Kitchen Sink Salad with feta cheese, olive oil and ginger

Chicken wings 

Iced tea

 The Butterfly:

Frasier, is that you?

I realized what I had written after I hit post!? That is really what I had! 

I am looking forward to the new season. 

today we had spicy chicken thighs with capsicum, (as a casserole) together with mashed potatoes and chicken gravy :) 

2 Chicago Dogs, Sweet Potato Fries and bottle Coca Cola from Mexico

I made some beef soup enriched with all the vegetables I had in my fridge, a spinach/feta cheese pie and a sweet peach pie with nuts and yogurt. If I'm lucky and there are some leftovers, I won't have to cook tomorrow :)

Clean out the frig day, grocery shopping tomorrow.

Beluga lentils with chopped and peeled overly ripe tomatoes and Jamaican Jerk seasoning.  Baked white meat sweet potatoes.  Sautéed mushrooms, peppers, scallions and yellow squash. 

Home-made pastitsio (a Greek baked pasta dish with ground meat, cheese and béchamel sauce) -

Homemade tortellini Alfredo with a spinach salad. 

A warm salad with cereals, pumpkin, beans, lentils, tomato, onion, zucchinis and buckwheat.

Mushroom Ravioli in Parmesan Cream Sauce! Yum!

Over the weekend, we had family in, ate all the stuff we avoid---tacos, BBQ, cheesy pasta.  Hubby is now fasting.  I made myself some garlicky, spicy chickpeas.  Ate them alongside some avocado, tomatoes and a toasted tortilla (leftover from making tacos).  

Butter Chicken & Naan!

I went to a vegan burger place with a friend!

Thai Red Curry & Rice