
@clarity, like 50 first dates….or Groundhog Day …..

feeling of falling in love for the first time…wowww….but what about the other person with normal memory?? Wouldn’t  it be like hell for her/him?

Someone with normal memories still has the good ones, so it won't entirely be hell for them. They will experience both, and that creates a balance. While someone with bad memories will relive good things but that also means that they will experience the bad things again as well. So moral of the story we are never free of suffering.

6. “Our memory is a more perfect world than the universe: it gives back life to those who no longer exist.”
― Guy de Maupassant 


Yeah.     :(

That’s what life is !

But I welcome life in its entirety 

Wish i can do that one day too...i am just tired of everything.

7. Lately I have been focused in trying to create memories with my family. I am trying to spend as much time with them in order to not have any regrets.

Time passes quicker than we can realise so make the most of it.



No big deal

Nothing is more important than yourself .

The key here is - 

“Embrace the thing when you can not avoid”

That way , you may start liking it, who knows, right?

Great advice, thanks a lot. I'll try my best to do that :)

8. Memories are nothing but tiny, little rocks building into a large beach of sand in a person's mind.

- Joel, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

1. I came to realize that I was asking myself the wrong questions all those years. I began to ask different questions that led me to where I am today; out of the dark bottomless hole of depression and a vicious cycle of psychosomatic pain.

Megan Shad, The Path to Healing & Happiness: How to recover from physical and emotional pain

4. "In order to rise from its own ashes, a Phoenix first must burn."

-Octavia Butler

5. " ...when pain is over, the remembrance of it often becomes a pleasure."

-Jane Austen

8. “Some people think to be strong is to never feel pain. However the strongest people are the ones that have felt pain, understood it, accepted it and learned from it.”

You care so much you feel as though you will bleed to death with the pain of it.

J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (Harry Potter, #5)