 2022, 9 episodes
Not impressive. I expected more but it was boring and exhausting to watch.
15. O Assassino e o Brinquedo
Korean Drama - 2024, 8 episodes
Meh. That is all.
16. Dr. Rintaro
Japanese Drama - 2015, 10 episodes
A bit over-the-top acting (which often is the case with Sakai Masato's dramas) from everyone. Otherwise entertaining.
17. Star and Sky: Star in My Mind
Thai Drama - 2022, 8 episodes
18. Seus Olhos Dizem
Japanese Movie - 2020
It seemed a bit boring at first, but I ended up really liking the story.
19. Midas
Korean Drama - 2011, 21 episodes
It took me 13 years but I finally made it. I started this because of Jang Hyuk back in 2011 when it was still airing. I remember liking it back then, but seeing how it took me forever to actually end the series, I'm giving it just a 6.
20. A Última Ficha
Japanese Drama - 2022, 9 episodes
I watched it for Odagiri Joe. Not impressive. Boring and predictable story.
21. Kingdom: Guerra Lendária
Korean TV Show - 2021, 10 episodes
I haven't watched all that many variety shows apart from the forever-running Running Man. This one was a fun watch with lots of creative performances.
22. O Ceifador
Japanese Drama - 2014, 9 episodes
It was decent.
23. Our Secret Diary
Japanese Movie - 2023
I was switching between 8 and 9 but went to read my own definitions on how I'm rating, and put it at 9. I feel so stingy with my ratings lately, lol. It was a fun romance movie, with some cliches, but still overall entertaining.
24. Um Romance do Além
Taiwanese Movie - 2022
Funny moments and plot twists, but dayum the movie was long.
25. Bad Genius
Thai Movie - 2017
I guess the plot was solid, but I just wasn't overly impressed.
26. Embaralhando o Amor
Japanese Drama - 2009, 10 episodes
I watched the first episode fifteen years ago... lol. Rewatched episode 1 and completed the entire thing this year. I kind of have problems with watching older shows, because the style was so different back then, and it somehow bothers me more than it should... But this one I actually enjoyed watching, so I'm happy I got it out of my list finally!
27. The Suspect
Korean Movie - 2013
Cool skydiving scene! Anyway... should have trusted my instinct of probably finding this a bit boring, after reading the synopsis and looking at the top tags. Decided to give it a try anyway, because apparently, my friends have rated it high. It probably had a high budget and so on, but I was so thoroughly bored for the 2+ hours this movie took.
28. Pamyo
Korean Movie - 2024
Very good production value and the story was interesting. Acting was also great. Genres list horror but it didn't have any jump scare type, so it's still watchable to those who are too scared to watch horror movies because of jump scares.
29. Yurigokoro
Japanese Movie - 2017
Someone is going to think she's my favorite actress soon, because this is my third title from them this year, haha. But I honestly rarely look at the cast when I decide what to watch (plus this one was picked by a random number generator from my PTW Japanese films list).
30. Nosso Próximo Verão
Chinese Movie - 2021
Congratulations on becoming the first title in five years I gave a 10 to! I loved this movie and still have goosebumps after watching it. The acting was really good and the soundtrack supported the scenes well.
31. Yoru ga Aketara, Ichiban ni Kimi ni Ai ni Iku
Japanese Movie - 2023
Some cute moments, and overall an okay film.
32. O Assassino da Capa de Chuva: Caça ao Serial Killer Coreano
Korean Special - 2021, 3 episodes
I liked the first two episodes, but for some reason found the last episode quite boring.
33. Lembre-se
Korean Movie - 2022
I was going to watch the Thai drama with the same name, but accidentally chose this one instead. Happy accident, anyway.
34. Refrigerante de Laranja
Chinese Drama - 2024, 20 episodes
When 19 episodes were out, I watched all 19 in one go. It was quite enjoyable. Watched the last episode a few days after it aired and thought the ending was very abrupt.
35. Dias Laranja
Japanese Drama - 2004, 11 episodes
Good story and character development.
36. Doce e Amargo
Korean Movie - 2021
What the? Jerks everywhere.
37. Jogo do Dinheiro
Korean Drama - 2024, 8 episodes
Every consecutive episode was more and more unhinged.
38. Oshin
Japanese Movie - 2013
The story is good, but I felt a little bored because I saw most of it already from the drama I started long ago (but couldn't finish for many reasons).
