Improve Strong Girl Namsoon (2023)

Fruit Batty Nov 29, 2023

Improve Strong Girl Namsoon (2023)

What would you change in Strong Girl Namsoon to make it better? Although I had fun watching the show, it had a lot of wasted potential...

0 candidates
Played 35 times Likes K-Drama Report


  • 1
    Have Namsoon be less Childish
    Have Namsoon be less Childish
    9 votes
  • 2
    Subvert kdrama tropes and give the villain actual redemption + love
    Subvert kdrama tropes and give the villain actual redemption + love
    8 votes
  • 3
    Make the romance slow burn and increase chemistry
    Make the romance slow burn and increase chemistry
    4 votes
  • 4
    Delete plot = replace with the story of their kids growing up/ teen life etc
    Delete plot = replace with the story of their kids growing up/ teen life etc
    4 votes
  • 5
    Have the Dad interact more with Namsoon and develop their relationship
    Have the Dad interact more with Namsoon and develop their relationship
    3 votes
  • 6
    Delete Gil Joong Gan's (Granny) love story - have her interact more with her granddaughter etc.
    Delete Gil Joong Gan's (Granny) love story - have her interact more with her granddaughter etc.
    3 votes
  • 7
    Have Pavel become the main enemy
    Have Pavel become the main enemy
    2 votes
  • 8
    Less shallow/OTP performances
    Less shallow/OTP performances
    1 votes
  • 9
    Hwang Geum Joo becomes more of a loving mother to BOTH her kids.
    Hwang Geum Joo becomes more of a loving mother to BOTH her kids.
    1 votes

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