today's concoction is unsweetened coconut milk, vegetable stock concentrate, garlic, chicken and chickpea rotini

Tomato, cucumber, parsley, and fresh goat cheese salad, along with rustic whole-wheat bread. No time to cook today, and besides, it's getting too hot, so a quick salad is just the thing!! 

Chicken veggie wrap and oolong tea

considering i am not going out to grocery but amazon delivery instead i have had to make concoctions i could eat hot (cooked late night when temps are down) or cold. wishing i had found a gluten free bread i liked for sandwiches but same time i cannot get cold cuts because need cooler hmm. not a green leafy salad person but fruit, egg, chicken salads okay i guess. currently daydreaming about popsicles on hot day out of nowhere. mother nature a month early for summer

someone have a sandwich in my stead please!

wishing i had found a gluten free bread i liked for sandwiches

Have you considered making one yourself some day? :) Last I heard oat, corn, potato, and rice flour don't contain any gluten. 

Disclaimer, I've never tried it myself 'cause fortunately I don't have celiac disease so I never needed to (though I've made normal bread many times), but there are countless resources, recipes, and videos online if you're willing to give it a try!! 

I believe you can do it!!! ^_^ (If not with the 1st, at least with the 2nd try.)

Dinner for one tonight.  Quickly sautéed thinly sliced zucchini.  Cooked an egg in the skillet when the zucchini was about done.  Sliced tomato on the side.

Salmon and buttersquash salad, some green tea as well :)

Homemade frozen dinner-Arroz Verde, roasted carrots and zucchini, baked chicken (chickpeas for vegan hubby)

reheating leftovers of unsweetened coconut milk, carrot/mango/pineapple puree, chicken, chickpea rotini

Something light - air! 

No cooking tonight. Tomato and avocado sandwich while watching Godzilla (2014)!

We didn't cook either, we took takeaway chinese: Chicken fried rice, sweet & sour chicken :)

I made my "signature" fluffy veal mince patties (mpiftekia) today! :) Served with salad & pasta.

Corkscrew pasta and veggies drizzled in olive oil  with feta cheese, black olives and spices. Glass of Pinot Grigio.  Root beer popsicle for dessert! 

Saba sakana with soy sauce flavored, miso soup with lots of veggies, rice with furikake!

This is our most favourite Washoku dinner ♥ ♥ ♥