39. Ajin: Semi-Humano
Japanese Movie - 2017
I haven't been this thoroughly bored for a long time. I'd have given it a 5, but it felt too harsh taking into account the work they put into the special effects... I guess the boredom was partly from already having seen the anime, so there wasn't much to catch my interest here.
40. Pequena Floresta
Korean Movie - 2018
This movie made me hungry! I've been trying to find a recipe for the red bean cake she made without luck. Maangchi has a red bean cake recipe, but it looks nothing like in this movie.
41. House of Ninjas
Japanese Drama - 2024, 8 episodes
Watched it with my husband. It was alright I guess, but it left a lot of things open, which seems to be what Netflix loves doing so they can milk another season.
42. To Each His Own
Japanese Movie - 2017
Interesting plot twist. I liked how the start and end of the movie were connected.
43. Nunca Disse Adeus
Chinese Movie - 2016
At first I was thinking maybe I expected too much from the movie, but after second half started, I changed my mind and ended up giving it an 8.
44. The Outlaws
Korean Movie - 2017
I think the plot was so-so, about 6, but I gave it a 7 for all the, from what I could tell, skilled fight scenes. I'm just not a fan of fight scenes myself.
45. Uma Família Inusitada
Korean Drama - 2024, 12 episodes
I wasn't very impressed after the first two episodes, but it got better and I really enjoyed it towards the end.
46. Destino
Japanese Drama - 2024, 9 episodes
I feel like this drama has a lot of lost potential. I really wanted to like it, but it was just 'okay'.
47. Akihabara@Deep
Japanese Drama - 2006, 11 episodes
This is one of the first dramas I ever started back in 2006. What in the actual... I had dropped this before, but decided to go and finish some of my dropped dramas. What a mistake.
48. A Guilty Conscience
Hong Kong Movie - 2023
It was quite boring at first, but the ending redeemed it a little.
49. Days and Nights in Wuhan
Chinese Movie - 2021
Quite an interesting documentary about COVID-19.
50. Cyber Hell: Exposing an Internet Horror
Korean Movie - 2022
So-so. Watched it while multitasking.
51. No Man's Zone
Japanese Movie - 2011
Very beautiful scenery, but the scene changing is incredibly slow. The dialogue feels like it's coming from someone's pocket recording, while you get to see both the destroyed and the pretty landscapes.
52. The Haunted House Project
Korean Movie - 2010
The jump scares... my heart... my neighbors... I screamed four times. It was incredibly boring until almost to end and then they decided to dump all of the scary bits there.
53. 0cm4
Japanese Movie - 2001
Too experimental for me.
54. I wish I knew
Chinese Movie - 2010
It featured a lot of different life stories. Unfortunately, I had a bit of trouble keeping up (wandering focus), and for that I'm giving it just a 6.
55. Possession
Korean Movie - 2023
Started it on a long train trip. The CGI was fine and the story was alright. I was alternating between 7 and 6, but decided on the latter because I kept losing focus.
56. O Jogo da Morte
Korean Drama - 2023, 4 episodes
It took me very long to start this because of all the hype, but now that I did I actually enjoyed it. The storyline is interesting and all the actors, even guest, are doing a good job.
57. O Jogo da Morte Parte 2
Korean Drama - 2024, 4 episodes
Still very good acting and an interesting plot. I'd have given the second part a 10, but I guessed the last two lives and the ending, and while some people might think that improves the rating for them, predictability is pretty much always a minus for me.
58. Krabi, 2562
Thai Movie - 2020
This document didn't do it for me but maybe it appeals to people who like artsy no dialogue movies. I was missing a narration that would explain things. The documentary mainly consisted of videos of different things and some interviews, but mostly just silence (if the sound of nature and traffic doesn't count).
59. Adorável Corredora
Korean Drama - 2024, 16 episodes
Kept me hooked from start to finish, especially once I got past the female lead being a bit annoying at first. Luckily she grew out of that. The OST was great and I'm giving bonus points for it (the OST, not the drama; felt like I needed to clarify) because of ATEEZ's Jongho's song. I’m trying to ignore all those TikTok K-drama skit videos using one of the other OST songs, but unfortunately, those are all I can think of now when I hear it.
60. Hanwoo Rhapsody
Korean TV Show - 2021, 2 episodes
The documentary was an interesting mix of food preparation and the origins of the dishes. There were scenes showing food preparation and also interviews. While some of the food looked unappetizing, particularly the intestines, most of it looked yummy and I'm glad I didn't watch this hungry. Extra comment: one of the cured meats resembled a stone, lol...
61. Like the Dyer's Hand
Chinese Movie - 2020
The documentary offers an interesting glimpse into Ye Jia Ying’s life and her impact on Chinese classical poetry. It’s a bit hard to follow at times, but that might just be me. Still, it’s a cool look at how she bridged traditional and modern poetry, despite going through some tough times. The cinematography is gorgeous.
62. Life of Samantha
Korean TV Show - 2019, 4 episodes
Very cute baby cheetah. Don't watch if you can't handle animal death. The first episode was interesting but towards the end, I felt like I had seen some of the scenes already..?
63. Twenty Two
Chinese Movie - 2017
This documentary sheds light on the last 22 Chinese women forced into prostitution by the Japanese army during WWII, and it’s a must-watch. The filmmakers do a great job of letting these women share their stories without sensationalism.
64. The Shepherds
Taiwanese Movie - 2018
It's an important subject so I feel sorry for getting bored watching it. Maybe my documentary tolerance is filling for this month...
65. Dragonfly Eyes
Chinese Movie - 2017
This film made me extremely uncomfortable and quite anxious.
66. Beyond Beauty, Taiwan From Above
Taiwanese Movie - 2013
67. All There Will Be
Chinese Movie - 2020
68. Na Palma da Mão
Korean Movie - 2023
69. 10 Promises To My Dog
Japanese Movie - 2008
70. Conexões Traiçoeiras
Korean Drama - 2024, 14 episodes
Ji Sung never disappoints. That is all.
71. The Falls
Taiwanese Movie - 2021
72. O Substituto do Rei
Korean Movie - 2012
73. Mumon: The Land of Stealth
Japanese Movie - 2017
74. Assunto de Família
Japanese Movie - 2018
75. O Garoto e Seu Samurai
Japanese Movie - 2010
76. Nine-Tailed Fox
Korean Drama - 2008, 1 episode
77. Let’s Head to Cheongsan, My Dear
Korean Drama - 2008, 1 episode
78. Curse of the Sajin Sword
Korean Special - 2008, 1 episode
79. Pure
Japanese Drama - 2019, 3 episodes
How to create an annoying female lead 101.
80. Demon Book
Korean Drama - 2008, 1 episode
81. Master of the Five Paths
Korean Drama - 2008, 1 episode
82. Mrs. Noisy
Japanese Movie - 2020
83. One Snowy Night
Japanese Movie - 2000
84. Keitai Chushingura
Japanese Movie - 2000
I wish this was a full length movie! Very interesting concept.
85. Chess
Japanese Movie - 2000
86. Unknown Chefs
Korean TV Show - 2024, 12 episodes
I had so much fun watching this and I even managed to get my husband hooked on it, lol. Tried out some of the dishes here in real life too, and I still have a few I want to replicate.
87. The Marriage Simulator
Japanese Movie - 2000
88. Tales of the Unusual
Japanese Movie - 2000
89. Inspetor Chefe: O Começo
Korean Drama - 2024, 10 episodes
The story was keeping up well throughout the series. Interesting concept with a little extra info in all episodes.
90. Como Nos Filmes
Filipino Drama - 2020, 8 episodes
91. Eu, um Gângster, Me Tornei um Estudante do Ensino Médio
Korean Drama - 2024, 8 episodes
92. A Superior Day
Korean Drama - 2022, 8 episodes
93. Destinada a Conhecer Você
Chinese Drama - 2022, 20 episodes
I watched this while waiting for game loading screens, lol. Short episodes.
94. Kageri Yuku Natsu
Japanese Drama - 2015, 5 episodes
Felt like the story was progressing slow. Liked the ending.
95. Doce Amargor
Korean Drama - 2024, 12 episodes
It started okay but somehow halfway through the series they dropped the ball.
96. RoOT
Japanese Drama - 2024, 10 episodes
97. Marks no Yama
Japanese Drama - 2010, 5 episodes
Zzz. Glad it's over.
98. Shiyakusho
Japanese Drama - 2019, 10 episodes
99. Call for Dreams
Japanese Movie - 2018
Well it was art house for sure. I knew what I was probably getting into even before I started the film and unfortunately I have to say that I still am not really a fan of this type of films. Yet I keep watching them...
100. Te Desafio a Me Amar
Korean Drama - 2024, 16 episodes
I don't know why so many people hated this drama. The comment section was on fire with hate at least during the first episodes, with a lot of people complaining about the female lead being too childish and whatnot. I didn't think that way. The story had quite a few clichés, but it also reminded me of the older k-dramas I used to watch, haha.